Sunday, March 30, 2014

How to Pray for a Miracle - 3/30/14

To listen to the sermon, click here.

Miracles Still Happen
Part 5

03-30-14 Sermon

A Blind Beggar Receives His Sight                          Luke 18:35-43 (NIV)

35 As Jesus approached Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging. 36 When he heard the crowd going by, he asked what was happening. 37 They told him, “Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.”  38 He called out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”  39 Those who led the way rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!”  40 Jesus stopped and ordered the man to be brought to him. When he came near, Jesus asked him, 41 “What do you want me to do for you?”  “Lord, I want to see,” he replied.  42 Jesus said to him, “Receive your sight; your faith has healed you.” 43 Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus, praising God. When all the people saw it, they also praised God.


1.     You Must Pray ________________________________

“As Jesus entered Jericho a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging.  When he heard the crowd going by he asked what was happening and they told him, ‘Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.’  He called out ‘Jesus!  Son of David!  Have mercy on me.’”  Lk. 18:35-38

Psalm 142:1-2 “How I plead with God.  How I implore His mercy, pouring out my troubles before Him.” 

2.     You Must Pray _______________________________

Luke 18:39 “The people in front of him told him to be quiet but he shouted even more loudly.    Son of David!  Have mercy on me!’”

Colossians 4:2 “Don’t be weary in prayer.  Keep at it.  Watch for God’s answers.” 

1 Thessalonians 5:18 “ Always keep on praying.” 

Matthew 7:11 “God loves to give good gifts to His children.  If you being evil know how to give good gifts to your kids how much more does your heavenly Father know how to give good gifts to those who ask Him.” 

Romans 8:32 “If God loved us enough to send Jesus Christ His own Son to die on the cross for us, doesn’t He love us enough to give us everything else?” 

Why do I need to be persistent? 

·      Persistence shows how much_______________________________

·      It prepares you_______________________________

 “Perseverance must finish its work so you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” James 1:4

3.     You Must Pray _________________________________

“Call unto me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things that you know not.”  Jeremiah 33:3

“Don’t worry about anything.  But pray and ask God for everything, always giving thanks.”  
Philippians 4:6

4.     You Must Pray ____________________________________

 “Receive your sight.  Your faith has healed you.”  Lk 18:42

 “According to your faith it will be done unto you.”  Mt 9:29

 “Whatever you ask for in prayer believe that you’ve received and it will be yours.” Mk 11:24

Two conditions for answered prayer:  You must _________and you must _______________

How can I increase my faith? 
Fill your mind with ___________________________________

“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17

Make _________________________________________

5.     You Must Pray _____________________

 “At once the man was able to see and he followed Jesus thanking God.  And all the other people who saw this also praised God.”  Lk 18:43

“Don’t worry about anything.  But pray and ask God for everything, always giving thanks.”  
Philippians 4:6

Miracles Still Happen
Part 5

03-30-14 Sermon

The Bible is full of miracles that happened to very, very ordinary people.  People just like you.  People just like me.  You say, How come miracles never happen to me then?  Why doesn’t God want to do a miracle in my life?  He does.  He’s waiting to do miracles in your life.  He’s really is waiting to do miracles in your life.  You just have to pray and He’ll do them.  You say, “how do I pray for miracle.”

I’m glad you asked that question.  Let me give you five principles on how to pray for a miracle. 

In Luke 18 is the story of the blind beggar.  As I told you last week Jesus never did a miracle just to show off.  He always did miracles to teach spiritual truths.  Out of the story of the blind beggar receiving his eyesight back, we learn the five principles that you can go home right tonight and begin to put into practice in praying for a miracle in your life – a financial miracle, a health miracle, whatever kind of miracle you need.  And we all need them at different times in our lives.

1.  You must pray passionately

That means with all your heart, with intensity, with feeling.  You need to pray with urgency.  You need to let God hear your heart.  “As Jesus entered Jericho a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging.  When he heard the crowd going by he asked what was happening and they told him, ‘Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.’  He called out [literally in the Greek, “he shouted”] ‘Jesus!  Son of David!  Have mercy on me.’”  That’s passion.  He cries out. 

Did you know that God is listening to the tone of your prayer?  Not just what you say.  He knows you.  We ask for a lot of things in prayer we don’t want.  We say a lot of things in prayer we don’t mean.  So God wants to hear you say, “God, I really want this.”  That’s what it means to pray passionately.

What I’m saying is this.   God does not answer prayers that you don’t put your heart into.  Prayers where you’re just mouthing the words.  You don’t really care.  You’re just kind of going through the motions.  Jesus called it vain repetition. 

The problem is the longer you’re a believer the more it’s easy to get caught in the trap of perfunctory prayers because you learn all the right phrases.  Then when you sit down at the dinner table and you’re hungry and you bow your head and go, “Bless this food to the nourishment of our bodies.    Amen.”  Ten four good buddy.  Over and out!  Rub a dub, dub, thanks for the grub.  Yeah God!  And you get these certain little phrases that you do.  We really get caught in these traps.  (A little boy heard the same prayer every night.  They were holdings hands and heads bowed.  He said, “Dad, can I be the one to talk to our plates tonight?”)  God doesn’t listen to that kind of prayer.

