Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter 2014 Sermon

To listen click here. I'm sorry but I still haven't gotten the recording to go through the system so it sounds tin can-like (and you can hear my "agreeing"!)


04-20-14 Sermon  Easter Sunday

“I write these thing to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.” 1 John 5:13

      “For God so loved the world that He gave His Only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not Perish but have Everlasting Life.”  John 3:16 (KJV)


1.              You Must_________                        __________________: “God SO loved the world…”

      “God showed how much He loved us by sending His only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through Him.  This is real love…He sent His Son as a sacrifice to take away
            our sins.”  1 John 4:9-10 (NLT)           

            “May you be able to feel and understand...  how long, how wide, how deep, and how high God's love really is and experience this love for yourselves...”  Ephesians 3:18-19 (LB)


2.            You Must _______              ______________: “He GAVE His only begotten Son…”
      “Out of sheer generosity God put us in right standing with Himself.  A pure gift.  He got us out of the mess we're in and restored us to where He always wanted us to be.  And He did it by means of Jesus Christ.  He sacrificed Jesus on the altar of the world to clear that world of sin.”  Romans 3:24-25 (Mes)

      “When we were unable to help ourselves, at the moment of our need, Christ died for us, although we were living against God.”  Romans 5:6 (NCV)

      “God took the sinless Christ and poured into Him our sins.  Then, in exchange, He poured God's goodness into us.”  2 Corinthians 5:21 (LB)


3.  You Must_________                   _______________: “WHOEVER BELIEVES in him…”
      “One's nationality or race or education or social position is unimportant; such things mean nothing.  Whether a person has Christ is what matters, and He is equally available to all.”  Colossians 3:11 (LB)

      “God says He will accept and acquit us – declare us ‘not guilty’ – if we trust Jesus Christ to take away our sins.  And we all can be saved in this same way, by coming to Christ, no matter who we are or what we have been like.”  Romans 3:22 (LB)


4.  You Must______________                  ________________: “should not perish but have EVERLASTING LIFE!”

      “We are now members of God's own family… and God has reserved for His children the priceless gift of eternal life; it is kept in heaven for you…and God will make sure that you get there safely to receive because you are trusting Him.”  1 Peter 1:3-5 (LB)


      “We wait for that day when God will give us our full rights as His children, including the new bodies He has promised us – bodies that will never be sick again and will never die.”  Romans 8:23 (LB)

04-20-14 Sermon  Easter Sunday

Happy Easter everybody!  Today we’re going to go back to the basics.  If I were to go over to Opry Mills mall this afternoon and ask people, “If you were to die tonight and were to stand before God and God said, ‘Why should I let you into heaven?” what would you say?  Are you sure you’re going to heaven when you die?  Are you absolutely certain you’re going to heaven when you die? 

Most people would say, “I think so… I hope so… I guess I am… I want to go… I hope and wish that I am…” Friends, only a fool would go all through life totally unprepared for something they know is inevitable.  The mortality rate in the world is now one hundred percent.  We’re all going to die at some point.  The question is what’s going to happen after I die? 

The fact of the matter is, you can KNOW that you are going to go to heaven.  That’s what the Bible says in 1 Jn 5:13 “I write these thing to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.”
Today I want to help you settle this basic issue.   God doesn’t want you being in doubt.  He doesn’t want you worrying.  He doesn’t want you fearful.  He doesn’t want you wondering all your life, “Am I going to make it or not?  Am I going to be in or not?”  He says you can settle it without a doubt in your mind.  You can absolutely, confidently for sure know that you’re going to heaven when you die.  This Easter we’re going back to the basics and settle this issue. 

We’re going to look at probably the most famous verse in the Bible.  It’s one that everybody’s probably heard of.  If you’ve only got one verse in the entire Bible memorized this is the one to know.  This is like Christianity 101.  John 3:16.  (If you don’t know that verse, it’s the verse that the weirdo guys with the colored hair and painted faces hold up in the end zone at football games.)  “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son [that’s Jesus] that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” 

There’s a couple things I want you to notice about this verse.  First there are six main words – God’s, Only, Son, Perish, Eternal, Life.  Circle those six words.  God’s – Only – Son – Perish – Eternal – Life.  When you take the first letter of each of those six words what does that spell?  Gospel.  You’ve heard the word “gospel.”  What does it mean?  We talk about gospel music.  Or he’s sharing the gospel.  Gospel means “Good News.”  This verse is often called the gospel in a single sentence.  It’s the best news you’ve ever heard or ever going to hear. 

