Sunday, August 5, 2012

8-5-12 Sermon

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Hoping For A Miracle – Part 5
08-05-12 Sermon
As some of you know, I love to fish.  If you’ve ever been around a fisherman, you know they have fishermen stories.   The more they tell them the bigger the fish get. 
But we’re going to look today at one of the greatest fishing stories of all times.  None of the fishing miracles that you’ve heard in your lifetime can match the one in Luke chapter 5.  This is the second recorded miracle of Jesus so it’s very early on in his ministry.  He’s only done one prior to it which is turning water into wine at the wedding at Cana. 
Let me give you a little background.
Four of the twelve disciples of Jesus were fishermen.  Peter and Andrew were brothers and James and John were brothers.  These four guys had a fishing business in northern Israel around the beautiful Sea of Galilee. 
At this point Peter, James, John and Andrew are not disciples of Jesus yet.  They’re just professional businessmen.  They make a living catching fish.  They’ve been out all night fishing on the Sea of Galilee, Lake Galilee.  They’ve caught nothing, nada, zero, zip.  The lake is in a recession.  Nobody’s biting right now.  They’re going through tough times in their job.  They catch nothing.  They’ve worked hard.  They come ashore.  And the next morning after ten hours of fishing they are cleaning their nets on the shore.  They’re tired, they’re discouraged.  They’ve got empty buckets. 
And Jesus comes along and he’s talking to a crowd and he asks these guys, Can I use one of your boats as a platform to speak from?  We’ll pick up the story in Luke 5.  “One day as Jesus was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret, with the people crowding around him and listening to the word of God, he saw at the water's edge two boats, left there by the fishermen, who were washing their nets.  He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon [that’s Simon Peter], and asked him to put out a little from shore.  Then he sat down and taught the people from the boat.”
Get the picture.  Jesus is already attracting enormous crowds.  They want to hear him teach.  They’re fascinated by this man.  He’s doing miracles.  He’s healing people.  The crowds are following him everywhere he went.  They’re pressing up against him.  Jesus sees these two boats and these tired fishermen and he says, Let me get into one of your boats and push out a little bit from the shore.  He sits down and he teaches the crowd on the shore from a little ways out in the boat. 
In verse 4 it says this “When Jesus had finished speaking he said to Simon, ‘Now launch out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.’ [Remember they had just fished all night.] Simon answered, ‘Master, we’ve worked hard all night and we haven’t caught anything.”  Ever felt like this.  “I worked all night and I haven’t caught anything.  Haven’t made a sale, haven’t closed a deal, haven’t sold a house, haven’t stepped up.  In fact, I’m out of work right now.  We’ve worked all night and we’ve caught nothing.  You can hear the discouragement in his voice. 
Sometimes this happens in life.  Sometimes you give it your best shot and you still come up ten feet short.  We have seen that with some of the Olympic athletes.  Sometimes you work hard and you work diligently and you work long and you’ve got nothing to show for it.  Sometimes you even do what you think is the right thing to do in your job, in your career, and you make a decision.  You may even think God’s leading you to do it.  And it doesn’t pan out.  All of these things where you think God is leading you in this way and it doesn’t happen. 
          Sometimes you hang in there with your marriage and you struggle.  Maybe you get some counsel and you read books and you really try to make the thing work, but you don’t see any improvement at all.  It just isn’t getting any better. 
                    Sometimes you work at a job, many of you have done this; you’ve been responsible, you’ve been faithful, you’ve been diligent.  You’ve been a strong, hard employee.  And all of a sudden the recession comes along and you don’t get a promotion or you’re laid off.  You’ve worked hard all night and you’ve caught nothing. 
The fact is, this miracle has a lot to teach us because everybody’s fishing for something. 
          Sometimes we’re fishing for approval.  We’re looking out there and we’re trying to find somebody to just love us.  There’s nothing wrong with that.  Maybe you didn’t get that approval growing up.  You’re looking for somebody who will love you and value you for who you are. 
          Maybe you’re fishing for security.  Nothing wrong with that.  Maybe you’re fishing for significance.  “I want my life to count.”  Nothing wrong with that.  Maybe you’re fishing for a wife or a husband.  Nothing wrong with that.  Maybe you’re fishing for a new means of income.  There’s nothing wrong with that.  Everybody’s fishing for something.