Why do you think David was a man after God’s own heart?  The guy was an adulterer and a murderer yet God says He’s a man after My own heart.  How do you think He did that?  Because David knew how to pray passionately.

Psalm 142 “How I plead with God.  How I implore His mercy, pouring out my troubles before Him.”  Circle “pouring out.”  Here’s the first principle about praying for a miracle: it’s better to have heart without words than it is to have words without heart.  Because God’s listening for your tone.  Do you really want Him to work in your life?  Do you really want Him to do this miracle?  Or do you just pray it one time and forget it.  Like kids often say, “I want that,” and then they forget it.  They don’t even think about it any more. 

Pray passionately when you need a miracle.  Sometimes the greatest prayer is just one word – Help!  Help me!  God is looking at your heart when you pray.  You don’t have to say all these fancy thee’s and thou’s – O most gracious mighty omnipotent ruler.  God’s our heavenly Father.  If my kids walked in and said, “O great one of the household!  Thou who bearest our allowance.  Be generous unto thy humble servants.”  I’d be going, Huh? 

He’s your heavenly Father.  Just say, “God, help!  I need help!”  That’s what it means to pray passionately.  The man cried out.  He began shouting, “God help me!  I want to see.”

2.  When you need a miracle you also pray persistently.

In other words you keep on praying and you keep on praying and you keep on praying until the answer comes.  You don’t get discouraged.  Luke 18:39 says “The people in front of him [this blind man] told him to be quiet [he was making such a ruckus] but he shouted even more loudly.  ‘Son of David!  Have mercy on me!’”  He’s not going to miss his chance.  He’s not going to be deterred.  He’s determined.  Nobody’s going to silence him.  Nobody’s going to shut him up.  Nobody’s going to stop him.  I admire this guy!  He’s got kind of a tenacious, bulldog attitude here. 

Let me ask you, when you pray about something are you persistent?  Are you relentless?  Do you just keep on praying about it until the answer comes?  Or do you just kind of pray for it once and if the answer doesn’t come immediately, “Forget that!”  You’ve got to be passionate.  And you’ve got to be persistent when you’re praying for a miracle.  He said, “Nobody’s going to stop me.” 

Most people quit too soon when they pray.  Colossians 4:2 “Don’t be weary in prayer.  Keep at it.  Watch for God’s answers.”  Circle “watch”.  That means be diligent, vigilant, alert. 

1 Thessalonians 5:18 “ Always keep on praying.” 

Why do I have to be persistent?  Is it because God is busy and I’m trying to get His attention?  No.  God is always aware of what’s going on in your life.  He’s always alert.  In fact the Bible says He knows what you need before you ask.  So obviously that’s not the reason you need to be persistent. 

Is He saying I need to be persistent because I’ve got to wear God down?  I have to nag.  I have to pester.  Beg.  Like He really doesn’t want to answer that prayer so when I met the magical number of 32 prayers then He’s going to give me the answer.  Is He saying, I really don’t want to bless your life so you have to keep after it until finally you wear me out until like a parent I say, Go ahead and do it.  Take the car. Just stop bothering me!  No.  That’s not it at all.

Matthew 7:11 says, “God loves to give good gifts to His children.  If you being evil [imperfect] know how to give good gifts to your kids how much more does your heavenly Father know how to give good gifts to those who ask Him.”  God wants to give more than you want to ask.  So the persistence is not to wear God down. 

Romans 8:32 says “If God loved us enough to send Jesus Christ His own Son to die on the cross for us, doesn’t He love us enough to give us everything else?”  Yeah!  God solved your biggest problems when He died on the cross for you at Calvary.  So everything else is small peanuts.

Then why do I need to be persistent?  Two reasons.

         1.  Persistence shows how much I really want something. 

When I’m praying for a miracle, persistence shows how much I really want something.  Have you noticed that the longer you have to wait for something the more you desire it?  If you haven’t had dinner and I kept you three or four hours, some of you would really be desiring it.  That’s what persistence does.  Many times when you pray persistently it’ll clarify your prayers and you’ll stop.  “I really don’t want to pray for that any more.  That’s not what I really want; this is what I want.” Sometimes God wants you to be persistent so He can change your mind. 

But there’s another reason the other reason God wants you to be persistent with you pray, that means never give up is because…

2.  It prepares you for the answer. 

While you’re waiting, God is working.  He’s working on you.  And God’s far more interested in working on you than He is to answer your prayer.  He wants to answer your prayer but He’s really more interested in your character than your comfort.  So He’s changing you.  The Israelites prayed for forty years, “God get us out of this desert!  We’re wandering around here in the middle of the Sinai peninsula.  There isn’t a whole lot here!”  They were bored.  They were saying, God get us out.  But all those forty years God ws preparing them, strengthening them.  Their faith, their commitment.  So when He moved them into the promised land they took the place over.

God’s timing is perfect.  He’s never late.  He’s never in a hurry.  We often get in a hurry but He does not. 

