Sunday, July 29, 2012

7-22-12 Sermon "When You Can't See Your Way Clearly"

 To listen to today's sermon, click here.

Hoping For A Miracle – Part 3
07-22-12 Sermon

We’re continuing in this series on “When You’re Looking for a Miracle”. 

You often hear people say, I just don’t see.  I just don’t see how I’m going to make it through this recession…  I just don’t see how I’ll ever be able to change… I just don’t see that my marriage is ever going to get any better… I just don’t see any hope for the future… I just don’t see the situation working out…

When people say “I just don’t see,” they’re using a phrase of hopelessness.  We’re looking in this series on the antidotes to hopelessness. 
How you see life determines your stress, determines your success, determines your stability, determines your strength, it determines everything in your life.  How you see your life.  How you see God.  How you see your past, how you see the present, how you see the future.  How you see money.  How you see time.  How you see your strengths and weaknesses.  Everything in your life is affected by your perspective.

In the book of Matthew Jesus said it like this, Matthew 6 “The eye is the lamp of the body.  If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light.  But if your eyes are bad, then your whole body will be full of darkness.”   

Obviously, he’s talking about more than physical sight here.  He’s talking about vision.  He’s talking about perspective.  He’s talking about seeing with spiritual eyes.  What he’s saying here is that perspective is everything.  That it is so important that you see life clearly, that you see life correctly, that you see life comprehensively and completely, that you learn to see life from God’s viewpoint.
So this morning I want us to look at this issue of when you can’t see your way clearly. 

There’s a story in Mark 8, where Jesus does a miracle and has a conversation with his disciples that explains this to us.  He actually uses three things.  He uses a misunderstanding with his disciples.  He uses a miracle.  And he uses a critical question to clarify and help people get a better vision, a better handle on what am I supposed to be doing with my life?  How do I handle this situation? 

We’ll start first with what I would call an embarrassing misunderstanding between Jesus and the disciples.  We pick up the story where he gets in a boat with his disciples to go to the other side of the lake.  In Mark 8:13 it says this, “Then Jesus got into the boat and he crossed to the other side.  The disciples had forgotten to bring bread, except for one loaf they had in the boat. ‘Be careful,’ Jesus warned.  ‘Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod.’  Now the disciples discussed why Jesus had said this [‘watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees.’] and they decided it was because they hadn’t brought bread with them.”

Obviously they totally missed the point here.  The disciples are going, “Why should we worry about yeast, Lord, when we don’t even have any bread?”  This is typical of the disciples.  They were often a little clueless.  They never kind of caught up and they were slow to understand what Jesus meant.  Here they totally miss the point.  Jesus is using a metaphor for life and they think he’s talking about it literally. 

So Jesus says this in verse 17 “Aware of their discussion, Jesus asked, ‘Guys, why are you talking about having no bread?  Do you still not see [They can’t see their way clearly.]  Do you still not see or understand?  Are your minds closed?’”

You guys have eyes but you don’t really see.  And you have ears but you don’t really listen.  Then he gives them a little quiz.  He says “’Remember when I divided those five loaves of bread to feed five thousand people?  How many baskets did you fill with leftover pieces of food?  They said ‘Twelve.’  And he said, ‘What about when I divided seven loaves of bread for the four thousand people we fed?  How many baskets did you fill with the leftover pieces of food?’  They said ‘Seven.’  Jesus said, “And you still don’t understand?’”  You still don’t get it?

They got the answers right to the questions.  How many loaves were left over after feeding five thousand?  Twelve.  How many loaves did you pick up after feeding four thousand?  Seven.  But they still didn’t get it.

Here’s the point.  You can know all the facts of the Bible and still not get it.  Some people take pride in how much Bible knowledge they’ve got.  They can quote Scriptures back and forth.  They can argue theology.  They can talk about doctrine.  They’ve got a question for everything and an answer for everything.  But they don’t get it. 

You can have the Bible memorized and still not get it.  Jesus said to the Pharisees: you know your problem, you guys?  You don’t know the Scriptures, nor the power of God.  That was an insult to the Pharisees because to be a Pharisee you had to memorize Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy completely.  And Jesus says to them you don’t know the Scriptures.  In other words you can have all this Bible content and still be out of the loop.  Does that make sense?

I want you to write something down.  Every miracle has a message in it.  In both of those miracles where Jesus multiplied the bread he was trying to teach something as well as meet people’s needs.  Obviously the disciples didn’t get it.  They were clueless.  They were spiritually blind.  They couldn’t see their way clearly.

You need to also write this down: blindness is a metaphor for a closed mind.  In the Bible whenever you see blindness it is also a metaphor for a spiritually closed mind.  It’s really important that you understand this because when we look at the miracle in just a minute when Jesus heals the blind man, he’s not just healing a blind man.  He’s teaching us truth about when we have our minds closed. 

The Bible teaches that physical sight is often a metaphor for spiritual insight.  Often Jesus would say, you blind guides...  you blind leaders… you don’t know what you’re talking about.  They weren’t physically blind.  But they were spiritually blind.  They had all the facts and doctrines of the Bible but they didn’t get it. 

What is it that keeps me from seeing clearly?  Why is it that sometimes I can’t see what’s the problem in my life?  I can’t figure out what’s the problem in my marriage.  I can’t figure out what’s the problem at work.  Why is it that sometimes I’m headed down the road and I have no idea where I’m going?  I just can’t see what God is doing in my life.

