Forest Grove United Methodist Church
Passionate Worship, Radical Hospitality,
Faith-building Relationships, and
Sacrificial Service
Passionate Worship, Radical Hospitality,
Faith-building Relationships, and
Sacrificial Service
Pastor: Dr. Frank Billman
Lay Leader: Vickie Kegerise
Music Director: Tim Garrett
Ministers: The Entire Congregation
Sunday School: 9:30 am | Worship: 10:30 am
Church Phone: 299-5203 | Pastor’s cell phone: 428-9253
MARCH 2013
Message on a church sign:
Beat the Easter Rush. Come to church this Sunday!
On Eater Sunday, worshippers entering the sanctuary were greeted by two giant red capital letters—M-T—behind the altar. M-T stood, of course, for “empty,” and the good news of the vacant tomb. The pastor planned to quiz the children about the M-T during the children’s message early in the service. When 28 brightly dressed little ones gathered around him on the cancel steps, the pastor asked: What’s different about the church today, kids?. After a pause, the pastor’s own daughter, throwing her hands in the air, replied, It’s full dad! End of sermon.
After an especially uplifting sermon, a parishioner telephoned her minister on Monday morning and said: Dr. Remington, I have to tell you that your sermon was so stirring that I went home and had a change of life!
“If we are silent about the joy that comes from knowing Jesus, the very stones will cry out! For we are an Easter people and ‘Alleluia’ is our song. Rejoice because Jesus has come into
the world! Rejoice because Jesus has died upon the cross!
Rejoice because He rose again from the dead! Rejoice because Jesus has come to set us free! Rejoice because He is the Master of our life!”
—Pope John Paul II
The Tenebrae Wreath Service has some similarities with the familiar advent wreath, where a wreath with 4 candles on the outside and one larger Christ candle in the middle is used to celebrate the church season of advent. With the advent wreath a new candle is lighted each week, symbolizing getting closer to the coming of Jesus, the Light of the world. With more candles being lit each week there is increasing light.
Tenebrae means darkness. Many churches have a Tenebrae service on Good Friday evening. At those services there are readings and singing with a gradual extinguishing of candles symbolizing the coming darkness of the cross.
In the Tenebrae Wreath Service there is a wreath made of thorns, like the crown of thorns that Jesus wore at his crucifixion. And there are candles around it, black candles symbolizing the nails that were used to crucify Jesus. There are 6 black candles for the 6 Sundays of Lent but there could also be 3 more, to include Ash Wednesday, Holy Thursday and Good Friday. In the case of the Tenebrae wreath all the candles are lit at the beginning of Lent and one candle is extinguished each week, or at each Lenten service, symbolizing the increasing darkness as we come closer to Good Friday and the cross. At each service one less candle is lit in the beginning of the service so, at the last service only one candle would be lit and there would be none lit at the end of the Tenebrae Wreath service that day. The candle extinguishing is accompanied by Lenten readings like an advent wreath service would have.
The candles and crown of thorns are arranged on either purple cloth, a traditional Lenten color, or burlap, a sign of sorrow for sin and repentance. Another choice would be a combination of purple cloth and burlap. Palms may be added to the arrangement on Palm Sunday.
This month’s fellowship dinner will be held Wednesday March 6 at 6:30 pm in the fellowship hall. Everyone is welcome, even if you don’t have time to make something to bring. There is always plenty of food!
Daylight Savings Time starts Sunday March 10
Don’t forget to turn your clock AHEAD one hour before you go to sleep on Saturday March 9
A sign-up sheet is circulating around the sanctuary on Sunday mornings for people to sign-up to sponsor Easter Lilies to decorate our sanctuary on Easter Sunday March 31. The lilies will be $8.00 and you can sponsor a lily in memory of someone who has passed away or in honor of someone who is still living.
On Saturday March 16 the Trustees are sponsoring a Spring Clean Up at the church starting at 9 am. This will be a time to clean up the grounds outside the church and spruce up the inside in preparation for our Easter guests. Many hands make light the work!
Those interested in a time of sharing, praying, and fellowshipping together are welcome to gather at the home of Henry Procopio on Wednesday March 20 at 6:30 pm. This is a monthly gathering but anyone is welcome to come whenever they can come. The group is studying the Gospel of Luke. You can start at any time. Snacks are provided.