So you learn to pray persistently and you learn to pray passionately.  Two very important keys.  James 1:4 “Perseverance must finish its work so you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”  How many of you would like to be mature and complete?  Well, God’s going to make you wait. [ I hear grumbling in the camp! ] e mHH
Perseverance must finish…” that means not cut it off half way, not short circuit the thing.  It must finish its work “…so that you may be mature and complete not lacking anything.”  If God gave you every answer to your prayer instantly you would be a spoiled brat.  You really would!  It’d be like a vending machine.  Put in a quarter.  But God is no vending machine.  God is no genie.  That’s a fairy tale.  God loves you; genies don’t.  Genies will give you bad things that are bad for you.  So will vending machines.  God won’t do that. While you’re waiting God’s working. 

God has given us a little tool to teach us how to pray passionately and persistently.  It’s called pain.  When you’re in pain you pray passionately.  When your life is falling apart you pray persistently.  When you have a loved one walk out the door and say I’m not coming back.  Or when you’re in the foxhole and bullets are flying over your head.  Or the boss has come in and said, “Sorry, I’m going to have to let you go,” and it’s ten days before Christmas.  Or the doctor says, “I’m sorry but there’s nothing else we can do.”  Or when the bills are coming in and there’s nothing in the checkbook.  Or when you’ve worked on your marriage and you’ve really sweated it.  You’ve tried and nothing’s happening.  You start praying persistently and you start praying passionately. 

That’s what this man did.  He said, “Lord!  Father!  God!  Jesus!  Help me.  Son of David!” When they tried to stop him he said, “No way!  I’m not going to stop.  This is my one shot.  I need a miracle.”  And he wouldn’t give up. 

3.  If you want a miracle in your life then you must learn to pray specifically. 

Don’t be vague.  Don’t be general.  Spell it out.  Be precise.  Tell Him exactly what you want in living color, in detail.  In fact the more specific you can be the greater the miracle. 

One of the other common weaknesses besides praying vain repititons is that we tend to pray these generalistic prayers.  Like “God bless America.”  What in the world is a blessing?  How will you identify it?  Sometimes a blessing is a problem.  Is that what you’re praying when you pray, God bless my family.  Blessings could be all kinds of different things.  How do you know if you’ve got it?  You need to be specific.  Many prayers – many of my own prayers are pointless.  And so are yours.  Vague prayers get vague answers.  The more specific you are the more God can work.

In this story the blind man knows exactly what he wants.  He’s very specific.  In verse 40 Jesus stopped and ordered the man be brought to Him.  When he came, Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?”  “Lord, I want to see!’” he replied.  He didn’t have to think about it.  He didn’t say, I want You to bless me.  He said, “I want to see.  I’m blind and I want to see.”  By the way, do you think Jesus needed that?  No.  He already knew.  Why did He ask him, then?  He wanted him to verbalize it.  He wanted him to ask.  He wanted him to tell Him what he wanted.  You need to tell God specifically what you want.

If Jesus Christ came to you right now, walked down to your seat, looked into  your eyes and said those words “What do you want Me to do for you?” what would you say?  Jesus said, What do you want Me to do for you?  Blank check!  Would you be able to say, Here’s what I want!  Just like this guy.  Or would you just hem and haw. 

Over twenty times in the New Testament the command to ask is given.  Jesus says, Ask.  Ask and it shall be given.  Seek and you’ll find.  Knock and the door will be opened.  God wants you to ask. 

God never shuts His storehouse until you shut your mouth.  He says “Call unto me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things that you know not.”  He wants to help you. 

Philippians 4:6 “Don’t worry about anything.  [That’s got to be the most difficult command of the Bible.  The easiest one maybe would be “Be ye fruitful and multiply.”  We did a good job on that one.  You’re all here.  ]  But pray and ask God for everything.”  Does that include braces for the kids?  Yes.  Doctor bills?  Yes.  You need a new car?  It says everything.  I don’t know anything that’s not included in everything. 

Why would God want to give me everything?  He’s not going to give you stuff that’s bad for you obviously.  He wants to give you what’s good for you.  Why?  God loves to show His mercy to the world by blessing His children.  Ask for anything.  Everything you need. 

God’s work done God’s way doesn’t lack God’s support.  Where God guides God provides.  You step out on a limb – don’t be afraid to go out on a limb.  That’s where the fruit is!

The point is miracles happen when you get specific in your prayer. 

The fourth principle.  If you need a miracle…4.  You must pray expectantly. 

You must expect God to answer.  You must believe that He will heal you, that He will do whatever you’re asking Him to do.  Jesus tells us in verse 42 why He healed the blind beggar.  Jesus said to Him “Receive your sight you deserve it.”  Is that what He said?  “Receive your sight, you’ve worked a lot for this.”  No.  “Receive your sight.  Your faith has healed you.” 

If you don’t expect God to answer your prayer don’t bother praying.  Because God works in our lives according to your faith.  The Bible says, “According to your faith it will be done unto you.”  Can you imagine this blind guy going up to Jesus saying, “I don’t know if You can heal me.  I dare You.”  No, the man indicated his faith by his persistence and his passion, and Jesus picked up on that.  Jesus says, your faith has healed you.  “Whatever you ask for in prayer believe that you’ve received and it will be yours.”  Don’t miss this.  Two things.