In this passage Jesus points out three barriers that cause us to not be able to see clearly. 

1.  My Pride

When I am prideful I can’t see what God is doing in my life, what God wants to do in my life and what God wants to do in your life.  

Jesus says, “Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees.”  In the Bible “yeast” is often a metaphor for pride and arrogance.  That makes sense.  Why?  What does yeast do?  When you put yeast in dough what does it do?  It puffs it up and if you put in too much it blows it up.  It expands stuff.  It’s like pride; it gets bigger and bigger.  It puffs up and it blows up.

When you’re cooking you don’t need a lot of yeast, you just need a little.  That’s what pride is in your life.  You don’t have to have a lot of pride.  Just a little pride will get you in all kinds of problems.  Just a little pride will take over quickly. 

So when I am filled with pride, when I have the yeast of the Pharisees, guess what?  I can’t see life clearly.

2.  The second thing that keeps me from seeing life clearly: short term thinking.

When I am only focusing on the here and now and not what God wants to do in my life long term. When I’m thinking about current comfort rather than long term character. When I’m thinking about my happiness not my holiness, when I’m thinking about my success not my surrendering to God.  When I’m thinking about enjoying now instead of preparing for eternity, I’m going to miss what God wants to do in my life.  Short term thinking.

This is what happened with the disciples.  Jesus is trying to teach them a lesson.  When he talks about this he’s talking about life and they think he’s talking about lunch.  That’s short term thinking.  He’s talking about behavior and they think he’s talking about bread.  He’s talking about the need for maturity and they’re talking about their next meal.  That’s short term thinking. 

Short term thinking causes us to not see how God’s working in our lives.  This is so important because it is the great weakness of American culture.  It’s hard to think long term today because everything in our society teaches you to do the opposite.  

Whenever you’re thinking short term you can’t see what God’s doing in your life.  You can’t see his long-range plans for your character because you’re just thinking about your comfort.

3.  The third thing that keeps me from seeing life clearly is short term memory. 

Pride, short term thinking, and short term memory.  Here’s an example where Jesus has to remind the disciples of a couple things that’s just happened.  He reminds them of two miracles.  Remember they’re all worried about bread.  And Jesus says, Guys, who’s in the boat with you?  I’m the guy who just took a few loaves and fed five thousand people.  I’m the guy who just took a few other loaves and fed four thousand people.  And you’re worried about lunch?  Hello!  What are you thinking?  I’m with you.  You’re not going to get hungry if you hang around me.

What had happened here?  How quickly we forget.  God does something good in our lives, he answers a prayer, he bails us out, he helps us with a miracle.  Then the next time a problem comes along we act as if it never happened.  We have short term memory and we forget.  When I can’t remember past blessings I start fearing the future.  I stop thinking God will do it again, because I’m not even remembering he did it the first time.  When I have short term memory I start worrying unnecessarily about tomorrow.

What we’re talking about – learning to see from God’s viewpoint, having spiritual vision – is absolutely essential.  As I said… to your success, to your stress level, to your stability, to your strength, to all of these different things. 

The Bible says in Proverbs “Without a vision, the people perish.”  Without clear vision you lose hope.  When you don’t have a vision for your family, you lose hope.  When you don’t have a vision for your career, you lose hope.  When you don’t have a vision for your health, you lose hope.  When you don’t have a vision for your children, you lose hope.  “Without a vision, the people perish.” 

When you can’t see your way clearly, it means you’ve lost your vision, which means you’re going to lose your hope.

Ephesians 1:18 says “I pray that the eyes of your heart will be enlightened...”  What’s he talking about there?  Obviously we don’t have eyes in our heart.  You’ve got eyes in your head not in your heart.  He’s talking about seeing with spiritual eyes, seeing with spiritual vision.  You have physical vision and you have spiritual vision.  He says I want you to see the way God sees, from God’s point of view.  “…In order that you may know the hope [Circle that.  I pray that the eyes of your heart will be enlightened so that you may know the hope…] to which he has called you.”

The place you get hope is from having a view of the world and of your life from God. 

Let’s look at this miracle.  Jesus is saying, I’m going to have to teach these guys a lesson because they’re not getting it.  The key to understanding life is learning to see life from God’s point of view, having a spiritual vision.  In Mark 8:22 it says this “They came to Bethsaida, and some people brought a blind man and begged Jesus to touch him.  Jesus took the blind man by the hand and he led him outside the village.” 

Jesus is going to use this miracle to do two things.  One, he’s going to teach us three conditions for a miracle.  When you need a miracle in your life these are the three conditions.  And second, he’s going to teach us the three lessons about seeing with spiritual vision.

First, let’s look at these three conditions for a miracle.  It says they came to Bethsaida; some people brought a blind man and begged Jesus to touch him.

Circle the word “brought” and “begged.”  Some people bring a blind man to Jesus.  Notice Jesus doesn’t go to him.  They bring a blind man to Jesus. Here’s the first point we learn, the first condition for a miracle. 

1.    Miracles happen when somebody cares.

This guy didn’t come on his own.  He’s blind.  He had to be brought.  So he has friends who care for him.  Caring friends bring hurting friends to Jesus.

