Sunday, August 18, 2013

8-18-13 Sermon

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The Invisible War – Part 3
08-18-13 Sermon

  Seven Weapons of Self-Destruction

Romans 8—The Cure for weapons of self-destruction

1. I must remind myself daily ______________________________________________
      “So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. For the power of the life-giving SPIRIT has freed you through Christ Jesus from the power of sin that leads to death. The law of Moses could not save us, because of our sinful nature. But God put into effect a different plan to save us. He sent his own Son in a human body like ours, except that ours are sinful. God destroyed sin's control­ over us by giving his Son as a sacrifice for our sins. He did this so the requirement of the law would be fully accomplished for us, who no longer follow our sinful nature but instead follow THE SPIRIT.”  Romans 8:1-4 (NLT)

2. I ask the Holy Spirit ____________________________________________________
      “Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the SPIRIT have their minds set on what the SPIRIT desires. The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the SPIRIT is life and peace.”  Romans 8:5-6 (NIV)

      “The sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so. Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God.”  Romans 8:7-8 (NIV)

3. I realize I have _______________________________________________________
      “But you are not controlled by your sinful nature. You are now controlled by the SPIRIT if you have the SPIRIT of God living in you.  Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ living in them does not belong to Christ.”   Romans 8:9 (NLT)

“So, dear brothers, you have no obligations anymore to your old sinful nature to do what it begs you to do.”  Romans 8:12 (LB)

4. I need to turn my thoughts ________________________________________________
      “Those who are led by God's Spirit are God's children. For the Spirit that God has given you does not make you slaves and cause you to be afraid; instead, the Spirit makes you God's children, and by the Spirit's power we cry out to God, ‘Father! My Father!’ God's Spirit joins himself to our spirits to declare that we are God's children!”  Romans 8:14-16 (TEV)

5. I need to focus on the __________________________________________________
      “Since we are his children, we WILL possess the blessings he keeps for his people, and also we WILL possess with Christ what God has kept for him! For if we share Christ's suffering, we will also share his glory!  I consider that what we suffer at this present time cannot be compared at all with the glory that is going to be revealed to us.”  Romans 8:17-18 (TEV)


6. I need to remind myself that _____________________________________________
      “Also, the Spirit helps us with our weakness. We do not know how to pray as we should. But the Spirit himself speaks to God for us, and even begs God for us with deep feelings that words cannot explain. God can see what is in our hearts… and the Spirit speaks to God for his people in the way God wants.”  Romans 8:26-27 (NCV)

      “AND we know that in ALL things God works for the good of those who       love Him, who’ve been called according to His purpose.”  Romans 8:28 (NIV)

      “So what can we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us?  And since God did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won't God, who gave us Christ, also give us everything else?”  Romans 8:31-32 (NLT)
      “Since God did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won't God, who gave us Christ, also give us everything else?”  Rom. 8:32 (NLT)

7.  I need to trust that God ____________________________________________
      “I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from his love.  Death can't, and life can't. The angels can't, and the demons can't.       Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, and even the powers of hell can't keep God's love away. Whether we are high above the sky or in the deepest ocean, nothing in all creation will ever be able to       separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  Romans 8:38-39 (NLT)

The Invisible War – Part 3
08-18-13 Sermon

We’re in this series on “The Invisible War.”  What I’ve told you in the first two sessions is that the Bible teaches that you have three enemies that are trying to mess up your life.  They want to defeat your family.  They want to defeat your life. They want to steal your soul. They want to keep you from having joy and purpose and meaning here in life.  These three enemies come against you, kind of a triple team.  Tag-team wrestling or double-team takedown… things like that.

The Bible calls these three enemies you have the world, the flesh and the devil.  The world comes around you.  Satan comes against you.  And the battle with you is within you.  In this series we’re going to go in detail about each of these three enemies. Because if you don’t know who the enemy is you can never win the battle and you’re going to go through life defeated most of your life. 

We’re beginning with your biggest enemy.  Your biggest enemy is not Satan.  It’s not the world. It’s you.  You are your biggest problem.  As I said last week when you want to run away from your problems and you want to go to Tahiti, the problem is you take you with you.  All that internal stuff is inside of you.

Last week we looked at this great testimony of Romans 7 where Paul says, “I can’t figure myself out.  All my best intentions aren’t good enough.  I want to do the right thing but I don’t.  And I don’t want to do the wrong thing but I do.” 