First there are two conditions for answered prayer. 

         First, you must ask and you must believe.  Circle those two words.  Ask and believe.  What if I just believe?  No.  The Bible says ask.  Twenty times in the New Testament it tells us to ask. 

         The second thing, notice the tense change.  Believe you have received it and it will be yours.  In other words, believe you’ve got it now and then you’ll get it?  What?  That’s what faith is.  If you wait until after you’ve got it to believe you’ve got it is that faith?  No, that’s gratitude.  Faith is thanking God in advance.  Believe that you have received it, that the answer is already on its way. 

It’s kind of like when you get in the shower.  In my house when I turn on the hot water, it’s on hot but it’s not hot when it’s coming out.  But I believe it’s on the way.  So I believe I’ve got it and pretty soon it comes on down.  There’s some spiritual battles going on that sometimes it takes a while for the answer to get there.  It says believe that you’ve got it and then you’ll get it. 

You say, “Frank, I just don’t have much faith.”  Just use what you’ve got.  It doesn’t take a lot of faith for miracles.  It’s not the size of your faith.  It’s the size of your God.  It’s who you put your faith in.  A little faith in a big God gets big results.  You don’t need big faith.  You don’t need big faith for miracles.  You need a little faith in a big God.  And you need big obedience to do what God tells you to do.

Everybody has some faith.  It’s just what you put it in.  Most people put their faith in themselves.  Then they’re disappointed.  Take the faith that you’ve been putting in anything or everything else and just focus it on God and watch the miracles take place.

You say, Frank, how can I increase my faith?  Two ways.
         One, fill your mind with God’s word.  The more you fill your mind with the written word and the heard word of God the stronger faith you’re going to have.  The Bible says in Romans, “Faith comes by hearing the word of God.”  That’s why every time you come to church your faith is built up a little bit.  Has your faith been built today?  Yes.  Just by hearing stories and hearing God’s word.   So the more you get into God’s book and the more you hear him speak to you, your faith is built up. 

The other way you build up your faith is Make faith sized requests.  It’s kind of like taking a stair step approach to building your faith.  If you don’t have a lot of faith just start with a little request.  Then as it gets bigger and bigger and bigger you can ask for more and more and more. 

If you ask for something that you really could get on your own, or that could just happen, that is not going to build your faith because you won’t know that God did it.  You need to ask for something that only God could bring to pass.  That is a faith sized request.

Let me say this.  The biggest reason why you don’t see miracles is because you don’t believe.  And the biggest reason you don’t believe is because you don’t think you deserve it.  So you’re afraid to ask.  “I don’t deserve that.”  And God says, You’re right.  You don’t deserve it.  You’ll never deserve answers to prayer.  It’s all by God’s grace.  Everything God does in us and for us and through us and to us He does by His grace.  You don’t deserve God’s blessing so don’t worry about it.  Just say thank you.  I’m a trophy of God’s grace.

When you understand God’s grace and how He loves you unconditionally then you’re going to pray the fifth way…

5.  Pray Gratefully

With gratitude and appreciation, knowing that you could never deserve the answers that God does in your life.  There were two things that the blind man did after the miracle where he received his sight.  Verse 43 tells us.  “At once the man was able to see and he followed Jesus thanking God.  And all the other people who saw this also praised God.”  Notice the two things he did.  He followed Jesus and he gave thanks.  When God does a real miracle in your life that’s what you want to do.  You want to follow Jesus and you want to give thanks. 

Do you pray gratefully or are all your prayers asking and no thanking?  Do you take for granted what’s already happening in your life?  That verse earlier under the third point “Don’t worry about anything but pray and ask God for everything you need…”  Then notice it says, “…always giving thanks. 

I think we need to be as specific in our thanking as we are in our asking. Like the old hymn says:  Count your blessings, name them one by one, Count your blessings, see what God hath done!  Count your blessings, name them one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done!  You need to be specific and instead of just, “God, thank You for blessing my life.”  Go home and make a list of 50 or 75 things that you could thank God for.  Specific blessings in your life. 

I want to close with a few stories:

Peg Leatherman….Chris….Dee Randolph

  “According to your faith it will be done unto you.” 


      Today Jesus Christ says to you, What do you want Me to do for you?  He asks you the very same question that He asked the blind man.  What do you want Me to do for you?  So tell Him right now what your deepest need is.  Tell Him passionately.  Tell Him like you mean it.  It’s ok to shed tears in church.  Tell Him what’s really hurting you, what’s really got you down.  If you’ve never invited Jesus Christ into your life start with that.  Say, “Jesus Christ I don’t even know You.  Come into my life today and save me and forgive me and start me on a new path.”  Tell Him that. 

Today as a sign of your faith, if you need a miracle in your life or in the life of someone you are concerned about, I’m going to ask you to come down to the communion rail this morning during our closing hymn as your way of saying this is my step of faith.  I’m going to pray for you.  We’re not going to do anything goofy to embarrass you.  I’m going to pray for you then we’re going to close.  So if you’d say, I need a miracle today, my friend needs a miracle today, my family member needs a miracle today, and you’re thinking about something specific, just come down and I’m going to pray for you.