There’s a word for this.  It’s called intercession.  What is intercession?  Intercession is when you bring somebody before Jesus on their behalf.  You’re not coming to Jesus for your own needs.  You’re coming for somebody else’s needs.  When you pray for somebody else, pray for a miracle – “I have a friend, I have a neighbor, I have a co-worker, I have a relative and Lord, they need help.  They need financial help.  They need emotional help.  They need spiritual help.  They need physical help.”  When you start praying like that, that’s called intercession.  It happens when caring people bring hurting friends to Jesus.  This is what our intercessory prayer group does.

My question to you is who do you need to bring?  Who do you need to bring to Jesus?  A lot of times God’s waiting on you to do a miracle in somebody else’s life. 

This man who was blind would have never had his sight back, but he had some friends who cared.  Who in your neighborhood needs a miracle?  Who at work needs a miracle?  Who of your relatives?  Who of your friends needs a miracle?  Caring people bring their friends to Jesus.  Miracles happen when somebody cares.

Second, it says, “They brought the blind man and begged Jesus to touch him.”  Circle the phrase “touch him.”  Here’s the second thing we learn about miracles:

2.    Miracles happen when we get close to Jesus. 

Obviously you can’t be touched by Jesus unless you’re close to Jesus.  You can’t be touched by him if you’re far away.

What’s the point of that?  They brought him close enough that Jesus could touch him.  Here’s the key:  Healing in your life does not come from religion.  Healing in your life does not come from rituals.  Healing whether it’s physical, emotional, spiritual or financial does not come from rules and regulations.  Healing comes from a relationship with Christ.  You’ve got to be close enough to get to know him.  It comes from a relationship.  The more I get to know Jesus the more God’s healing is able to be done in my life.

The third thing I want you to notice.  Then the third, it says “Jesus took him [the blind man] by the hand and led him outside the village.”  Circle “led him.” 

3.    The third thing we learn is that miracles happen when we trust Jesus to lead us. 

If this guy hadn’t let Jesus lead him outside the village he would have never seen the miracle.  But Jesus takes the blind man by the hand.  You see how personal this is?  Jesus takes the blind man by the hand, very personal, and leads him outside the village.

Imagine you’re this blind man.  Your friends have taken you to a guy you don’t know about.  All of a sudden the guy says, Come with me and he grabs your hand and he’s leading you.  You’re blind.  So a, you don’t know who it is.  And b, you don’t know where he’s taking you.  And c, you don’t know how long the trip is going to take. 

Some of you feel that way right now.  I have no idea what God’s doing in my life.  I have no idea where he’s taking me.  I have no idea how long it’s going to take.  Congratulations.  You’re getting ready for a miracle. 

This is called the walk of faith.  When you can’t see but God can.  You can’t see where Jesus is taking you; all you have to do is hang on.  That’s all you need to do.  You’re blind and you need to trust Jesus.  He’s not going to walk you over into a ditch.  He’s not going to take you into a lion’s den.  He knows where he’s taking you.  He loves you.  He knows what you need better than you do.

This miracle is very unusual and it’s very unique.  Let’s look at it.  Mark 8:22.  First it says “Then Jesus spit on the man’s eyes…”  How many would say that’s unusual?  Yeah!  If the guy’s blind, I would not think spitting in his eyes would be the way to heal him.  We think that is gross!  But it’s not only gross, if you’ve ever been to the Middle East you know that spitting is incredibly offensive.  If you spit on someone in the Middle East it means, you’re dirt!  Culturally, this is not an example of love.  It’s the exact opposite from what it appears to be.  Spitting meant you’re less than a human being.  I reject you.  I revile you.

Obviously Jesus isn’t doing that.  So he’s got a reason behind it.  Why did Jesus spit in this guy’s eyes?  I don’t know.  It’s one of those when I get to heaven I’ve got it on my list, “Lord, why did you do this?  That did not seem cool.  It actually seemed a little gross to me.” 

“Then Jesus spit on the man’s eyes and he put his hands on him.  Then he asked, ‘Do you see anything?’ The man looked up and said, ‘I see people but they look like trees walking around.’”  In other words, I’m not totally blind any more but I just see shapes. 

Jesus is not satisfied with partial vision.  It says “So Jesus put his hands on the man a second time.  Then his eyes were opened fully, his sight was restored completely, and he saw everything clearly.  And Jesus sent him home saying, ‘Don’t go back into town.’”

What do we learn from this?  We learn three lessons about seeing with spiritual eyes.  We learn three lessons about seeing life clearly.  Your family, your husband, your wife, your job, your future, God, yourself – three lessons.

1.    One, my spiritual vision grows in stages.

That’s the first thing Jesus is modeling.  It’s not instantaneous.  It’s incremental.  Spiritual vision grows in stages.  It’s gradual.  It’s progressive.  You don’t see everything clearly instantly in life.  You see it incrementally.  If I could and if I was able to, I would give you a pill that you could take and all of a sudden everything would make sense in your life.  “Oh, now I know why that happened!  Now I know why I have these problems.  Now I know why I’m having this conflict.  Now I know what you want to do in the future.  God, I’ve got it all.  Thank you, ten-four good buddy.  This is great.  I understand everything.”

It doesn’t happen that way.  Spiritual vision – insight, wisdom – grows over time in stages.  It’s incremental, it’s progressive and it is gradual.  If you’ve been growing spiritually, you see life a lot clearer than you did ten years ago.  If you don’t see life any clearer than you did ten years ago, you are not growing spiritually. 