And that is the story of you.  And it’s the story of me.  You know far more than you’re actually doing.  If you were actually able to practice all the good things you know to do, you’d be a lot more successful in life. But it’s not just knowing it. It’s getting yourself to do it.  There’s this battle because we have a natural resistance inside of us that wants to do what’s easy, what’s convenient, what’s quick.  Rather than what’s right and what’s best. 

What I want us to do this weekend is look at how to overcome the six weapons of self-destruction.  You’ve heard of the weapons of mass destruction. But I want to talk to you about what the Bible teaches about the weapons of self-destruction. There are things you do to yourself all the time that damage you, that hurt you, that cause you to self-destruct; that cause you enormous stress, enormous pain, enormous unhappiness and unneeded pressure in your life.

Then I’m going to show you from God’s Word, in Romans 8, how the Bible tells us that the Spirit of God living within you can give you the antidote to every one of these weapons.    

Before we even get into the text, I want you to write these seven things down. These are the seven weapons of self-destruction.  These are the seven things that mess up people’s lives more than anything else.  We’re going to look at the cure for these weapons of self-destruction.

1)   shame. 
2)   uncontrolled thoughts.
3)   compulsions. 
4)   fear. 
5)   hopelessness.  
6)    Bitterness
7)   insecurity. 

The classic passage on dealing with these weapons of self-destruction is Romans 7 and Romans 8. Romans 7 explains what these seven things do in your life. And Romans 8 gives us the answer.  At the end of Romans 7, Paul says this.  He’s outlined the battle going on inside himself. He says “What a miserable person I am.  [All those things I know are good and I want to do I end up not doing. And all those things I don’t want to do I end up doing. And I’m really messing up my life.  What a miserable person I am.]  I’ve tried everything and nothing helps. [Paul says I’ve watched Oprah.  I’ve read a Dr. Phil book. I’ve done all these different things. None of this stuff really works getting me into shape.]  Who will free me from this life dominated by sin?” 

Notice he doesn’t say, What will free me.  Because the answer to the problem inside you, the mess ups in your life that you’d like to change, the answer is not a pill, it’s not a program, it’s not a book, it’s not a tape, it’s not a seminar, it’s not hypnosis. The answer is a person.  It is Jesus Christ and his Spirit inside of you.  Romans 8 is the answer to Romans 7.  The Spirit of God inside of you gives you the antidote to all seven of these negative emotions.

What I want us to look at this morning is how can I be free from me?  So we’re going to look at seven mental habits that explain the great truths of Romans 8.

The first step in being set free from me is this:

1.    I must remind myself daily what Jesus did for me.

That’s the starting point. I’ve got to remind myself everyday of what Jesus did for me.  What is salvation?  What are the benefits of it?  We have a lot of people who are saved but you don’t act like it.  Let’s look at these verses:  Romans 8:1-4.  First he says, “So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Jesus Christ.” 

“No condemnation” means God doesn’t judge you for all the things you’ve done wrong if you’ve trusted Christ because Jesus took all that judgment on the cross.  He doesn’t have to judge you because Jesus was judged. He doesn’t have to condemn you because Jesus took your condemnation.  He took your rap, he paid your penalty, he did your time for you.

The Bible says if I’m a believer, if I belong to Christ, there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.  Circle the phrase “belong to Christ Jesus.”  This whole passage is talking about people who’ve given their life to Jesus.  This doesn’t apply to you if you haven’t made that decision yet.  But if you’ve received Christ into your life the Bible says you’re under no condemnation.  That means there is no reason for a Christian to walk around in shame; because I stop and I remind myself Jesus paid for all of my sins.  He already knew before I was born every sin I was going to do.  And he paid for it.

The next part of that verse says, “For the power of the life giving Spirit [that’s the Holy Spirit, God’s Spirit] has freed you through Christ Jesus from the power of sin that leads to death.” 

What does that verse mean?  The second thing I need to remember is that because I’m a believer, I have Jesus and that means I have a new power in my life greater than willpower.  Before you became a Christian the only thing you had to use against your bad habits was sheer willpower.  And how long does that work?  Not very long.  He says now there’s a new power in you. 

Unfortunately a lot of Christians are still simply relying on willpower to change. They’ve never figured out how to connect into spiritual power.  Into the power of the Holy Spirit.  Into the power of Jesus inside of you. He says there’s a new power in you.  There’s a new sheriff in town!  And when you want to change things in your life it’s not just if it’s to be it’s up to me.  It’s not just my own willpower.  It is God’s power in me.  I have been given a power greater than willpower.  We’re going to look at this more in the next verses. 