The second thing I want you to notice about this is the middle word.  There’s 25 words in this verse in the KJV.  The middle word, the thirteenth word, is the word “Son” it’s talking about Jesus.  The first twelve words are all about God.  “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten.”  Son is in the middle.  The last twelve words are all about you and me.  “That whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”  That in itself is a picture.  The Bible says that God’s on one side and mankind is on the other and Jesus Christ came to earth to bring them together.  That’s what He came to earth to do.  He’s the bridge over troubled waters.  He’s the mediator between God and man.  Jesus came to bring God and us together. 

What we’re going to do today is take this verse apart phrase by phrase so that when we finish today you don’t have any doubt in your mind how you can know you’re going to heaven.  There are four keys, four phrases in this verse.

1.  You must recognize God’s love. 

If you want to go to heaven the first thing you’ve got to do is recognize God’s love.  How much He loves you.  The Bible says, “God so loved the world.”  God says I don't want you to recognize it intellectually.  I want you to recognize it emotionally.  I want you to feel it.  The Bible tells us that “God is love.”  It doesn’t say He has love it says He is love.  God is love.  It’s His nature.  It’s His character.  It’s what He’s made of.  God created you so He could love you.

But the Bible says God so loved the world.  That means His love is extravagant.  It’s lavish.  It’s beyond comprehension.  God loves you on your good days and on your bad days.  He loves you when it’s raining.  He loves you when it’s shining.  He loves you when you feel it.  He loves you when you don’t feel it.  He loves you when you do the right thing.  He loves you when you do the wrong thing.  Why? 

Because God’s love isn’t based on who you are.  It’s based on who He is.  God is love.  God’s love isn’t based on what you do, your performance.  It’s based on what Jesus has already done for you.  You can’t make God stop loving you.    It’s based on the fact that He chooses to love you unconditionally.  Even a thousand years before you were born God knew that on Easter 2014 you would be at Forest Grove church in Joelton, TN.  He knew you’d be here, just so He could get you to sit still long enough so He could say this to you.  “I love you.  I love you.  Will you slow down long enough so I can say this to you?  I love you!  I’ve loved you every moment of your life.  I made you to love you.  I saw you formed in your mother’s womb.  I loved you then.  I saw you take your first breath and I loved you then.  I saw you take your first step.  And I loved you then.  I saw all the good and the bad in your life, the highs and the lows, the right and the wrong and I have loved you no matter what.  Because I made you to love you.”  God so loved the world. 

Notice these verses in the Bible.

1 John 4 says this “God showed how much He loved us by sending His only Son into the world [that’s Jesus] so that we might have eternal life through Him.  This is real love… He sent His Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.”  God didn’t just say He loved you.  He showed it.  A lot of people say it but they don’t do anything about it.  He showed it.  He showed it in the most expensive way.  He sacrificed His Son.  He proved it.  When Jesus Christ stretched out His arms on the cross to die for us He was saying to you, I love you this much.  I love you so much it hurts.  I love you so much I’d rather die than live without you.  That’s what God says about you.  He loves you that much.  Even if you were the only person who ever lived Jesus Christ still would have come to earth and died on the cross for you so that He could show His love for you. 

God says I created you to love you.  God wants you to know His love. Ephesians 3 says:  “May you be able to feel and understand… how long, how wide, how deep, and how high God’s love really is and to experience this love for yourselves…”  God says I want you to not just know it. I want you to feel it in your soul.  Most people have never felt the unconditional love of God because when you feel it, it transforms your life.  You’re never the same again.  The day you actually feel totally loved by God after that day you will never again have to deal with inferiority or insecurity or low self esteem or with the depression that comes with the feeling of worthlessness.  Because you realize the creator of the universe made me simply to love me.  God made me to love me.  That will change your life. 

God says I want you to feel all four dimensions.  It’s not three-dimensional.  It’s four-dimensional.  Long and wide and deep and high.  I want you to know first….

How long is God’s love?  Long enough to last forever.  God will never stop loving you. 