That’s why we have Forest Grove Church.  Everything in this church was intentionally designed to help you grow gradually, incrementally, and progressively.  That’s why we have sermons on Sunday. That’s why we have bible studies.  That’s why we have Sunday school classes.  That’s why we have an intercessory prayer group. You can’t get it all at once. 

As I said, Jesus wasn’t satisfied with this guy having blurred vision.  He says do you see anything?  And the man says I see people but they kind of look like trees walking around.  So Jesus puts his hand on him a second time.

Here’s the second truth we learn from this:

2.    The test of my vision is how I see other people. 

The test of spiritual vision is how I see others.  My spiritual vision grows in stages but the test of my vision is how I see other people.  It’s the number one way you know you’re looking at life from God’s viewpoint – how you see other people. 

The number one test of your maturity is not how much Bible you know.  It is not how often you go to church.  It is not whether you’re in a small group.  It is not whether you serve or tithe or pray.  The number one test, acid test of your maturity, your vision, is your relationships.  How you see other people.  Because it’s all about love.

So let me ask you some very pointed questions.  Do you see your spouse the way God does?  Or do you see them the way you do?  How does God see your spouse?  Valuable.  Acceptable.  Lovable.  Forgivable.  Deeply loved. Is that the way you see your spouse?

How about other people around you?  What do you see when you look at other people?  The people you work with, do you see them as enemies?  Do you see them as competition?  Or do you see them the way God sees them?

I believe in the truth of God’s Word, that every person is valuable.  Every person matters to God.  It doesn’t matter who they are or what they’ve done or even what they believe, Christ died for them, Jesus loves them, God has a plan for their life, and he wants them to know him.  Everybody matters.  There are no little people.  There are no insignificant people.

The Bible says “When Jesus saw the crowds he was moved with compassion.”  Are you there yet?  That’s the way Jesus sees people.  That’s the way I want you to grow to learn to see people.  So that you learn to have compassion for your own family and you learn to have compassion for your neighbors.  You learn to have compassion for middle Tennessee.  You learn to have compassion for America.  You learn to have compassion for the whole world.  That your vision is getting larger and larger and clearer and clearer and stronger and stronger.  And you learn to see people the way Jesus does.

Three lessons about seeing life clearly.  Spiritual vision happens in stages.  The test of my vision is how I see others. 

3.    And the third: Jesus heals my sight three ways. 

There are three ways when Jesus touches you and he changes the way you see things, it changes three ways.

·      One, my focus gets sharper. 

The Bible says that when Jesus touched this man his eyes were opened.  That’s not even that good of a translation – his eyes were opened.  Literally in the Greek it means, “He fixed his focus.”  That’s what it says in Greek.  He fixed his focus.  The New American Standard says “He looked intently.”  Intentionally.  Another translation says “He looked with purpose.”  Another translation says “He stared.”  The Amplified says “He focused his attention…”  in a very concentrated way.  Like a laser.

What’s happening here?  What’s Jesus pointing out? That really, when you get touched by Jesus, your life gets focused. 

If your life is out of focus right now, it means you’re not being touched by Jesus.  If you say, my life is really unfocused and I’ve got this going on and this going on and this going on and this going on.  I’m distracted and I’ve got all kinds of different things.  I have no focus in my life. 

You need to be touched by Jesus.  Because the first thing that happens when he touches you, your focus gets sharper.  Your life becomes more focused the more you see life from God’s viewpoint.

·      The second thing that happens: my perspective gets larger.

That’s another way he heals my sight.  My perspective gets larger.  Notice it says “His sight was restored completely.”  In other words complete vision, full vision.  What happens when Christ really takes over your life, not just “I believe in Jesus.  I know about Jesus.”  When you let him take over your life –  you are surrendered, you are submitted to his will.  What happens?  All of a sudden I see the big picture. 

Most people have about that much vision in life, a little small parochial me, myself and I viewpoint.  And they don’t see the big picture.  They don’t get the big perspective.  Why?  Because they’re not looking at life from God’s viewpoint. 

What am I saying?  I’ve got to get away from my situation to get perspective.  How would you like to have God’s perspective?  He can stand not even on the earth.  He can stand above history and see the beginning and the end all at once.  That’s perspective.  You can only get that from God.

My focus gets sharper, my perspective gets larger.  And the third thing Jesus does when he heals my sight…

·      My vision gets clearer. 

That’s the third thing it says.  His eyes were focused, his sight was restored completely, and he saw everything clearly.  No cloudy vision.  No corrupted vision.  Just a clear vision.  Because when Jesus takes over your life you get a focus, you get a framework – that’s what makes sense! And you get foresight.

How do I get that?  You need to pray the prayer of Job.  Job 34:32 “Teach me what I cannot see; if I’ve done wrong, I won’t do it again.”  That’s a prayer! 

I want you to pray that every day this week.  When you’re going to work this week and you’re driving the car, “Lord, teach me what I cannot see.”  When you’re in an argument, “Lord, teach me what I cannot see.”  When you don’t know what to say to a friend who is grieving, “Lord, teach me what I cannot see.”  Because you can’t see everything.  But you can pray and God can see.  “Lord, teach me what I cannot see.”