This miracle teaches us what you do when you come up empty.  When you’ve been fishing all night and you don’t see any results from it. 
So Jesus uses Simon Peter’s boat as a platform to preach the good news.  Then the Bible tells us the rest of the story.  “After Jesus finished speaking, he said to Simon, ‘Now, launch out into deep water and let down your nets for a catch.’ [The Bible says that] When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. [That’s a lot of fish.]  So they signaled their partners [that’s James and John] in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full [with fish] that they began to sink.”
Friends, that’s a fish story!  You’re not going to top that one.  I’m not going to top that one.  That’s a flat out miracle.
Here’s the point: they caught more in ten minutes than they had caught in ten hours.  This is what’s called a miracle of acceleration.  Where God speeds up the process.  When you understand the principle of the miracle of acceleration, you don’t worry about timing.  You may go a month or two months or a year or two years without work.  It doesn’t really matter because God can turn on a faucet like that as quickly as one got turned off.  The fact is, God can do more in ten minutes in your life than you can do in ten years.  If you will do it the way he tells you to do it.
What makes the difference?  This is the point.  What makes the difference between working all night and coming up empty on your own, and having so much blessing in your life that you’re sinking from it.  So much blessing in your life materially you have to spread it around or you’re going to sink under the load.  What made the difference between emptiness and overflowing?
Jesus says in the book of Matthew “According to your faith it will be done unto you.”  The disciples did four things.  They took four steps of faith.  You need to learn these steps of faith to make it through when you’re going through the difficult times, when you’re coming up empty.  Let’s look at them. 
The first thing you need to do that Peter and Andrew and James and John did is:
1.     I need to give Jesus complete access to my life. 
I give Jesus complete access to my life if I want to turn from emptiness to overflowing.  Notice it says in verse 3 of chapter 5 “Jesus got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon and he asked him to put out a little from shore. Then he sat down and taught the people from the boat.”  Here’s the starting point.  Pretty simple.  You’ve got to get Jesus in your boat.  That’s the starting point.  If you want to move from emptiness to fullness you’ve got to get Jesus in your boat.
Notice: they worked all night and caught nothing in ten hours.  Now in ten minutes they’re catching more than they can handle.  What’s different here?  It’s the same lake.  It’s the same boat.  It’s the same nets.  It’s the same fishermen.  It’s the same partners.  It’s the same fish. 
The only thing that’s different between nothing and fullness is Jesus is in the boat.  Do you think that makes a difference?  Oh, yeah!  Jesus is in the boat.
That’s the game changer.  Now God is with them.  They’re not fishing by themselves anymore.  They’re not in their career by themselves anymore.  They’ve got Jesus in the job.  Their business has got the Master in control here.
Let’s apply this. 
First, what’s your boat?  Your boat is how you make a living.  It’s your means of support.  Simon’s business is his boat.  He’s a fisherman.  He gives his boat to Jesus.  He gives his job to Jesus.  The boat represents your career, your vocation, your profession, your job.  It’s how you make a living.
What does it mean to have Jesus in your boat?  It means you dedicate your career to God.  We’re not talking about salvation here.  You have Jesus in your life but a lot of you don’t have Jesus in your job.  You’ve trusted him for salvation and you come on the weekends and you praise God.  But when you go back to work during the week you put Jesus on the shelf.  And Jesus is nowhere to be found in your job.  And he’s certainly not using it as a platform for ministry.  To give your boat to Jesus means you say, Jesus use my job as your platform.  I dedicate my career to you for your use.
When Peter did this, when he gave his job to Jesus for his use, he gets blessed too with incredible results.  But don’t miss the sequence.  Here’s what we say.  We normally think, God, make me a really great success in business and then I’ll serve you with the success.  Wrong!  It’s the exact opposite.  God, use my job or lack of it now and then the success can come.  It’s the exactly opposite.  First, Peter lets Jesus use his job for his platform.  Then Jesus blesses Peter’s job with enormous success.  That’s the order.  It’s not “Make me a success and then I’ll serve you.”  It’s the exact opposite.  “God, I’m failing in my job!  But I give it to you as a platform and now you can bless it.”