How wide is it?  Wide enough to be everywhere.  There is no place you can go where God’s love is not.  You may not feel His love but it’s there.  You’re just not tuned in.  There are times in you life when you feel lonely but you shouldn’t be lonely.  Because you are never without God. 

How deep is God’s love?  Deep enough to handle any problem you’ve got.  You say, “I'm in the pits!  I’ve hit bottom. ”  God’s love is deeper still.  I don’t care what problem you’re going through, His love is deeper than that problem.

How high is God’s love?  It’s high enough to overlook your mistakes.  Aren’t you glad for that one?  I don't care what you’ve done or who you’ve done it with or how long you’ve done it or where you did it, God says I want you to come back to Me.  I love you.  I want to forgive you.  I want to give you a fresh start. 

A lot of people think, “Because of all the stuff I’ve done wrong.  I’ve blown it and gone my own way if I came to God He’s going to reject me.”  God isn’t mad at you! He’s mad about you.  Nobody will ever love you the way God does.  This has to become the foundation of your life.  If you want stability in your life you build it on the rock foundation of God’s love for you. 

Two thousand years ago when Jesus Christ died and rose again on Easter Sunday, the Romans were so worried that somebody might steal the body of Jesus and claim that He was resurrected they took a series of precautions.  They rolled a huge stone in front of the entrance to his tomb.  Then they permanently sealed it with the Roman seal so it could never be broken.  Then they posted guards outside His tomb.  The only time in history they posted living guards to keep a dead man in the tomb.  But they did. 

You know the story.  Easter Sunday morning the angels show up, the earthquake shakes the ground, lightning comes down, the guards fall back in a faint, the seal is broken, the stone is rolled back.  Why was that?  So Jesus could come out?  No.  He’d already left.  The stone was rolled away not so Jesus could come out but so the skeptics could go in and see that He wasn’t there.  That stone, the cornerstone of life, is the stone of God’s love.  If you build your life on it you’re going to have stability. 

So there’s the first step to heaven.  I’ve got to recognize God’s love.  Nobody’s ever going to love me as much as God does.  So recognize His love. 

2.  You Must receive God’s gift.

That’s the second part of the verse.  “God so loved the world [I recognize His love] that He gave [there’s the gift] His only begotten Son.”  Did you know God has a gift for you?  Notice: “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.”  Notice it doesn’t say He sent a good man.  It doesn’t say He sent an angel.  It doesn’t say He sent a prophet.  It doesn’t say He sent a moral leader, an ethical teacher.  It says He sent His Son.  He cared enough to send the very best.  God came to earth in human form.  His name was Jesus Christ. 

Why did He come to earth?  The Bible says in Romans 3 “Out of sheer generosity God put us in right standing with Himself:  A pure gift.”  In other words, I can’t earn this.  It’s just a gift.  It’s called grace.  You know what grace is?  Grace is when God gives you what you need, not what you deserve.  He says out of sheer generosity God put us in right standing with Himself a pure gift.  “He got us out of the mess we’re in and restored us to where He always wanted us to be and He did it by means of Jesus Christ.  He sacrificed Jesus on the altar of the world to clear that world of sin.”

So why did Jesus have to die? Romans 5 says: “When we were unable to help ourselves at that moment of our need Christ died for us although we were living against God.” 

The Bible says, “All have sinned,” and it says, “The wages of sin is death.”  That means I deserve to be punished for the things I’ve done wrong in my life.  That’s the bad news. 

Here’s the good news.  Everything you’ve ever done wrong in life has already been paid for!  That’s what Jesus Christ did on the cross.  He took my sin and your sin.  In fact all the sins you haven’t even committed yet.  Things you’re going to do wrong next week, next month, next year.  Stuff you haven’t even thought up yet.  All of the creative ways of sinning you didn’t know about yet.  They’ve already been paid for.  That is called the good news.  That’s what the gospel is.  It means it’s already been taken care of.  It’s already paid for. 

This is one of the most amazing verses of the entire Bible.  I call it the great exchange verse.  It says, “God took the sinless Christ [Jesus had never sinned.  He was perfect.  He was God.]  and poured into Him all our sins [all the stuff we’d done wrong] Then, in exchange, [here’s the great exchange] He poured God’s goodness into us.”  What a deal!  I like this deal!  God says I'm going to take everything Frank Billman’s done wrong.  All his evil thoughts, all his rudeness, all his selfishness, all the times he’s lied.  And I’m going to put that on Jesus Christ and He’s going to pay the penalty so Frank doesn’t have to pay for it.  Then I'm going to take Jesus’ goodness and put it on Frank so he can get into heaven. 