      Jesus Christ, You know very single need represented here today.  You know what we need even before we ask.  You know our hurts.  Our struggles, our sins, You know our fears, our loneliness, our grief.  Today passionately, persistently, specifically, expectantly and with gratitude we ask for miracles.  Thank You that You’re a miracle working God.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  We thank You in advance for the answers that are already on their way.  Amen. 


To listen to the sermon from March 23, 2014 click here.

Miracles Still Happen
Part 4
03-23-14 Sermon

Jesus Calls His First Disciples
5 One day as Jesus was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret,[a] the people were crowding around him and listening to the word of God. He saw at the water’s edge two boats, left there by the fishermen, who were washing their nets. He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little from shore. Then he sat down and taught the people from the boat.
When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.”
Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”
When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink.
When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus’ knees and said, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!” For he and all his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken, 10 and so were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, Simon’s partners.
Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” 11 So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.  Luke 5:1-11 (NIV)


1.  Invite Jesus _________________________________________.

Luke 5:3-4 “Jesus got into one of the boats, the one that belonged to Simon, to teach the people from the boat.  When He had finished speaking He said to Simon, ‘Now go out where it’s deeper and let down your nets and you’ll catch a lot of fish.’” 

            First Peter used his boat for___________________________________

Then Jesus took care of _____________________________________

Matthew 6:33 “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.” 

2.  Admit that ________________________________________________.

Luke 5:5 “Simon answered, ‘Master, we worked hard all night long and we caught nothing.’”  

What is it that causes failure? 

1.     A____________________________. 

Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” 

2.  D_________________________________.

Deut. 11:28 “You will be cursed if you disobey the commands of God.”  

3.  D____________________________

James 1:6 “He who doubts is like a wave, he’s unstable in all he does.” 

4.  D________________________________
Galatians 6:9 “We will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t get discouraged and give up.” 

Proverbs 28:13 “A man who refuses to admit his mistakes can never be successful.  But if he confesses and forsakes them, he gets another chance.”  

3.  Obey what Jesus ______________________________________.

Luke 5:4 “Then Jesus said, ‘Launch out into the deep water.’  Simon answered, ‘Master, we worked hard all night and we haven’t caught anything.  But because You say so, I will let down the nets.’” 

What has God told you to do that you know to do that you’ve been delaying? 

4.  You can expect Jesus to turn things around.

Matthew 9:29 “According to your faith it will be done unto you.”

Luke 5:6 “When the fishermen did as Jesus told them, they caught so many fish that the nets began to break.  So they called their partners from the other boat to come and help them and they came and filled both boats, so full that they were almost sinking.” 

Luke 5:11 “They left their nets [their boats] and immediately followed Jesus.”    

They were more interested in following the Blessor than having the blessing. 

“’You will not succeed by your own strength or power, but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord.”  Zechariah 4:6
Miracles Still Happen
Part 4
03-23-14 Sermon

What do you do when you fail?  We’re going to look at that today.  Four steps to recovering from failure. 

Maybe some of you failed just this week.  Maybe others of you haven’t failed in twenty years.  But you need to write this down because you may need this very soon.  Failure is a part of life.

In this story of the disciples they’d been all night fishing and they’d caught nothing.  For me that’s nothing because I’m just a casual fisherman.  But these guys made their living at it.  They were pros.  They made their livelihood at it.  So they’re discouraged, they’re tired, they’re frustrated.  They’re washing their nets on shore the next morning.  And Jesus comes by.  He says, I’d like to use your boat as a platform.  And they say Fine.  So they put Him in the boat and pull out a little bit from the shore and Jesus speaks to the crowd.  When He’s through speaking to the crowd He says, “Take the boat over there.  Launch out into the deep.  Let down your nets and you’re really going to catch some fish.”  They caught so many fish it not only filled up their boat, they had to call another boat over and it filled up that boat.  And the boats began to sink. 

That’s what I call turning a failure into a success. 

Jesus never did miracles just to show off.  He always had a lesson to learn, always had a truth.  There are four very important lessons He wanted to teach the disciples.  They’re lessons we need to learn about turning failure into success.  Regardless of whether you’re failing financially, failing in a marriage, failing in your dream, failing in a business, failing to get married, failing to stay married, whatever.  These four things make the difference.

1.  Invite Jesus into your boat.

Invite Jesus into the situation.  Give Him control.  The starting point for success is this.  Get Jesus in your boat.  Luke 5:3-4 “Jesus got into one of the boats, the one that belonged to Simon, to teach the people from the boat.  When He had finished speaking He said to Simon, ‘Now go out where it’s deeper and let down your nets and you’ll catch a lot of fish.’”  If you don’t get anything else that we say this morning, get this: if you want to be a successful person in life, you’ve got to get Jesus in your boat. 

When Jesus was in the boat they caught more in ten minutes than they did in ten hours.  What was the difference?  They had the same boat, same lake, same fish, same fishermen, same nets.  The difference in the catch was now Jesus was in the boat. 