This is what Matthew 6:33 says “Seek ye first… [Not second, third, fourth or fifth.]  Seek first the kingdom of God [not success, not satisfaction, not a salary – seek first the kingdom of God] and then all these other things will be added unto you.”  You’ve got to get the priorities right.  You’ve got to get Jesus in the boat.  When you do that then he takes care of your needs. 
Whatever you want God to bless, you put him first in that.  You want God to bless your time?  You give him the first part of every day.  You want God to bless your week?  You give him the first day of every week.  You want God to bless your money?  You give him the first ten percent of your money no matter how little it is. 
So you get Jesus in your work.  So what you say is “Lord you use my business as your platform to spread the good news and then we’ll let God take care of everything else.”  So you say, “I’m really a missionary.”   What do you do?   I’m a missionary disguised as a banker.  I’m a missionary disguised as a state worker.  I’m a missionary disguised as a retired person.  I’m a missionary disguised as a truck driver.  I’m a missionary disguised as a school worker or whatever it is.  I’m first and foremost using my career as a platform for Jesus; then he’ll bless me in return.
Question: Have you committed your boat to Jesus?  Some of you are going through tough times right now and you’re trying to change everything else.  The fishermen  didn’t need to change their nets.  They didn’t need to change their boat.  They didn’t need to change their business partners.  They didn’t need to change their location.  They didn’t need to change their marriage.  They just needed Jesus in charge of the boat.  That’s what was needed.
2.     Here’s the second step. I admit that my efforts aren’t working.
Verse 4-5 “When Jesus had finished speaking he said to Simon, ‘Put out into deep water and let down the nets for a catch.’ Simon Peter answered, ‘Master, we’ve worked hard all night and we haven’t caught anything.’”
Do you realize how hard it was for Peter to say this?  Peter is a pro.  He’s good at what he does.  He’s a professional fisherman.  These guys are not amateurs.  They are not novices.  They’re not weekend fishermen.  They make a living at this.  They know how to do this.  But sometimes even when you’re a pro you fish all night and you catch nothing. 
The truth is they’re doing their best.  These are good guys.  They’re doing their very best.  But friends, sometimes our best is not good enough.  It’s just not good enough.  And sometimes there are situations that are out of our control.  You can’t control the economy.  You can’t control the weather.  You can’t control a lot of things in life that will affect your life.  Other people, diseases, you can’t stop the aging process.  Most of the major things of your life you can’t control.  So you start thinking, I have tried so hard it just doesn’t seem to make any difference.  I’ve worked so hard and I’ve got so little to show for it. 
What do you need to do?  You need to first do these two things.  You get Jesus in your boat and you admit that your way isn’t working.  That’s humbling.  The Bible calls that confession.
Why don’t we want to admit this?  I don’t want to admit it.  You don’t want to admit it.  Why don’t we want to admit it?  There are three reasons I don’t want to admit when it’s not working: pride, stubbornness and fear.  Regardless of the cause, the second step is to admit this just isn’t working.
3.     Here’s the third step.  The third step, if you want to see God turn emptiness into fullness, is I obey whatever Jesus tells me to do.
I obey whatever Jesus tells me to do.  In other words, I must be willing to do whatever he tells me even if it doesn’t make sense, even if it’s illogical, even if it appears foolish, stupid to other people.  I must obey what God tells me to do even if it doesn’t make sense financially.  I must do it even if it’s illogical and irrational and I don’t understand it and I’m confused and I’m scared to death.  I still do it anyway.  I obey whatever Jesus tells me to do, even when it doesn’t make sense.
Jesus, verse 5, told them to launch out into the deep.  Simon says “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and we haven’t caught anything. [We’re empty.  We’ve come up empty.] But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”  Circle “because you say so.”  That is the key to a miracle.  Because you say so.  Not because I think it’s smart.  Not because it’s popular.  Not because I can afford it.  Not because it makes sense.  Not because everybody else is doing it.  I’m going to do this because you say so. 
Now, not only is Jesus in the boat.  He’s giving the fishing instructions.  What does Peter do?  Unquestioned obedience.  Because you say so.  If you will become a because-you-say-so man, God will bless your life.  If you will become a because-you-say-so woman, God will bless your life.  Lord, your instructions do not make sense at all to me.  But because you say so, I’m going to do it.  I’m going to trust you in faith.
Question: What has God told you to do that you’re not doing?