So the disciples have a misunderstanding and Jesus uses that.  And he gives us a miracle.  Finally, Jesus uses a clarifying question to correct their vision.  Mark 8.  This is after the miracle.  “Then Jesus and his disciples went on to the villages around Caesarea Philippi.  [This is about twenty five miles away from Bethsaida.] On the way he asked them, ‘Who do people say I am?’ And his disciples replied, ‘Some people say you’re John the Baptist; others say you’re Elijah; [That’s the guy we talked about last time who lived nine hundred years before Jesus.]  and still others say you’re one of the other prophets.”  Isn’t it interesting that people are often more willing to believe he was a dead prophet come back to life than who he claimed to be.

 “So then Jesus said, ‘But what about you?’ Jesus asked.  ‘Who do you say I am?’  Peter said, ‘You are the Christ.  You are the Messiah.”  What’s that?  Christ and Messiah are the same word for Son of God.  Not a nice guy, not a good prophet, not a great moral teacher.  Son of God!  You are the Christ!  You are the Messiah!  You are God’s Son!

Why did Jesus ask this question?  Because How I see Jesus determines how clearly I see everything else. 

How I see Jesus reflects how I see everything else.  If he’s not God then we should close up shop and go home.  If he is, he deserves my love and my trust and my total obedience even when it doesn’t make sense.  Even when he grabs my hand and I’m blind and he says follow me and I have no idea where he’s taking me.  I have no idea of the job, the location.  I have no idea about who I’m going to marry.  I have no idea about what’s going to happen in my health.  But he’s taking me by the hand and said Come with me.  You’re about to have a miracle. 

The only thing Jesus cannot be in your life is moderately important.  If he’s not who he says he is, forget him.  If he is who he says he is, you need to worship him.
It’s never too late to let Jesus correct your vision. 


      Would you pray this prayer in your heart?  Father, you know that I don’t always see things clearly.  My life needs more focus.  I often miss the big picture.  My perspective is limited.  Father, because I see others from my viewpoint instead of yours, I often have conflict and disappointment and pain.  Jesus, I need you to touch my eyes and heal my blindness.  Help me to see you as you really are.  Help me to see myself as I really am.  Help me to see others the way you love them.  Forgive me for my pride and my short term thinking and all the times I forget the things you’ve done in my life and I start worrying again about the future.  Help me to see what’s really important in life.  Help me to see what doesn’t matter, what isn’t worth getting stressed over.  I want my life and vision to become more focused.  I want to see the big picture.  I want to have compassion for people and for the world the way you do.  Thank you for this church family that helps me grow gradually in my own spiritual vision, and allows me to be a part of your vision for what you want to do in the world.  I pray this in your name.  Amen. 

7-29-12 Sermon

To listen to today's sermon, click here.
Note: Please be in prayer for Dorris Williams who had to leave church today at the beginning of prayer time. He had a stroke and is being assessed for severity and course of action now.

Hoping For A Miracle – Part 4
07-29-12 Sermon

I love this verse, Psalm 145:14 “God gives a fresh start to those who are ready to quit.”  That is God’s promise.  And that is a miracle.  The miracle of God giving you a fresh start is one of his greatest miracles of all.

We’re going to look together these next few minutes at how God works that miracle in our lives.  We’re going to use the example of a man by the name of Bartimaeus who Jesus healed.  As you see how Jesus heals this man you see the steps, that God does in your life to cause this fresh start to happen.

One day Jesus was walking through a town by the name of Jericho.  He was on his way to Jerusalem, the capital city.  He was just walking through.  Everybody heard that he was walking through so they decided, we’re going to go see Jesus.  The crowds lined the streets, they’re watching Jesus walk by, walk through.  One guy in the crowd, a guy by the name of Bartimaeus, a guy who was blind, hears that Jesus is walking by.  And he calls out Jesus’ name.  He needed help. 

Bartimaeus was blind, and in that culture and in that society it meant he couldn’t work, he couldn’t read, he couldn’t write.  There were no Seeing Eye dogs in that society, no Braille.  He was reduced to begging.  He was living his life depending on the pity of others.  It was a pretty miserable life in many ways.

When Jesus walked by, Bartimaeus realized there’s an opportunity here.  So he cries out, and Jesus does a miracle in his life.

The Bible tells us in Mark 10:46, at the beginning Bartimaeus was “sitting beside the road.”  He was living this life that he did not choose for himself, that he did not want.  By the end of the story the Bible says that Bartimaeus was “following Jesus on the road.”  That is the miracle of a fresh start. 

The truth is there are a lot of people who cannot see physically, but they’re on the road.  They are full of vibrant life.  And there are a lot of people, we all know people, who can see physically but they’re not on the road.  They are stuck on the side of the road.  They’re feeling sidelined by life. 

All of us feel that way sometimes.  In fact, here’s a quick list of some of the things that cause us to feel sidelined by life that I want to take a minute to read to you.  As I walk through this you just think, how about me?  How about a good friend that I have?  Is this something I’m facing in my life that’s caused me to feel sidelined? 

         We feel sidelined by life when a relationship fails.  Maybe you’ve had a relationship fail recently or maybe it was a long time ago.  But it’s made you feel like, I don’t know how to get back on the road, back into things again.

         We can feel sidelined by life when someone disappoints us, and you feel like you’ve been betrayed.  You feel on the side of the road.  You feel like, how do I get back into life? 