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We will celebrate Holy Communion on Sunday, March 10th. |

For March 3 Kenny & Trish
For March10 Bev & Tim
For March 17 Jennifer Lee
For March 24 Brenda & Tony
For March 31 Kristy Wehmeyer
Did you know that the state of Tennessee has made a Will for you, if you have none? Their laws may not leave your property to the people you wish. They definitely will not leave anything to your church or any other charity. Draw up a Will this month and don’t forget your church in your estate planning.
Series--Patience, Persistence and Peace of Mind
March 3— Harry Burger Preaching
March 10—How to Deal with Disappointment
March 17—The Five Keys to Peace of Mind
March 24—Seeing the Positive in My Problems
March 31—Easter Sunday Message
Sunday March 24th is Palm Sunday and we will have a palm procession at the beginning of our worship service.
Holy Thursday, March 28th, we will show the film Passion of the Christ in our sanctuary at 6:30 pm.
Good Friday, March 29th, there will be a Good Friday Service at Greenville UMC at 6:30 pm.
On Easter Sunday, March 31st, our youth will provide a special Easter Breakfast and program at 8 am. Followed by Sunday School at 9:30 and our regular worship service at 10:30.
If you have any nail polish that you no longer like or use [even partially used bottles] you are invited to bring them to church and give them to Peg Billman to go to Brazil. Shores of Grace Ministries will use nail polish to paint the nails of the girls on the streets as an act of love.
The Forest Grove choir will practice March 6 immediately following Fellowship Dinner. And then again March 13th to prepare for special Easter music.
Anyone called to intercede for each other, our church, our country, our nation, our world is welcome to come once a month. We share needs and then intercede to Father for them. Praying out loud is optional. There’s power in corporate prayer! In March we will meet Wednesday March 27th at 6:30 in the sanctuary.
The Hope Center is located 212 Gifford Place, next door to the Laundromat. There are now over 170 client families being helped by our center. This does not include homeless persons and persons just passing through who are in need. A barrel is in the entryway of the church to receive donations of non-perishable food items, and good used clothing and shoes for the Joelton Hope Center. [You can also take them directly to the Hope Center.]
In the two years the Hope Center has been open they have helped nearly 700 people in our area! 550 food boxes have been given out, which is an average of 42 boxes a month. At this time, the Goodlettsville Help Center will no longer help people from Joelton or Whites Creek so they will now all be coming to the Joelton Hope Center. The new Hope Center hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10-4 and 10-2 Saturday. The Hope Center Board set a goal of being open 6 days a week, so additional volunteers are needed any day Monday-Saturday. Call the Hope Center at 876-1778 if you can help.
The Hope Center has expanded to occupy the space of two stores so they can offer classes to the community and accept some furniture.

Imagine how different your outlook on life would be if you had absolute confidence that God was with you. Imagine how differently you would respond to difficulties, temptations, and even good things if you knew with certainty that God was in all of it and was planning to leverage it for good. In other words, imagine what it would be like to have PERFECT faith. We will begin this DVD study on March 10 at 9:30 am in the sanctuary. There are six sessions:
1. Big Faith
2. Practical Teaching
3. Providential Relationships
4. Private Disciplines
5. Personal Ministry
6. Pivotal Circumstances
This resource will equip anyone who watches it to be a more mature follower of Jesus Christ. Who doesn’t need that!?! We hope you’ll join us!
Forest Grove has a prayer chain that is called when emergency needs arise during the week needing prayer right away. To start the prayer chain all you need to do is call Janice Baxter with your prayer request—876-0489.
This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life. God didn’t go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger, telling the world how bad it was. He came to help, to put the world right again. Anyone who trusts in him is acquitted; anyone who refuses to trust him has long since been under the death sentence without knowing it. And why? Because of that person’s failure to believe in the one-of-a-kind Son of God when introduced to him.
John 3:16-18 (The Message)
God so LOVED you! God so LOVES you! Yes, God loves
CELEBRATE EASTER LOVE – Aleluia! What a Savior!!
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