So this means you can’t earn your way to heaven.  You can’t work your way to heaven.  You can’t buy your way into heaven.  It’s just a gift.  It’s a free gift.  “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.”  He gave the gift to die for us so that I can go to heaven.  That’s pretty good news.  That’s called grace.  I just receive the gift of God’s grace.  It’s just free.  I don’t deserve it and never will.

You can summarize all religions in one word – do.  It’s just everybody has their own different to do list.  One religion says you do these five things.  Another one says no, you do these ten things. Another one says no, you do these fifteen things.  Another says, no, you do these twenty things.  It’s all about do.  You do things and then maybe God will like you. 

The difference between religion and salvation, salvation is all based on the word “done.”  It’s already done for you.  It is a gift.  It’s done for you.  When Jesus Christ died on the cross He stretched out His hands and one of the last things He said was, “It is finished.”  He didn’t say, “I'm finished,” because He wasn’t.  He was still alive with a lot more to do.  He’s still alive today.  He said, “It is finished.”  What does that mean? 

It means, “I paid for all the bad things you’ve ever done.  I paid for all of the evil in the world.”  This is what Jesus was agonizing over before He went to the cross.    It’s because He is going to take all of the guilt of the world on Himself.

Jesus said “I'm going to take the guilt of the whole world – every rape ever committed, I'm going to take the guilt for it.  Every murder ever committed I'm going to take the guilt for it.  Every molestation, every spouse abuse, every evil thought, every evil action, every evil betrayal, every adultery, every lie, every theft.  I'm going to take the guilt of the killing fields and the guilt of the holocaust and the guilt of the genocides.  I'm going to take the entire guilt of the world on Me.”  That’s pretty amazing.  He says, it’s just a gift.  It is finished.  You can’t add anything to it.  It’s only by grace.

The third step to knowing for sure you’re going to heaven is to…

3.  You Must Respond to God’s offer.

First you recognize God’s love – God so loved the world.  Then you receive God’s gift – that He gave His only begotten Son – that’s Jesus.  Then you respond to God’s offer.  God’s made an offer to you.  It’s an incredible proposal.  He says this “That whosoever believes in Him should not perish.”  That’s a pretty incredible offer.  The promise of heaven is “Whosoever believes on Him should not perish.”

Notice who this offer is to.  The Bible says the free gift of eternal salvation is offered to everyone.  That means you and me and everybody. Colossians 3 says: “One’s nationality or race or education or social position is unimportant.  Such things mean nothing.  Whether a person has Christ is what matters.  And He is equally available to all.”  Jesus Christ is an equal opportunity savior.  It’s amazing grace for every race.  God says I don’t really care what your ethnic background is.  It doesn’t really matter what your economic background is.  It doesn’t really matter.  Jesus Christ still died for you. 

Let me give you a real important pointer about life.  In life it doesn’t matter so much what you’ve been.  What you’ve been does not matter so much as what you’re becoming.  That’s what matters in life.  Not what you’ve been but what you’re becoming.  My past is past.  What matters is what I'm becoming right now. 

Notice: How do I accept God’s offer of eternal life in heaven? Romans 3 reads:  “God says He will accept us and acquit us [in other words] - declare us ‘not guilty’, [for all the things I’ve done wrong] if [and here’s the key] we trust Jesus Christ [circle “trust Jesus Christ”] to take away our sins.  And we can all be saved in this same way, by coming to Christ, no matter who we are or what we’ve been like.”  Aren’t you glad for that last part?  In other words, no matter who we are or what we’ve been like.

Friends, there’s only one way you’re going to get into heaven.  It says right there.  By trusting Jesus Christ.  Trusting. 

What does it mean to trust Jesus Christ?  It means more than just know about Him.  It means to trust Him.  The word there in Greek is “to trust in, to cling to, to rely on, to adhere to.”  It means to commit yourself to.  I begin to trust God in every area of my life.  I begin to trust Him with my finances.  I begin to trust Him with my relationships.  I begin to trust God with my future and my dreams and my ambitions.  I trust God with my talent.  I begin to trust God with my problems.  I learn to trust Him in every area.  That’s what it means to really believe.  Not just head knowledge. 