         We feel sidelined by life when things didn’t work out as we expected.  Has that ever happened to you?  Some of you, you expected to be in this great retirement zone right now.  Maybe at thirty, even.  You had it all worked out.  Or maybe older than thirty.  “My stocks are going to do this.  They don’t have to even go up at all and I’ll have this great retirement.”  And then instead of not even going up at all they drop by forty or fifty percent.  And you’re still sidelined by that.  Trying to figure out where am I going to go in life?  What am I going to do in life?

         We can get sidelined by an uncertain future.  We can get sidelined by an unexpected circumstance.  We can get sidelined by even a word of discouragement that somebody says to us.  A lot of things in life can cause you to feel this way.

If you’ve ever felt this way you know exactly what I’m talking about.  You feel a little stuck, a little sidelined.  You feel like I’m down in this pit and I want to get out.  I want to feel differently.  I want to feel better.  But as hard as I try, I can’t seem to get to a different place. 

If you feel that way, you feel exactly like Bartimaeus felt.  Oftentimes when we feel that way what we think is this: I wish I could go back, just rewind the life that I’m living right now, and start over at this point.  But you can’t.  That will keep you sidelined if you keep thinking that.  You cannot move ahead by going back.  It’s impossible in a car and it’s impossible in your life.

The question is how can you get a fresh start?  The miracle is God can give you a fresh start – in your family, in your business, in your thinking, in your faith, in your life.  As we walk through what Jesus did for Bartimaeus, we’re going to see how.  There are five choices that he made that changed everything in his life.  And they can change the things in our lives.

Choice number one: here’s where you start.  By the way, they spell START. 

1.  Seize the moment. 

You seize the moment when it comes.  You don’t wait.  You don’t delay.  You start now.  You don’t say, next year I’m going to make a fresh start or next month.  Or next week I’m going to make a fresh start. 

No, you do it now.  You realize when it comes to the fresh start that God wants to give you , it is now or never.  There is this now or never moment.

Bartimaeus had this moment in his life.  He had no idea that Jesus Christ was going to pass by that day.  He just heard about it as it was happening.  But when he heard about it, he hadn’t planned for it to happen, he hadn’t prepared for it to happen, he wasn’t thinking about it going to happen, but when it happened, when the opportunity arose, he seized the moment… without excuses.

Mark 10:46-47 “As Jesus and his disciples left town, a great crowd was following.  A blind beggar named Bartimaeus was sitting beside the road as Jesus was going by.  When Bartimaeus heard that Jesus from Nazareth was nearby, he began to shout out, ‘Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me!’”  

He seized the moment.  Jesus comes by.  He thinks, I’m never going to get the chance again.  He makes the most of it.  He takes advantage of it.  It’s a now or never moment in his life. 

The truth is, when we talk about seizing the moment of faith, there are opportunities for faith all around us.  They are in people that are encouraging you.  They’re in God’s Word that encourages us, the Bible.  They’re in church.  This is a place where we talk about moments of faith.  But we miss it many times. 

One of the main reasons we miss it is because of one word.  We miss it because of procrastination – that single word.  We just put it off one more day.  Then one more day becomes one more day.  Then all of a sudden it’s months and even years. 

Procrastination becomes months and then it becomes years and then you miss out.  That’s why it’s now or never.  This is the moment in your life.

The point is what step of faith, what step of trust in God, what step of recognizing who God is and what he wants to do in your life can you take in your life right now?  What do you need to stop procrastinating about?

Jesus said in Luke 9:62 “No procrastination, no backward looks.  You can’t put God’s kingdom off until tomorrow.  You have to seize the day.” 

The fact is this:  you know the right thing to do.  I know the right thing to do.  We even know the benefit of doing the right thing.  But you and I miss out on it because we just put it off one more day.  We just think, I’ll do it later.

God brought some of you here today to say this one thing: stop procrastinating.  Stop making excuses.  Stop waiting one more day.  Do it now.  Seize the moment.  That’s the first step in getting a fresh start.  You have to seize the moment.  You have to do it now. 

But that’s not the only step.  Because once you take that step you’re going to immediately face the second thing.  You seize the moment then number two…

2.  Tame your fear.

You’ve got to tame your fear.  Why?  Because we’re human beings.  We all face fears.  In any change, any seizing of the moment, in any opportunity there’s going to be some fear that goes along with it.  So you tame your fear.  You can’t do away with your fear, but you can choose to not let it control you. 

Fear, has the ability to paralyze our decisions.  It can keep you from launching out.  In fact procrastination which we just talked about, it is often the fear of success.  We procrastinate because we think, I don’t match up to that success.  We procrastinate because we think I don’t want the responsibility that goes along with that success. 

There are a lot of fears that we face.  Probably the greatest one of all is the one that Bartimaeus faced.  We face the fear of the disapproval of others, the rejection of other people.

Bartimaeus knew that he was not doing something that was cool that day.  Jesus was just passing through town.  Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem.  Jesus has more important things to do.  He had lots of other people following him.  But Bartimaeus is the one who calls out in the crowd: “Son of David!  Jesus!  Stop!  Have mercy on me!”  Because he knew it was his only chance.  He was desperate. 

He cries out and then look at what everybody says to him, Mark 10:48 “Many of the people scolded him and told him to be quiet.  But he shouted even the more loudly, ‘Son of David!  Have mercy on me!’”  He cries out and everybody says, don’t make a scene.  Don’t humiliate yourself and embarrass yourself.  Everybody says, Jesus does not have time for you.  Jesus would not be interested in somebody like you.  He’s got more important things to do.