Is Jesus in your boat?  Have you invited Him into every situation of your life?  You say, “What does that boat represent?”  For Peter it represented his business.  His boat was his business.  It was his livelihood.  It’s how he made a living.  It’s how he put food on the table.  So this is no small matter here.  Peter is saying to Jesus, take my boat, use it as a platform to speak to people.  And Jesus turns around and says, Let’s catch some fish.  When Peter invited Jesus into his business the results were incredible.

I’m not talking about making Jesus your business partner.  I’m talking about making Him CEO of your career where He calls the shots.  Jesus in your boat, in your business.  Whatever I want God to bless I’ve got to give to Him.  I must dedicate to Him.  I must say, “Here, use it.” 

Catch the sequence of these events. 

First, Peter uses his boat for Christ’s purpose.  Peter offered.  He said, take my boat which represents my livelihood, get in it and use it as a platform.  By the way, you know why they did that?  Jesus got on the boat, they went out a little from shore and Jesus speaks.  The crowd sets on shore, a couple thousand people probably.  And He speaks.  You know why they did that?  Because in those days they didn’t have microphones, sound systems.  And water magnifies sounds.  If you’ve ever been out on a boat, you speak and you can hear it a long distance.  So He was using it as a platform so more people could hear Him.  That’s why He got in the boat, pulls a little ways from the shore and the water magnifies the sound.  So Peter offers Jesus his business, his livelihood and says use it as a platform to reach people, first. 

Then Jesus took care of Peter’s needs.  That’s a principle of priority.  The Bible says in Matthew 6:33 “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.”  God says put Me first in your life and in every area of your life that you put Me first, I’ll bless.  If you put Me first in your marriage, I’ll bless it.  If you put Me first in your finances, I’ll bless it.  If you put Me first in your business, I’ll bless it.  Whatever you want God to bless, you’ve got to get Jesus in that situation.  That’s the difference between fishing all night and catching nothing and catching a large catch.

That’s the first principle. 

2.  The second principle is, Admit that my own efforts have failed.

After I dedicate my career to Christ, my job to Jesus, or any other area that I’m committing to Him, I admit that my own efforts have failed.  I’m willing to admit that it just isn’t working out.  The Bible calls this confession.  Luke 5:5 “Simon answered, ‘Master, we worked hard all night long and we caught nothing.’”  

That’s no big deal for you and me because when you go fishing, you go fishing for a couple hours.  These guys have been fishing for twelve hours.  Their families were depending on them catching something.  It’s like being unemployed.  They said, We’ve caught nothing.  And, as I said, these guys are pros.  They’ve grown up on this lake.  They know where to fish, what time to fish, what time of day to fish, they know just how far to drop the nets.  They’re pros. 

But even the superstars strike out sometimes.  In baseball if a person has a .300 batting average that means they struck out 70% of the time.  It wasn’t like these guys were doing something they weren’t good at.  They were doing what they did best.  But it wasn’t good enough.  So it was humbling for Peter to say this, “Lord, I’m the pro around here but I’ve caught nothing.  My best was not good enough.” 

Have you ever felt like that?  Do you ever feel like, I try so hard but it never is enough.  I do the best I can in this situation.  I’m really doing the best I can but it doesn’t seem to make any difference.  I worked all night long, I’ve worked all my life and I’ve got nothing to show for it. 

I want to say to you, if you feel like giving up today you’ve got to take these steps.  First, get Jesus in your boat.  Invite Him into every situation of your life.  What we normally do is we segment our life between the spiritual and the secular.  We’ve got Jesus over “here” and our job over “here”, Christ over “here” and our career over “here.”  And never the twain shall meet.  We say, God, You take care of the big problems like world peace and saving people and the poor people and all that and I’ll take care of the issues like who’s going to pay the rent and where do I invest my money, and how do I build relationships, and how to I make the relationships I’m in last and work and be meaningful? 

All we do when we separate into compartments like that is we miss out on God’s blessing.  Because God wants to bless every area of your life.  If you’re discouraged, get Jesus in your boat, invite Him into the very situation that you’re ashamed of, the very thing where you’re failing, the very area that you regret the most.  Get Jesus in that situation.  And just honestly say, “God, my best isn’t working.  It’s just not working.  I’m not making it in this area.” 

What is it that causes failure?  There are lots of reasons.

         1.  Arrogance. 

The Bible says, “A proud attitude leads to ruin.    Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.”  When we think we know it all, when we think we’ve got it all together, we’re setting ourselves up for failure.  If you think, “I’ve never failed!” get ready.  Because that arrogance is going to cause you to fail. 

         2.  Disobedience.

“You will be cursed if you disobey the commands of God.”  Did you know that?  You say, How come nothing’s going right in my life?  Because God’s told you to do some stuff and you’re not doing it.  God is under no obligation to bless you if you’re thumbing your nose to Him.  Not at all!  The principles and the commands in the Bible, God didn’t put them in here arbitrarily.  He doesn’t set up in heaven thinking, “What command can I think of that will really make life miserable for human beings?  How can I steal all the fun from these people I’ve created?”  That’s not why He gives commands.  Every command in this book is for your benefit.  They’re made by a loving God.  God loves you.  He loves you more than you’ll ever know.  God wants you to be happy.  In fact, He knows what will make you happy more than you do.  But, often what you think will make you happy is not really the truth.  God knows what really will make you happy.  So He’s put certain principles in His word and when we ignore them we set ourselves up for failure.