The next thing it says “The law of Moses could not save us because of our sinful nature.”  Laws – keeping God’s laws cannot save you. Why?  It says:  Because of our sinful nature.  Laws simply work on outside behavior; they don’t work on inside change.  They don’t change you on the inside. 

God knew that laws couldn’t save us.  “But God put into effect a different plan to save us.  He sent his own Son in a human body like ours and God destroyed sin’s control over us by giving his Son as a sacrifice for our sins.”  In other words he gave us the power to make those changes – to forgive us and to change us. 

Then it says “He did this [Jesus died on the cross] so that the requirement of the law would be fully accomplished for us.” 

Circle “for us.”  What is he saying there?  That Jesus not only paid for all your sins he did all the right things for you – those of us who no longer follow our sinful nature, but instead follow the Spirit. 

In other words, if you were to die tonight and you were to go and before God in heaven and God were to say to you, “Did you keep all my laws?”  Your answer is “No, but he did.”  And you point to Jesus.  And God says, “Friend of Jesus, come on in.”  You get a pass.  That’s called grace.  You put your trust in my Son.  You trusted what I sent him to do for you. 

The second mental habit to defeat the weapons of self-destruction is,

2.    I ask the Holy Spirit to give me better thoughts.

I ask the Holy Spirit to give me better thoughts.  And if you ask him to give you better thoughts do you think he will?  Of course he will.  Of course he’s going to give you better thoughts.  That’s a prayer he’s going to answer.  I ask the Holy Spirit to give me better thoughts.   This is the second key to permanent change in your life. 

This is what it says in the next two verses Romans 8:5-6.  “Those who live according to the sinful nature have their mind set on what that nature desires.  But those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their mind set on what the Spirit desires.”

There are two kinds of mind-sets.  Circle “mind set”.  There’s the mind-set of your old nature.  And there’s the mindset of the Holy Spirit.  There’s the mindset of the way I normally think about my life and there’s the mind-set of how the Spirit sees my life.  Which one is going to be true?  The one the Spirit sees.  So I have to choose between these mindsets.  Am I going to set my mind on the way I normally think about my life or am I going to set my mind on the way God thinks about my life.

There’s a big difference in choosing these mind-sets.  If you choose one you’re going to get one response and if you choose the other you’re going to get another.  And the next part of the verse tells us what that is.  “The mind of sinful man is death.  [That means it’s self-destructive. Thoughts that you come up with yourself are going to tend to be self-destructive.]  The mind of sinful man is death. But the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace.” 

How many of you would like to have life and peace?  Me too. I would like to have life and peace.  And it’s all about the mindset you choose.  The economy may not change. It probably won’t.  Your problems probably won’t change; the ones that are persistent.  But your mind-set can change.  And that’s the difference between a life of self-destruction or a life of life and peace. 

This is the Holy Spirit’s answer to uncontrolled thoughts.  What I do is I ask the Holy Spirit to give me better thoughts.  And this is the principle of replacement. Replacement.  The principle of replacement is anytime you want to change something in your life and you’re serious about changing it you don’t resist it.  You replace it.  When you’ve got something negative in your life you don’t resist it.  You replace it.  I ask the Holy Spirit to give me better thoughts to replace the negative ones in my mind. 

You choose what you dwell on.  Satan gives you ideas.  That’s called temptation.  The Holy Spirit gives you ideas.  That’s called inspiration.  You get ideas.  But the truth is you choose what you focus on.  But now, now that you’re a believer, you have a helper.  And you can say, “Holy Spirit, I invite you to give me your ideas.” 

Don’t expect unbelievers to act like believers until they are.  They don’t have the power.  Look at the next verse:  “The sinful mind is hostile to God.  It does not submit to God’s law nor can it do so.”  It can’t even do it.  Those controlled by sinful nature cannot please God.  So why do you work on passing a law when they don’t have the ability to change?  Only God can change them. Change comes from the inside out.

The third principle, the third mental habit you’re going to need to develop to apply the truths of Romans 8 in your life. That is this: 

3.    I realize I have a new ability to say no.

I need to realize that now that I’m a believer I have a new ability to say no to the things that are self-destructive in my life.  This is very important. Because before you became a believer all you had was willpower.  And you lost to most of those bad habits.  Because willpower wears out.  It’s not enough.  But now with the Spirit in your life you have a new ability to say no, a new power.  You need to learn how to tap into that power. 