That may be the voice that some of you hear in your mind.  God doesn’t have time for you.  He wouldn’t be interested in you.  He’s got more important things to do. 

When you hear that, you just think one word in your mind: lie!  That is a lie.  That’s a lie from Satan who is a liar.  How do I know that?  Because of what God tells us.  John 6:37, here’s what God says: “I will never turn away anyone who comes to me.” 

So this idea that God’s going to reject you, that’s just plain baloney.  That is a lie. 

I know a lot of you are thinking, I’ve got the God thing figured out.  I know that he loves me.  It’s other people that I’m worried about.  Not all of them love me.  Some of them have some negative opinions about me.  It’s the other people that get me.

Here’s the question with this one, when it comes to facing your fear, taming your fear: whose disapproval do you fear the most?  Whatever name just popped into your mind, that person has the potential to be your god.  You begin to live your life for their approval.  You begin to live your life for what they want to have happen. 

With our teenagers we call it peer pressure.  As adults we say, we don’t have peer pressure.  We have fancier names for it, but it’s the same thing.  We’re living our life for the approval of somebody else.  We’re living our life because of what somebody else might be thinking about us. 

Proverbs 29:25 “The fear of human opinion disables you: trusting in God protects you from that.”

Let’s just take a minute with this one.  Let’s just be honest about this others’ opinion thing.  You would not be nearly as concerned about what other people are thinking about you if you realized how little time other people actually spend thinking about you.  They aren’t thinking about you.  They’re thinking about themselves.  Just like you.  You’re not thinking about them.  You’re thinking about yourself.  But we get all caught up in this thing.  We’re thinking that this is what they’re thinking about us.  We miss out because we’re so focused on what somebody else’s opinion might be. 

When you live your life for the opinion of others, you don’t even always know what the opinion of others is!  How do I stop letting the fear of other people’s opinion control me?  Here’s the way.  Would you write down these three words: put God first. 

You put God first.  You put your relationship with him first.  When you recognize the power of God in your life, you put him first in your life, then you don’t fear other people nearly so much.  That’s what Bartimaeus did that day.  He put his relationship with Jesus first so he cried out.  That’s what you do.  You let the promise of hope drown out the pressure of the crowd.  The crowd tried to make Bartimaeus feel like you’re going to embarrass yourself, you’re bothering Jesus.  When the truth is, he was saving himself.  He was doing exactly what Jesus wanted him to do. 

In fact, he cries out and says “Son of David!  Have mercy on me!” That’s an interesting phrase.  Son of David.”  That meant he knew who Jesus was.  He’d studied.  He’d learned something about him.  Son of David means promised one.  So he knew that Jesus was the promised one from God and he was putting his hope in him.  So he shouted all the more.  

And because he shouted, he got the opportunity to make a third choice.  First you seize the moment then you tame your fear. 

3.  The third choice is you Announce your faith. 

You do it publicly.  You be specific.  You clarify what you really want.  Then you say it out loud in faith.  You tell everybody. 

Listen to what happened with Jesus and Bartimaeus.  Mark 10:51 “Jesus asked him, ‘What do you want me to do for you?’  The blind man answered, ‘Jesus, Teacher, I want to see.’”

Let me ask you a question.  Why did Jesus ask him this?  Didn’t he know?  Didn’t he know what he already wanted?  Wasn’t it obvious?  Here’s a blind man sitting beside the road begging.  What do you think he wanted?  Everybody knew what he wanted.  Why did Jesus ask? 

Jesus didn’t ask for his sake; he asked for Bartimaeus’ sake.  He asked so that Bartimaeus would have a chance to announce his faith publicly.  And he did.  Immediately he announced, This is what I’m trusting you to do.  He immediately stated his faith goal out loud.  As he’s doing this he’s saying, I not only believe, Jesus, that you’re the Messiah, the promised one.  I believe you are God.  Because only God can heal somebody of blindness.  I believe you have power that only God can have.  He trusts him in that moment. 

Here’s the amazing thing.  Jesus Christ asks every one of us this same question every day.  He’s asking you right now.  What do you want me to do for you?  What’s your answer?  What do you want Jesus Christ to do in your life right now? 

God wants to do great things in your life but you have to ask in faith.  A secret faith is a shallow faith.  You have to let other people know.  You have to take a stand.  The truth is the more people you tell, you announce it, the more support, the more prayer you’re going to have.

There’s a lot of ways that we announce our faith about a lot of things.  Baptism is a way of letting other people know that I have faith in God.  I have faith in Christ. 

The Bible says in Galatians 3:27 “Your baptism in Christ was not just washing you up for a fresh start.  It also involved dressing you in an adult faith wardrobe - Christ’s life, the fulfillment of God’s original promise.” 

There are other times when you announce your faith, you say, this is what I want Jesus to do for me, I want that job.  Once you announce it he sort of diverts you and says, You don’t want that job.  It’s going to be gone in a week and a half.  This is the job over here that you want.  And he gets you over there.  But until you announce it he can’t start moving in your life.  You announce your faith.

Or, you might announce your faith by saying, I need a breakthrough in my life.  I need a breakthrough in my marriage, I need a breakthrough in my relationship with my child or my parent, I need a breakthrough in my job, I need a breakthrough in my health,…I need a breakthrough.  And Jesus hears you.  And he stops.  And you tell him what you want.  And you trust him.  And he puts the process of your breakthrough into motion.