It’s all for your own benefit.  Any time you ignore a command in the word you’re going to hurt yourself.  So disobedience causes failure. 

          3.  Doubt

“He who doubts is like a wave, he’s unstable in all he does.”  We fail and we sometimes just can’t make up our minds.  We go this way, we go that way, this way, that way.  You get to be thirty, forty, fifty years old and you’ve gone fifteen different directions in your life.  Why?  Because you’ve never stopped long enough to get God’s direction for your life and figure out what He put you on this earth for.  If you don’t figure out what God put you on this earth for you’re going to fail at a lot of things He didn’t put you here for.

         4.  Discouragement
Discouragement causes failure.  “We will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t get discouraged and give up.”  The fact is a lot of times we fail because we give up too soon.  Anybody who watches basketball knows you often win the game at the very last second.  In a baseball game you often win the game in the very last inning, the very last hit.  We give up too soon.

There are many causes of failure but regardless of the cause, the second step in recovering from a failure – first you get Jesus in your boat, then second is just admit it and say, “I am incapable of solving this issue on my own.”  That’s the first step.  Admitting.  I’m not God.  God’s God and I’m not.  This is beyond myself.  My life has become unmanageable. 

If you’re going to recover from a failure you’re going to have to humble yourself.  God does not help prideful people recover.  God helps people recover who admit, “My best is not good enough to break this habit, this hang up, this hurt, or anything else in life.  It just isn’t working.”

Proverbs 28:13 “A man who refuses to admit his mistakes can never be successful.  But if he confesses and forsakes them, he gets another chance.”  

3.  Step number three is to obey what Jesus tells me to do.

Obey whatever Jesus tells me to do in the area that I’ve failed.  I get Him in the boat, I admit that my best isn’t working, then I obey whatever Jesus tells me to do.  I cooperate with His instructions, even when it doesn’t make sense. 

In Luke 5:4 it says this “Then Jesus said, ‘Launch out into the deep water.’  Simon answered, ‘Master, we worked hard all night and we haven’t caught anything.  But because You say so, I will let down the nets.’”  Circle “because You say so.” 

The second reason why they caught a lot in ten minutes when they hadn’t caught any in ten hours is now they’re fishing under Jesus’ instructions.  Jesus told them when to fish – now – He told them where to fish – launch out into the deep.  And He told them how – let down your nets.  He’s giving them specific instructions.  And He’s guiding them step by step in the very area they had just failed in. 

I want you to notice that Peter’s reaction is not what you’d typically expect to Jesus’ instructions.  In the first place he didn’t argue with Jesus.  Peter didn’t say, “I’m the pro.  I’m the fisherman.  You’re just a carpenter.  What do You know about fishing?  I’ve been doing this all my life.  When I need a cabinet built, You can tell me how to build it.  But I know fish!”  He didn’t argue with Jesus saying, “You don’t know what You’re talking about.”

A lot of times we do that.  We say, “Jesus, You take care of the spiritual issues in my life but I know where to invest my money.  And I know best what job offers to take.  And I know best what house to buy.  And I know best which car I should buy.”  And Jesus is saying, “I’ll help you in all these areas if you want guidance.”  We just think He wants to help us in the spiritual.  No.  He knows more about anything than you know about. 

Peter didn’t argue.  Peter didn’t delay.  He didn’t say, Why don’t we think about this a little bit before we launch out into the deep?  He didn’t say, Why don’t we wait until it’s evening again, cooler weather, when the fish are feeding.  When we went to Africa we saw how they did this.  They would go out fishing at night and hang lanterns out over the sides of the boats on poles.  The lights would attract the small fish to the surface and the bigger fish would come up to eat them.  Then they would throw out the nets to catch them.   But during the day, with the sun shining down, the fish were scattered all over the place.  That’s why they fished at night.

But Peter didn’t say, Let’s wait a while until it gets dark again.  He didn’t argue, he didn’t delay, he didn’t hesitate, he didn’t listen to his feelings.  He didn’t say, “Lord, we’ve been up all night.  We didn’t catch a thing.  If we sail out into the deep, we will have to sail back in again.  I haven’t been to bed yet.  I’m dead tired.  Why don’t we just go home and get some sleep and then come back and go fishing?”  He didn’t listen to his feelings.  He was tired, he was dirty, he was discouraged.  And he says, “But because You say so, I’m going to do it.  Because You say so, I’ll try again.” 

Some of you need to do that with a situation in your life, “Lord, I’ve tried.  But because You say so I’m going to try again.  I’m going to try again, only this time with You in the boat.  With You calling the shots and me admitting I can’t do it on my own.”  That’s the difference. 

Unquestioned obedience is another word for it.  It’s called faith.  You say, “Because You say so.”  Disobedience always hurts you.  You miss so many blessings. 

What has God told you to do that you know to do that you’ve been delaying? 
Every time you disobey you bring curses on your life.  You keep God’s blessings happening in that area because you’re ignoring what He’s told you to do. 