The Bible says “Whosoever believes in Him shall not perish.”  A lot of people know about God but they just don’t know God.  In other words I believe in Hitler.  I believe he existed.  But I'm not a Nazi.  I believe in Stalin and Khruschev and Marx but I'm not a Communist.  I believe in bin Laden but I'm not member of Al-Queda.  But I believe in Jesus and that’s different.  Because I trust Him.  Why?  Because I know Him.  You don’t trust somebody you don't know.  You’ve got to get to know Him.  It’s the difference between your head and your heart.  You don’t trust somebody you don’t know. 

That’s what it means to know God.  I know God just like I'm talking to you.  I talk to Him all the time just like this.  And you can to.  It’s not just for pastors.  Anybody can talk to God that way.  Knowing Him personally.  Having a relationship.  That’s what it means to trust God.  A lot of people are going to miss heaven by eighteen inches.  They’ve got God in their head but not in their heart.  You can go to church your entire life and still miss heaven.  Because you know about God.  You may have a religion but you don’t have a relationship.  God says, “No, I want you to learn to trust Me.  Whoever trusts in Me shall not perish.” 

Here’s the steps.  You want to go to heaven?  You recognize God’s love.  No one will ever love me more than God does.  Recognize God’s love and receive God’s gift.  That He gave His only begotten Son.  I respond to His offer that whosoever believes in Him,” and then here’s the fourth thing…

4.  You Must rely on God’s promise. 

What’s the promise?  “Shall not perish but have everlasting life.”  That’s quite a promise!  Do you know you were made to last forever?  One day your heart’s going to stop.  That’ll be the end of your body, but it’s not going to be the end of you.  God made you in His image and you were made to last forever.  God says I want you spending forever with Me, not apart from Me.  I want you forever with Me in eternity.  I want you in my forever family. 

But here’s the bottom line.  If you want to spend eternity with God in heaven, you’ve got to build a relationship with Him now on earth.  You don’t just thumb your nose to God and say, I'm going to ignore You my entire life and then at the end go, “By the way, I’d like to come and spend eternity with You.”  No, you develop a relationship with Him now.”  If you don’t like spending time with God now here on earth, why would he make you spend the rest of eternity with him in heaven? 

You say, “But Frank even if I put my trust in Jesus Christ, how do I know that I'm going to make it in?  What if something happens to me between now and when I did and I blow it and I don’t get in?”  You don’t understand grace.  It’s not up to you to be sure.  It’s God who makes sure you make it. 

1 Peter tells us:“We are now members of God’s own family… [in other words, when we put our trust in Him.]  And God has reserved for His children [it’s like me going out and making a reservation for us for dinner.  God has reserved a place in advance for His children] the priceless gift of eternal life; it is kept in heaven for you … and God will make sure [circle “God will make sure”.  You don’t have to make sure, God will make sure] that you get there safely to receive it because you are trusting Him.”

What does that mean?  God will make sure.  It’s like when my kids were little and we were in a crowd where they could get lost or in a place where they could get hurt about half way the walk my kids go, “I don’t think I need Dad’s help any more.  I can make this on my own.  I don't really need my father.”  And they want to pull their hand out of my hand.  They want to wiggle and squirm and let go.  But because I love them and I want to protect them, I'm not letting go.  They may want to let go of my hand but I'm not letting go of theirs. 

Today you say, “I'm going to put my trust in Jesus Christ.  I know there’s not a snowball’s chance in hell I'm going to make it to heaven by doing good because I'm not good enough.  I’ve already blown it.  I'm not perfect.  So Jesus, I'm going to put my hand in Your hand.  I'm going to put my life in Your hand.  I'm going to trust You.”  And you grab on to God’s hand today. 

I'm going to guarantee you this.  There will be times in your life you’re going to want to let go of God.  You go, Right now it’s kind of inconvenient to be a follower of Christ.  Right now it’s kind of cramping my style.  I don’t really want to do the right and ethical thing.  I want to do the easy thing.  There are going to be times when you want to let go of God’s hand but He’s never letting go of yours because He loves you.  He will make sure that you get into heaven.  It’s not dependent upon you.  It’s not by works.  It’s all by His grace.  And He says I will get you there.

