To listen to today's sermon, "Why Is Life In This World So Hard?" click here. Follow along or read the sermon below (following the outline).
The Invisible
War - Part 5
09-15-13 Sermon
“Why is life so hard? Why do we suffer?” Job 7:1 (CEV)
I. THE CAUSE: __________________________________________________________
came into the world because of what one man did, and with sin
came death.” Rom.
of us have strayed away like sheep.
We have left God's path to follow
our own paths.” Isaiah 53:6
one can say, "I am innocent; I have never done anything wrong.” Proverbs 20:9
3 kinds of
__________________________________= missing the mark; falling short, not measuring up
__________________________________ = going beyond the set boundary
__________________________________ = intention to hurt, damage, do evil
“I acknowledged
my sin to you, and did not cover up my iniquity. I confessed my transgressions
and you forgave my guilt.” Psalm
II. THE DAMAGE: _____________________________________________
1. NATURAL _______________________________________________
“Creation was condemned to lose its
purpose...” Rom. 8:20 (GNB)
“Creation is confused...” Rom. 8:20 (CEV)
“All of creation groans with pain...” Rom. 8:22
2. PHYSICAL ______________________________________________
one can control the wind or stop his own death.” Eccl. 8:8
“Our physical body is becoming older and
weaker.” 2 Cor. 4:16
dies because all of us are related to Adam, the first man.” 1 Cor. 15:22
EMOTIONAL _______________________________________________
under the sun is meaningless, like chasing the wind. What is wrong cannot be righted. What is missing cannot be recovered.” Eccl. 1:14-15
4. RELATIONAL ______________________________________________
saw all the people who were mistreated here on earth. I saw their tears and that they had no one to comfort them.”
Eccl. 4:1 (NCV)
“...they suddenly felt ashamed of their
nakedness. So they strung fig
leaves together to cover themselves up.” Gen. 3:7
was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.” Gen. 3:10
& VOCATIONAL _________________________________
is a terrible thing that I have seen in this world: people save up their money
for a time when they may need it, and then lose it all in some bad deal and end
up with nothing left to pass on to their children.” Eccl. 5:13-14 (TEV)
hated life, because the work I did under the sun was meaningless to me.... So I turned in despair from hard work. It was not the answer to my search for
satisfaction in this life.” Eccl. 2:17+20
6. SPIRITUAL ________________________________________________
am like a caravan, lost in the desert searching for water.” Job 6:18
refused for so long to deal with God that they've lost touch not only with God
but with reality itself.” Eph. 4:18 (MSG)
“Jesus said, ‘In this world you WILL have trouble. But take heart!
HAVE OVERCOME the world.’” John
I MUST _________________________________________________________
said, ‘I am the light of the world.
If you follow me, you won't be stumbling through the darkness,
because you will have the light that leads to life.’” John 8:12
The Invisible
War - Part 5
09-15-13 Sermon
We’re still in a sermon
series called The Invisible War. We’re
looking at the three enemies of your soul: the old nature within, the world
around, and Satan and his minions against you.
We spent about four weeks
looking at the battle inside. Why
do I struggle with what’s inside of me?
Why do I do the things I don’t want to do and don’t do the things that I
want to do and why is it such a battle inside of me?
Now we’re going to move to
the second phase as we look at How do I live in a broken world?
Before we can look at God’s
strategy for you to succeed and survive and actually be fulfilled in a broken
world, we need to look at what happened first. I want us to deal with this question this week: Why is it so
hard? Why is life so hard in this
world? Everything seems to be a
battle. Nothing is easy. It’s a question that was actually asked
thousands of years ago by a guy named Job. In Job 7:1 he says this, “Why
is life so hard? And why do we suffer?”
This weekend I want us to
look at the reasons, the results, and the right response to the difficulties
you face in life. I want to begin by first looking at the cause, the reason. Why is it so difficult to live on this
The Cause:
The Bible says rebellion against God broke everything. Rebellion
against God has broken literally everything in life.
It all started back with the
first couple – Adam and Eve, in the Garden of Eden. When God created the world everything was perfect. It was paradise. And Adam and Eve had no problems, no
pain, no sorrow, suffering, sadness, sickness. No trials, temptations, troubles. No defeats, distractions, discouragements, despair, depression. It was all perfect. It was paradise.
But one day Adam and Eve decided
that they wanted to do what they wanted
to do. God had said, you can do
everything you want to do in paradise but just not one thing. And what does man want to do? Immediately do the one thing that God
says don’t do.