Galatians 5:16 says this, “Let the Spirit direct your lives and you will not satisfy the desires of the old human nature.”  If I let the Spirit live through me does it say I won’t have those desires?  No. It says I won’t satisfy those desires.  In other words, do I still have the same desires I had before I was a Christian?  Yes.  Do I still have the same temptations?  Yes.  Do I still have the same urges and compulsions?  Yes.  Do I fulfill them?  No.  Why?  Because I have a new power inside of me.  And it’s not just willpower anymore. 

This is the good news of Romans chapter 8.  The next verse, verse 9, “But you are not controlled by your sinful nature.  You are now controlled by the Spirit, if you have the Spirit of God living in you.  And anybody who does not have the Spirit of God living in them does not belong to Christ.” 

The Holy Spirit doesn’t come in at a later point.  He comes in and you get all of God when you give your life to Christ.  The question is does he have all of you?  For the rest of your life you’re going to be giving more and more of your life to him and the more you give the more power you have. 

He says that because I have the Holy Spirit I now have a new ability to say no.  “So, dear brothers, you have no obligation any more to your old sinful nature to do what it begs you to do.”  Before I didn’t have anything except willpower to stop myself.  Now I’ve got a new power inside of me. And I don’t have any obligation anymore to listen to my old nature. 

The fourth mental habit I want to develop if I want to change my life is,

4.    I need to turn my thoughts to God whenever I’m afraid. 

That’s the fourth antidote to these weapons of self-destruction.  This is how God’s Spirit sets me free from me from the attitude of fear.  Romans 8:14-16 “For the Spirit God gives you does not make you slaves and cause you to be afraid; instead, the Spirit makes you God’s children, and by the Spirit’s power we cry out to God, ‘Father!  my father!’  [This is actually the Aramaic word “Abba.”  Abba is not just the singing group!  It means Daddy, Papa.  It’s Dada. It’s the most basic intimate form of Father. Daddy, my daddy.  We cry out to God Daddy my daddy!  Papa, my papa!  Abba my Abba.]  God’s Spirit joins himself to our spirits to declare that we are God’s children!” 

Stop focusing on your fear.  Start focusing on your Father. That’s the antidote.  Stop focusing on your fear, start focusing on your Father.  Whenever you are afraid the first thing you need to do is remember this – whose family are you a part of?  I’m a son of God.  I’m a daughter of God.  I’m a child of God.  I’m in the family.  And families take care of each other.  And there’s family protection.

When you are afraid you remember whose family you’re in.  You’re a child of God.  You’re not a slave. You’re a child of God.  And he’s going to take care of you.  And second, you call out to your Father. 

2 Timothy1:7  “God has not given us a spirit of fear.  But a Spirit of power and love and self-control.”    

“For the Spirit that God has given us does not make us fearful or timid. Instead, his Spirit fills us with power, love and self-control.”  The more controlled you are by the Holy Spirit, the more self-control you’re going to have. 

A lot of people are afraid of the Holy Spirit.  “I don’t want to be filled with the Spirit.  Filled with the Spirit?  That’ll turn me into some nut. I’m going to be some religious fanatic.  I’m going to be like some of those people on tv and I’m going to lose control.”

Actually, it’s the exact opposite.  The more you have of the Holy Spirit, the more self-controlled you are.  It says, God has not given us the spirit of fear.  So if you are afraid, that’s not from God.  That fear is not from God.  When God’s Spirit comes into your life, you’re filled with love. I want that. You’re filled with power.  I want that.  You’re filled with self-control.  I want that.  Ok, Holy Spirit, I want all you’ve got!  Fill me.  It doesn’t make me some nut case.  It makes me more human.  It makes me more natural.  It makes me more loving.  It makes me more in self-control. Mastered by the master I can master anything. Throw it at me. I can handle it.  Why?  Because “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” 

So the Spirit in me doesn’t make me a lunatic or a religious nut. To be filled with the Spirit makes me more self-controlled.  And believe me!  You need more self-control!  The more Spirit controlled I am, the more self-controlled I am. 