Some of us want God to give us instructions about our job.  He’s already told you some other things.  But you’re not doing it.  God’s not going to tell you three, four, five, and sixth step, if you’re not doing step one, two and three. 
          God says to some of you, I want you to start tithing.  And you’re not doing it.  God says the first ten percent of your income goes back to God.  You’re not doing it. 
          God says to you, I want you to forgive that person and let it go and stop holding a grudge.  I don’t want to.  I want to hold on to it.  I want to keep hurting.  I don’t want to forgive them.  You’re only hurting yourself. 
          God says I want you to go to that co-worker and I want you to tell them about Jesus.  “I’m scared to death!  He might reject me.”  You’re not doing what he’s already told you to do. 
I don’t know what God’s already told you to do, but you do.  God will tell you what he wants.  But I will tell you this.  Disobedience always hurts you.  It doesn’t hurt God.  You just missed the blessing. 
When you do whatever God tells you to do, you say, because you say so.  You become a because you say so person, God’s going to give you the vision for your career.  And I’m telling you: it’s going to come in three phases.  Because God never gives you the total vision all at once, because he wants you to grow in faith. 
You need to know the phases of faith.  When God wants to give a vision for your life, it always comes in three parts. 
First, he says when. “Launch out now.” By the way, “Launch out” always means a risk.  It’s risky to launch out.  God will always force you to take a risk.  Why?  Because there’s no faith without risk.  And without faith it’s impossible to please God.
Then it says what.  He says I want you to “let down your nets.” 
Then he says where.  “Launch out into deep water.”  Circle “launch out into deep water.”  He says I want you to launch out into deep water.  Why does God tell Peter to do that?  Because that’s where the big fish are.  They’re in the deep water.
Most people live their lives in the shallows of life.  They live kiddie pool Christianity.  Just enough of Jesus to bug them and not bless them.  They never get in over their heads.  They live at the superficial level.  They come to church and they paddle around in the shallows of life and maybe catch a few minnows, barely getting their feet wet.  Afraid to get in over their head.  And they miss God’s best.
Why is that?  As a pastor I’ve thought about this a lot.  Why do so many people, most people in life, live shallow lives?  Why do they live in the shallows?  Because it’s safer there.  There are no big waves by the shoreline.  Your boat isn’t going to get rocked around.  It’s not risky to live a shallow life.  Your feet can touch bottom and you can stay in control.  Actually, it’s the greatest risk because you’re missing out on all the blessings of eternity. 
So we live these shallow lives that are safer.  We live in this nice little comfort zone where we want God to bless our plans but we’re not willing to let him use our business as his platform. 
Obeying Jesus when it doesn’t make sense is the scariest, riskiest, most dangerous thing to do in life.  It’s also the most rewarding way to live.  It’s the way he does it. 
Here’s the fourth thing you do.  I give Jesus complete access to my life, to my job.  I admit my efforts aren’t working.  I obey whatever Jesus tells me – “because you say so.” 
4.     Then, I expect Jesus to turn things around. 
Follow me on the logic on this.  If God tells you to go fishing and then he comes along with you in the boat, and then he points out where to let down your nets, do you think you’re going to come up empty?  I don’t think so!  Really!
I imagine at this point Peter is quivering with anticipation.  He’s going, oh boy, oh boy!  And all the fear and fatigue and frustration that he’s felt from the night before, it’s passing away.  “This is going to be good!”  He’s not afraid of failing now.  He’s not afraid of launching out into the deep.  He’s not afraid of taking risks.  Why?  He’s got God’s presence in his boat, God’s plan in his mind, and God’s promise in his heart.  There’s no way he’s not going to succeed.  No way, if God told him to do it – because you say so.  He’s full of faith.
The Bible says this in 1 Thessalonians “The one who calls you is completely dependable.  If he said it, he’ll do it.”  God cannot lie. 
Follow me on this: if God can control the forces of nature – 53 fish in the Sea of Galilee come over here to this spot right now!  And all the big fishies swim over to that spot.  All right guys let down your nets.  If God can control nature like that, and obviously he can, he can get you a job.  He can get you what you need.  He can take care of you.  But you’ve got to do it his way. 
He can do it overnight.  He can do it in ten minutes!  After all the delays and difficulties and dead ends.