So what do I do now between now and when I die?  You get to know God better.  You learn to love Him.  You learn to trust Him with every area of your life – your money, your relationships, your family, your future, your career.  You learn to trust Him.  And you learn God’s purpose for your life and begin to fulfill the purpose you were created for. 

Rick Warren, in his book, The Purpose Driven Life, wrote  “You are not an accident.  Your parents may not have planned you but God did.  He wanted you alive and He created you for His purpose.  Focussing on yourself, looking inside will never reveal your purpose in life.  You were made by God and you were made for God.  Until you understand that, life will never make sense.  It is only in God that we discover our origin, our identity, our meaning, our purpose, our significance and our destiny.” 

There are three benefits of giving your life to Christ.  Past, present and future.  1 Peter 1 in the Living Bible says “What a God we have!  Because Jesus was raised from the dead, [that’s Easter] we’ve all been given a brand new life [that means just as if I’ve never sinned] and we have everything to live for [that’s purpose] including a future in heaven, and the future starts now!”  Do you get this?  God says when you give your life to Me, your past is forgiven, you get a purpose for living, you get a home in heaven.  What a deal!  Nobody else can give you that.  Past forgiven, purpose for living, place in heaven. 

At Jesus’ trial before Pilate, Jesus has just been beaten to a pulp.  He’s got a crown of thorns on His head.  Pilate’s standing before an angry mob trying to decide whether to kill Him or not.  Pilate asks the most important question?  “What shall I do with Jesus?”  That is the most important question in life.  Because how you answer it will determine your eternal destiny. 

So I'm asking you right now, What are you going to do with Jesus?  You can either trust Him or you’re going to turn away from Him.  It has eternal implications. 

Here’s the cool part.  You don’t have to have all your doubts resolved and all your questions answered before you start a relationship with Jesus.  No.  Jesus says just come with your doubts.  Come with your questions.  That’s ok.  You don’t have to have it all figured out.  I’ve been a follower of Jesus for over forty years now.  When I read the Bible there’s still a lot of things in here I don’t understand.  I go, “Why would God do that?  I wouldn’t do that if I were God.”  You ought to be glad I'm not God!  But that hasn’t stopped me from having a forty year friendship with Jesus Christ.  I don't have to understand how everything works for me to enjoy it. 

I don’t know how a TV works and pulls color out of the air but I still watch TV.  I don't know how I can get on a cell phone and talk to my kids and grandkids in Brazil for no cost.  I don't have to understand the chemistry of digestion to eat a steak.  A lot of things I don’t understand but I still enjoy. 

And the other thing you don’t have to have is you don’t have to have great faith.  Just have a little faith.  It’s not the size of your faith that matters.  It’s the size of your God.  You put a little faith in a big God and you get saved.  You don’t have to have a lot of faith.  Just a little faith. 

Everybody’s got faith.  You’ve got faith.  You use it all the time.  You had faith when you sat down on that pew that it’d hold you up.  You have faith when you go out on the interstate that you’re not going to get killed.  You have faith all the time.  Just put some in God. 

You can do that right now.  Don't leave here without knowing for sure you’re going to heaven when you die.


      As we close, would you just pray this simple prayer in your heart, in your mind.  You don’t have to say it aloud.  God knows your thoughts.  He’s seen every thought you’ve ever had.  Just say this, “Dear Jesus, I don’t understand it all but I want to thank You for loving me.  I want to thank You for coming to earth for me.  I want to thank You for giving Your life for me so I can go to heaven.  I want to accept Your free gift of forgiveness, Your grace.  I know I can’t earn my way to heaven.  So I want to learn to trust You with every area of my life.  Would You make me just as if I’d never sinned?  Then help me to know Your purpose for my life so that the rest of my life will be the best of my life.  Amen.” 

There’s one last verse.  Romans 8:23 It’s talking about what it’s going to be like in heaven.  There will come a day when you’re going to die.  God says I will take you into heaven if you put your trust in My Son.  “We wait for that day when God will give us our full rights as His children, including new bodies He has promised us -  bodies that will never be sick again and will never die.”  There will come a day when there will be no more sorrow, no more suffering, no more tears, no more tragedy, no more death.  We’re going to be with God forever in eternity and celebrate if we put our trust in Jesus.

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