The fifth thing we learn from Romans 8 is about the antidote to hopelessness.  That’s verses 17-18.  The habit I want you to learn to develop is to

5.    I need to focus on the long term, not the short term. 

Focus on the long term not the short term. There’s a very famous study done by Harvard University that found out the more long term your thinking is the more successful you’re going to be in life.  The shorter term your thinking is the more failure you’re going to be in life. People who fail in life have short-term thinking.  They’re only thinking about today.  They’re only thinking about here and now. They’re only thinking about what feels good to me right now. But the longer term you think the more successful you’ll be in life.  In fact, the longest term thinkers are those who are most successful in life.

As a Christian we can win this one hands down, because when we think in terms of long term, we call it eternity. Because we’re not just thinking about life here on this earth.  We’re not thinking forty or fifty years ahead.  We’re thinking about trillions and trillions and trillions of years ahead. And living in light of eternity is the key to being the most successful you can possibly be.  Thinking in long term.

When you think in long term you’re able to handle short-term pain a whole lot better.  You’re able to handle short-term loses, short-term failures, short-term hindrances because you’re thinking long term.

Romans 8:17-18 talks about focusing on the long term. It talks about the promises of God.  “Since we are his children, we will possess [circle the word “will”.  That’s a promise. That’s in the future.  It’s not now. It doesn’t say we do possess. We will – long term. Since we are his children we will possess] the blessings he keeps for his family, and we will also possess with Christ what God has kept for him!”

Not only that but the Bible says you’re going to be rewarded not just for how well of a steward you are but you’re going to be rewarded for what Jesus did. Did you know that?  That verse says “And also we will possess with Christ what God has kept for him.”  Did you know that the Bible says that in heaven we are going to co-reign with Christ?  We’re going to be heirs with Christ for an inheritance from the Father. We’re going to co-reign with Christ.

Notice it says, the rest of that verse, “For if we share Christ’s suffering, we will also share his glory! I consider that what we suffer at this present time cannot be compared [it’s small potatoes] with all the glory that is going to be revealed to us.”  He’s saying, Yeah! You know what?  It’s not always easy living for Christ.  It’s not always easy doing the right thing. It’s not always easy making the moral decisions.  But the benefit long term is going to far outlast the pain.  You need to focus long term not short term.

6.    The sixth habit is I need to remind myself that God is good and in control.

This is an application of what the Bible teaches in Romans 8.  This is how God sets us free from the self-destructive weapon of bitterness.  I remind myself that God is good and in control.  And you need to remind yourself of that over and over and over – every single day. 

I don’t have time to get into this but verses 19-25 of Romans 8, Paul describes how sin has damaged the world.  If I got into this, this sermon would be twice as long.  We don’t have time to get into it.  So let me just summarize.  In verses 19-25 Paul says everything in the world is broken.  Everything in the world has lost its original purpose.  Everything in the world is suffering. Everything in the world is in pain.  And everything in the world is frustrated because sin broke it all down.  Everything is frustrated.  Verse 20 “Everything created is subject to frustration, waiting to be liberated [set free from me] from its bondage to decay.  All of creation groans in pain like childbirth.  And we groan inwardly.”  This is tough! This is hard!  This is difficult!  Why is life so hard?  The environment is groaning.  I think of the earthquakes and the hurricanes and I think of all the whacky weather.  It’s the environment groaning because it’s broken.  And we groan in pain because relationships are broken.  And later you’re going to find out that the Holy Spirit groans in pain for you.  

Life is unfair!  Yeah!  What else is new?  Life is unfair because it’s broken.  But the Bible says in Romans 8 that there are four things you need to remember to get over bitterness.  Pain in your life is not optional.  But misery is.  Pain in your life is not optional.  You’re going to have pain in your life.  It’s called life.  Suffering in your life is not optional.  You’re going to have suffering.  Misery is.  Moaning is optional.  Bitterness is optional. And you overcome bitterness by remembering four magnificent truths in Romans 8.

Verse 26-27 says this: The Holy Spirit is praying for me.  You might write that down. That helps me overcome bitterness because no matter what I’m going through I know God’s on my side. He’s praying for me.  It says here, “The Spirit helps us with our weakness.  We don’t know how to pray as we should.  But the Spirit himself speaks to God for us.”  Did you know that? The Holy Spirit is praying for you.“The Spirit of God prays for us and even begs God for us with deep feelings that words cannot explain.  God sees what’s in our hearts and the Spirit speaks to God for his people in the way that God wants.”  So no matter what you’re going through.  The first thing you know is right now the Holy Spirit is praying for you.  That’s cool!