Notice the results, Luke 5.  “When they had done so, [When they had done what?  Obeyed what Jesus told them to do, admitted they were failing at it, and gave Jesus complete control.  My job – I don’t work for the company, I work for Jesus.  I’m a missionary.  First and foremost, I’m seeking his kingdom.  Jesus is in my boat.  When they had done so…] they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break!  So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink.  [More blessing than they could handle.  In fact they had to share it in order to not go under.]
God is looking for people to bless.  It’s not like God doesn’t want to bless people.  God is looking for people who are blessable.  If you will get blessable he will bless your socks off. 
This is the time for the miracles of acceleration.  This is a turning point in their lives.  God is looking for people to bless.  God wants to bless you so much that you become a blessing to other people.
Notice Peter’s reaction, verses 8-9.  “When Simon Peter saw this [this miracle of fish] he fell at Jesus’ knees and he said, ‘Go away from me Lord; I’m sinful man! [Remember he’s not a disciple yet.  He’s just a fisherman.  He’s a businessman.  Go away from me Lord, I’m a sinful man.  In other words you are God and there’s no way I deserve to be around you.]  For he and all his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken, and so were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, Simon’s [business] partners.” 
This miracle is the turning point in their lives.  Notice the real lesson.  “Then Jesus said to Simon, ‘Don’t be afraid; [and of course Simon was afraid because he’d seen God do this unbelievable thing.  He was afraid.] from now on you will catch men.” 
Let me stop right here.  This miracle is not about money.  It’s about people.  It’s not about possessions.  It’s about God’s purpose for your life.  It’s not about keeping a whole bunch of fish.  It’s about the kingdom of God.  He’s getting ready to call these guys to follow him one hundred percent.  So he does a miracle in their business.  But it’s not about so he can make them a successful businessman.  It’s about I want one hundred percent of your life for the kingdom of God.  He said I’m going to teach you how to fish for men.  I’m going to teach you how to change the world.  I’m going to teach you how to be used by God to change lives and companies and homes and communities.  I’m going to use you, to mobilize you, to fish for people.
“Jesus said to Simon, ‘Don’t be afraid; from now on you’ll catch men.’ So they pulled up their boats on to the shore, left everything and followed Jesus.”  You see what happens?  They leave all those stinking fish in the boat!  They didn’t even clean them.  They’re not thinking, “Good night!  We’ve got enough here to set us up for the next five years.  This is incredible.  We are in the money!”  What do they do?  They walk away from it and just start following Jesus. 
Why?  Because they were more interested in the blesser than the blessing.  Are you?  We’re all interested in the blessing – Bless me!  Bless me!  They were going, forget the blessing!  If that guy can do this I’m following him, because if I stay close to him there’s plenty more where that came from.  I don’t need the blessing in my life if I’m next to the blesser.  I can walk away from the biggest catch in my life.  I can walk away from stock options.  I can walk away from an enormous deal because I’m with the blesser.  And where that came from there’s plenty more. 
Too often we’re more interested in the blessing than the blesser.  But they knew if they followed Christ, there’s be plenty more to come.
God is calling some of you to leave your nets and follow him.  He’s calling you to leave the comfort zone, to leave your nets, and launch into the deep. 
  Are you ready to do what God wants you to do?
      Would you say in your heart, Lord I’ve fished all night and caught nothing.  And you know it.  But I want to follow you.  I want to leave my nets and follow you completely.  So first, Lord, I am committing my job, my career, to you.  It’s your job.  It’s your career, and I will be your missionary in this area.  I give you complete access to my life, my job, my marriage, my friendships, my bank account.  It’s yours, Lord.  Get in my boat please!  I give it all to you.  Lord, I admit that things are not working.  I have fished all night.  Sometimes I’ve been prideful and sometimes I’ve been stubborn and sometimes I’ve been fearful.  What I need to do is trust you.  And Lord, the things that you’ve told me to do that I haven’t done yet and I’ve put it off because I thought it was too expensive, or I couldn’t afford it or it didn’t seem popular or it didn’t make sense – because you say so I will launch out into the deep.  I’m going to trust you and I’m going to expect you to turn things around.  I give it all to you.  I want to not be concerned about the blessing.  I just want to follow the blesser.  In your name I pray.  Amen. 

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