Why did he even give them a choice? Because without a choice they can’t
choose to love God. If you’re
forced to love God, if you have no choice, then it’s not real love. Adam and Eve said we know better. And they chose to do the one thing God
said don’t do. And the Bible says
this, Romans 5, “Sin came into the world because
of what man did, and with sin came death.”
Not only did Adam and Eve
make that choice, I’ve made it and you’ve made it and everybody else in the
world has made it. We have all said
I don’t want to do the right thing; I
want to do the easy thing. We’ve
all said I don’t want to say the truth; I
want to say what’s convenient.
We’ve all said I don’t want to be
what God wants me to be; I want to be what I want to be. I want to be my own boss. I think I know what will make me happy
more than God does. We’ve all done
The Bible says in Isaiah 53, “All of us have strayed away like sheep. [You don’t have to teach a sheep to
stray. It’s natural. It’s in their nature. They’re actually prone to wander.] We have left God’s path to follow our own paths.” That means we’ve all done our own thing. We’ve all said, many times in our
lives, God, I’m going to do what I want
to do even though I know what you said to do is the right thing, I don’t want
to do the right thing. I want to
do what I want to do.
And the Bible says in Proverbs
20:9, “No one can say, ‘I am innocent;
I’ve never done anything wrong.’” So
we’ve all broken God’s laws. We’ve
all done wrong things. We don’t
measure up to our standards, much less God’s. And we have all not done what God told us to do. The Bible calls that rebellion.
I don’t want to go too
detailed into this but there are three
kinds of rebellion and you need to know this so you know these terms. Because one of them is real familiar
but the other two may not be as familiar to you.
The first one, you know this
one. It’s called sin.
That’s a very common term. What’s the middle letter of the word
“sin”? I. And that’s what sin
is all about. I want what I want and I want it now. I’m going to be
the center of my own life. I am in charge. Sin is all about I – me, myself and I.
But actually the word “sin”
means “to fall short.” It means “to
miss the mark.” It’s actually an
archery term. It comes from
shooting a bow and arrow. Sin is actually
an archery term. It means you’re
missing the bull’s eye. It means
you fell short. It means you didn’t
reach the goal.
Sin means I don’t measure up to
God’s perfect goal for me. I miss
the mark. I fall short. I don’t quite make it. I’m not perfect.
There’s a second word that’s
just as important. It’s called transgression.
Transgression is the exact
opposite of a sin. It doesn’t mean
you fall short. It means you go
too far. It means you go past the
boundaries. You break the law. It is an intentional, deliberate,
disobedience. Sin can be “I just
didn’t measure up. I wasn’t good
enough. I wasn’t perfect.” But transgression means “I intentionally
break the law. I go past the boundary.”
There’s a third word. It’s called iniquity.
Iniquity. This one is not used at all in English
today. But iniquity means “intention
to hurt.” Intention to hurt
somebody, intention to damage, intention to do evil. Maybe because you’re mad or you’re jealous or you’re envious
or you’re bitter or you’re prideful or somebody has offended you. You want to hurt them back. That’s not a sin, that’s not a
transgression – that’s an iniquity.
It is an intentional desire to hurt somebody else.
When Hitler and the Nazis
killed six million Jewish people in the death camps that was not a sin; that
was not a transgression. That was
an iniquity. They intended intentionally
to hurt those people. They wanted to
kill them. They wanted to eradicate
that entire race. That was evil. That was iniquity. It wasn’t just not measuring up. It wasn’t just going too far. It was intentionally meant to hurt.
David, in Psalm 32, talks
about all three of them. He says “I acknowledged my sin [circle that] to you, and did not cover up my iniquity. [circle
that] I confessed my transgressions [circle that] and you forgave my guilt.” He said it really doesn’t matter which
one it was, whether I didn’t measure up or I missed the mark or I went out of
bounds or I intentionally hurt someone, you’re still going to forgive me if I
confess it to you.
So why is life so hard? Why do we suffer? Why is everything a battle? The answer
is rebellion against God broke everything. That’s the reason.
What’s the result? What’s the damage? The damage, friends, is significant because
it’s in every single area of your life.
The Damage
Nothing works perfectly. Because I have made poor choices, you
have made poor choices, the entire human race has made poor choices…
Everything’s broken and nothing on this planet works perfectly. Sin has damaged everything.
Sin has ruined everything. Sin has destroyed everything. Sin has corrupted and spoiled everything. Sin has injured everything, every relationship,
every idea, every dream, every human body. Everything has been touched by this damage.