Obedience always involves a risk.  That’s because it requires faith.  Jesus said, “Launch out in the deep.  Go out in the deep waters.  That’s where I want you to go.”  Why?  Because that’s where all the big fish are.  The big fish aren’t up in the shallows.  It’s tragic but most people live their lives in the shallows of life.  They live very, very superficial lives.  They just kind of piddle paddle around, splish and splash, maybe catch a few minnows.  And they think, I’m living!  When God has said to you, “Launch out in the deep.  Go for it.  Take that risk.  I have a plan for you.  Do what I tell you to do.  Even if it doesn’t make sense.” 

There are many so called Christians barely get their feet wet.  They get just enough Christianity to bug them, not bless them.  They’re afraid they’re going to get in over their head and be some kind of fanatic. 

One night a little boy came downstairs crying a couple hours after he had been put to bed.  His parents asked him what happened and he said he fell out of bed.  They asked him why he fell out of bed and he said, “I must have stayed to close to where I got in!”

There are Christians like that.  They live to close to where they got into faith in Christ.  They needed to go deeper.  They play around all their life in just the shallows of their faith.  Why?  Why don’t we launch out in to the deep when Jesus tells us?  Because it’s scary.  It’s safer in the shallows.  No big wave is going to come along and rock my little boat if I’m in the shallows.  There is no risk.  If the boat capsized I would get wet but I could still walk to shore.  So I don’t want to go for it.  I don’t want to make the effort.  I’m afraid to really do what God’s calling me to do. 

Obeying Christ, even when it doesn’t make sense will probably be the most difficult and maybe the most frightening thing you’ll ever do.  But it will also be the most rewarding. 

If you’ve taken these first three steps – you have invited Jesus Christ into the area of your failure, you have honestly admitted to Him “My best isn’t working out.  I can’t do this on my own.”  And you have obediently followed whatever He tells you to do regardless of whether it makes sense or not, then…

4.  You can expect Jesus to turn things around.

Look at this in Simon Peter’s situation.  If God tells you to go fishing and then God gets in the boat with you and God tells you where to go and where to let down your nets, do you think you will fail? 

There was no way Peter was going to fail now.  Not a chance!  Because he was doing it God’s way and in God’s timing.

Matthew 9:29 says, “According to your faith it will be done unto you.”  You get to choose.  If you’ve taken these first three steps in your area of greatest failure, you can expect Jesus Christ to turn things around. 

God’s work done God’s way does not lack God’s support.  Where God guides, God provides.  If He tells you to do it, and you do it in faith, even when it doesn’t make sense, you’re going to come out right.  You’re going to be the one that benefits from it. 

Look at the result, Luke 5:6 “When the fishermen did as Jesus told them, they caught so many fish that the nets began to break.  So they called their partners from the other boat to come and help them and they came and filled both boats, so full that they were almost sinking.”  In other words, they had more blessing than they could handle when they did it God’s way.  In fact, they had to share their blessings in order to keep from sinking

Don’t miss this point.  God wants to bless your life.  He really does.  In fact, God wants to bless you as a believer when you take these steps.  He wants to bless your life so much that you have so many blessings that you have to share it with others.  God wants to bless your life so much that you become a blessing to other people. 

Verse 11 tells us what happened when they got to shore.  It says, “They left their nets [their boats] and immediately followed Jesus.”  These fishermen had just caught the greatest catch of fish in their lives and they leave it on the shore and started following Jesus.  Why?  They were more interested in following the Blessor than having the blessing.  They were smart enough to realize, if we follow this guy there’s plenty more where that came from.  So rather, than focusing on the blessing that Jesus could give they just focused on Jesus. 

How about you?  Are you tired, discouraged?  Is there an area of failure in your life and you’re just tired?  You’ve fished all night and you’ve caught nothing. 

Take these four steps.  First, ask Jesus Christ to come into your life and into every area of your life.  Even those compartments that you’ve kept the doors closed to.  In any area and every area of your life where you feel like “It’s just not working out there.”  Invite Jesus into that area.  Admit that your best efforts have failed.  Obey God and do whatever He tells you to do.  When God tells you to do it, you do it.  Even though you think, I can’t afford it.  You do it even though you think, I don’t have the time.  You do it even though you say, I don’t know how, I don’t have the talents.  Do it.  Because You say so, Lord.  I’m tired.  I’ve caught nothing.  It isn’t working.  But, because You say so, Lord,I’m going to do it. 

When you do that you can expect a harvest of blessing you can’t imagine.  Galatians says “Let us not grow weary in doing well for we will reap a harvest at the proper time if we do not get discouraged and do not give up.”


      The secret to success is the last verse.  It says, “’You will not succeed by your own strength or power, but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord.”  Would you follow me in a prayer?  In your mind say this, “Jesus, I invite You into every area of my life.  Even areas that I’m most ashamed about.  Even the areas that I regret and where I feel a total failure.  I admit to You, Lord, that my best efforts have not been good enough I’ve fallen short.  I ask You to forgive me for the things I’ve done wrong.  For not following You when You’ve told me to do certain things.  And starting today I want to obey what I know to be the will of God.  Because You say so I’m going to keep trying this time with You in the boat and You calling the shots, with You directing me.  I want to expect You in faith to do a miracle in my life.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.