Then once you’ve done that, the fourth thing that happens to get a fresh start is you…

4.  Receive God’s grace.

You receive God’s grace.  Mark 10:52 “Jesus said to Bartimaeus, ‘Go your way.  Your faith has made you well.’ And immediately he regained his sight.”  He received the gift of a miracle, new sight, and it got him back on the road.

I have no doubt that there are many of you who are facing difficult circumstances.  Maybe you are facing some big hurts in life right now.  You don’t know where to turn sometimes.  You’d like to get out of feeling this way.  You can’t seem to get out of feeling this way. 

You need God’s gift of a fresh start.  Regardless of the circumstances.  Regardless of what someone else has done to you or said about you, or what you have done or said.  You need God’s gift of a fresh start and he wants to give it to you.  Jesus Christ wants to give you a fresh start.  With an emphasis on the word give.  It is a gift. 

You can’t earn a fresh start.  You can’t deserve it.  You can’t work for it.  You can’t buy it.  You can’t do a bunch of religious rituals to get it.  It is a gift that he wants to give you.  No matter what your past has been.  No matter what you’ve done.  No matter what you’ve done and brought on yourself, he wants to give you this gift. 

How does God get you back on the road?  Grace.  His gift.  The word “grace” and the word “gift” in the Bible are the same word.  They mean the same thing. 

How does that work?  This gift, this grace of a fresh start he wants to put into my life and your life?

Some of my favorite verses about that are in Ephesians.  Ephesians 2:8-10.  Here’s how grace happens.  Here’s how it works.  “For it is by grace that you have been saved, through faith -- and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God -- not by works, so that no one can boast.  For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” 

These verses say when we’re talking about grace – there are three things to remember.  One, it’s a gift.  Two, it’s received by faith.  Three, once I receive it God has some good things for me to do.

So where could you serve?  Who could you serve?  How could you serve?  That is one of the keys to experiencing God’s grace in your life in a daily way. 

But once you have decided, I’m going to receive God’s grace and get back on the road then you have to do the final thing.

5.  T – Take the next step.

What’s the next step for you?  Whatever God’s told you to do and you haven’t done it yet. 

For some of you it’s getting involved in a small group.  For some of you, it’s beginning to get involved in a ministry.  Or maybe it’s getting involved in a new ministry.  It’s time to make a change.

When it comes to taking this next step, what we always say is, I’m aiming to do that someday.  What I’m saying is today is the day to pull the trigger.  Today is the day to make a decision. 

The Bible says in Mark 10:52 Bartimaeus regained his sight and he began following Jesus down the road.”  He went from sitting beside the road to following Jesus down the road. 
Two different lives, two options.  Which one do you want to describe your life?  Which of these two lifestyles do you think is more fulfilling: sitting beside the road or following Jesus on the road?  Which of these two ways of living do you think has more joy, has more satisfaction, more meaning: sitting beside the road or following Jesus on the road?

This is the day to decide, I want to get on the road.  I want to get back on that road.  The truth of the matter is, Jesus is passing by right now.  As you and I decide what’s the next step the question isn’t what can’t I do, what am I being prevented from doing?  The question is, what can I do?  How can I serve?  Who can I serve? 

And just to break this down and make it very practical and real for me and you, there is only one way to follow Jesus Christ down the road – one step at a time. 

So you don’t have to worry about the tenth step or the twentieth step.  Just what’s the next step that he wants you to take?  You take that step.  Then you take the next step and the next step and the next step.  If you do not take that next step of faith you get stuck in a rut.  And the only difference between a rut and a grave is the length.  You get stuck in a place where there is no life.  Where your life shrivels up and dies. 

Jesus has the power to do what you and I can’t do.  If you think, where am I going to get the power to do this?  I’d like to get out of this pit.  I’d like to feel differently.  I’d like to look at life differently.  Where am I going to get the power to do that?  Only one person – Jesus Christ. 

1 Corinthians 1:30 says “Everything that we haveright thinking, right living, a clean slate and a fresh start  comes from God by way of Jesus Christ.”  That’s where it’s going to come from.  But if it’s going to come in your life, if it’s going to happen in your life, you’re going to have to do something.  You’re going to have to take the next step.

James 2:14 says “If people say they have faith, but do nothing, their faith is worth nothing.”  So my question is what is the next step you’re going to take?  Not what are you thinking about faith.  Not even what are you believing about faith.  But, what are you going to do about the next step of faith in your life? 

Jesus is passing by.  Bartimaeus that day… he had no idea it was going to happen.  He didn’t plan for it, he didn’t prepare for it.  But the opportunity came and he took it.  He’s passing by right now for me and for you.  He does it every day of our lives. 

So just for a moment filter out all the distractions.  Jesus is coming by.  He wants to give you a fresh start.  What can you do?  How can you put faith in him?  What dramatic new step could you take in your life to put faith in him?  To trust him with your family like you never have before?  To trust him with your job like you never have before?  With your finances like you never have before?  With your life like you never have before?

Let’s pray together:

      As we pray, Whatever step came to your mind a moment ago, pray I commit myself to taking the next step of faith.  If you’re not sure what that is yet, just say “The answer in advance is yes.  Now you show me what that next step is.”  “I commit myself, Jesus, to taking the next step of faith because I know you love me.  I know you want to give me a fresh start because I know you have life to give me.  I pray this in your name; I pray this hopefully in your name.  Amen.”