The second thing, God is using it all for good.  The next verse says this, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who’ve been called according to his purpose.”  It’s not all good but God is using it all for good.  God is greater than my problems.  God is greater than my enemies.  God is greater than my critics.  And God is using it all for good in my life. 

Number three, God wants me to succeed.  Did you know that?  Did you know that God wants you to succeed?  He doesn’t want you to fail in your life. He wants you to succeed in your life.  God is not against you.  If you’re a Christian, if you’re a believer, God is for you.  The Bible says in verse 31 “So what can we say about such wonderful things [all the stuff we’ve talked about… why do we say about all these wonderful things?]  If God is for us who can be against us?”  Remember.  I’m in the family.  My Father is God.  So God wants me to succeed.

Finally, number four, God will give me what I need.  When I’m feeling blue and I’m feeling bitter I need to remind myself that God is good.  He’s in control.  The Spirit is praying for me.  He’s using everything for good in my life.  He wants me to succeed.  And he’s going to give me what I need.  Verse 32 “Since God did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won’t God, who gave us Christ, give us everything else?”  If God loved you enough to let Jesus die on the cross for you don’t you think he loves you enough to help you with your debt?  Don’t you think he cares enough to help you with your health?  There is nothing in your life that God doesn’t care about.  God will give me what I need.  If God didn’t spare his Son to solve my biggest problem everything else is small potatoes.  It’s all minor to him.  There is no big problem in your life.  They’re all small problems to God. 

Finally we come to the last habit you need to develop.

7.    The seventh habit is this:  I need to trust that God will never stop loving me.

Trust that God will never, never stop loving me.  I’m in the family.  He cannot not love his family.  He will never stop loving me.  Romans 8:38-39 “I’m convinced that nothing can ever separate us from his love. Death can’t, and life can’t. The angels can’t, and the demons can’t. Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, and even the powers of hell can’t keep God’s love away.  Whether we are high above the sky or in the deepest ocean, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

I may lose a lot of things in life but I’ll never lose the love of God.  Once you’re in God’s hand he’s not letting go of you.  You may want to let go but he’s not letting go of you. 

My question is this:  Do you belong to Christ?  Because none of these things are true in your life unless you belong to Christ.  Do you have the Holy Spirit in your life?  You say, I don’t know.  Let’s make certain of it right now.


      I’m going to pray a prayer as we close and ask you to pray it.  Say this in your heart. Dear Jesus Christ thank you for all that you did for me.  Thank you that there’s no condemnation in my life for all the sin that I’ve done.  You took that condemnation.  Thank you that you did what the law couldn’t do.  Thank you that you destroyed sin’s control. My righteousness is nothing, but your righteousness is the ticket I get into heaven on.  Help me to never forget what you did for me.  Holy Spirit, I ask you to give me better thoughts.  I want to switch mindsets.  I don’t want the mindset of self-destruction.  I want the mindset of life and peace.  I didn’t want to think my old ways.  I want to think your new ways. I invite you to put thoughts in my mind all the time.  For they are the truth.  And help me to remember and realize that I have a new ability to say no.  Lord, I used to just have willpower.  But now I’ve got Spirit power.  If I ask you for help you’ll help me and give me the strength to say no.  Thank you that no temptation is too strong.  And when I am afraid help me to turn my thoughts to you.  Help me to remember that I’m your child and help me, to cry out to you Father.  Daddy!  I’m afraid.  To focus on my Father and not my fears.  Help me to focus on the long term, not the short term.  You know the pain in my life.  You know the suffering.  I want you to use it for good and I want you to use it for your glory.  And I want to look and focus long on eternity, not just the here and now.  I want to do the right thing not the easy thing.  When I start to get bitter and I feel life is unfair, and when I feel hurt, help me to remember that you, God, are good and you’re in control.  That you are praying for me.  Thank you for doing that; that you are working all things for good. Thank you for doing that; that you are for me not against me. Thank you for that.  And that you didn’t spare Jesus so you’ll give us whatever we need.  Thank you for that.  Most of all I thank you that you will never let go of me.  You’ll never stop loving me.  You’ll never reject me.  Thank you that you will never stop loving me. 

      If you’ve never invited Jesus Christ into your heart say, Jesus, I want you to be my Lord, my Savior.  I want you to be the manager of my life.  I don’t understand it all but I want to trust in you completely.  Thank you for your grace to me.  I want to love you for the rest of my life and I ask you to accept me into your family by faith.  In your name I pray.  Amen.

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