The Bible is very specific
and it mentions six dimensions of your life where sin has damaged stuff in your
life and it’s not perfect. If you
expect it to be perfect you’re going to be severely disappointed. These six areas or dimensions of your
life are talked about intensively in a book called Ecclesiastes.
The first result, the first damage is natural disasters and deformities.
The world has natural disasters
and deformities. Not because
that’s what God wants but because that’s what sin does in the world. The environment has suffered from human
sin and human poor choices and we’re on a broken planet. It’s not perfect anymore. We’re not living in Eden anymore. As John Milton wrote in a very famous
poem – paradise was lost. We don’t
live in paradise. We live on a
broken planet. And as a result we
have hurricanes, and typhoons, and whacky weather and earthquakes and droughts and
floods. The world was broken when
sin damaged everything. So now we
have all these natural disasters happening all around us.
The Bible says in Romans 8:20,
“Creation was condemned to lose its
purpose…” Everything on this
planet has lost its original purpose and that’s why we have to get it back. It has to be restored.
In the CEV version it says “Creation is confused.” When you look and you see the birth
of a pair of Siamese twins who are joined at the head, that’s confusing. You go, “What was God thinking there?” That wasn’t what God wanted. That was never planned. It’s a result that everything in the
world was damaged including your DNA, your parents DNA, their parents DNA and everything
else. Have you figured this out, your
body doesn’t work right? If everybody’s
body worked perfectly there would be no need for doctors.
So we have defects and
disabilities in animals and in people.
There are emotional disabilities, there are mental disabilities, there
are physical disabilities. Every
one of us has defective parts of our minds, our bodies and our spirits, because
sin has broken everything. Creation
is confused.
Romans 8:22 says “All of creation groans with pain…” That means the earth needs salvation, not
just people. The environment needs
to be saved, not just people, because it’s all been damaged by poor decisions
and rebellion against God.
The second damage that is done is physical decay and death.
Physical decay and death. There was no death on this planet until
sin entered the world. There was
no decay on this planet until sin entered the world. It was perfect.
It was paradise. But now, because
sin has entered the world, there is decay and death.
Ecclesiastes 8 says “No one can control the wind or stop his own
death.” We know that death is
inevitable but we sure try to stop it.
We go to great lengths to postpone the decay too. Oil of Olay – lotions and potions and
make-up and Botox and surgeries. What
are we trying to do? Delay our decay. That’s what we’re trying to do. Delay the decay.
You’re going to die one day. I’m sorry. I’ll tell you in a minute why that’s good news. But in the meantime, I hate to tell you
this, you are declining. It’s
called aging. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians
4 “Our physical body is becoming older
and weaker.” Would any of you
like to give a testimony on this verse?
A personal life experience?
The fact is, over time, parts
of your body start to sag. Many of
us men, we get furniture problems – our chest drops into our drawers. Many of you, your teeth shine like
stars – they come out at night.
Why is all that happening? Because sin broke everything. 1 Corinthians 15:22 says this, “Everyone dies because all of us are related
to Adam, the first man.”
That’s the bad news, but actually
there’s some good news in this. I’m
glad that I’m not going to live forever in this world. Because to live in this world forever,
with rape and molestation and corruption and sin and sorrow and sadness and
greed and power plays and people misusing each other and abusing each other, that
would be hell! And God doesn’t
want you to live forever on this planet.
He wants you to live forever, but he wants you to live forever in a
perfect place. Not on a planet
that’s been broken by sin. He says
I want you to live forever, I just don’t want you to live in that place forever. I want you to live with me in heaven forever.
Here’s what the Bible says,
here’s the good news. 1
Corinthians 15, “Our earthly bodies which
die and decay are different from the bodies we’ll have in heaven. They’ll ever die. The bodies we have now embarrass us,
[Some of us, we’re very embarrassed by the bodies we have now!] for they become sick and they die. But they will be full of glory when we
come back to life again. Yes, they’re
weak dying bodies now. But when we
live again they will be full of strength.” That’s the good news.
There are natural disasters, deformities. There’s physical decay and death.
The third damage is the area of your emotions. Sin causes emotional distress
and disappointment.
Emotional distress and disappointment. Solomon writes a lot about this in Ecclesiastes. He writes, “I
tried everything, nothing worked. It’s all meaningless.
It’s all one big disappointment.”
Ecclesiastes 1:14-15, “Everything under the sun is meaningless, [It’s
a big disappointment, it’s unfulfilling.]
like chasing the wind. What is
wrong cannot be righted. What is
missing cannot be recovered.” What
is he saying in this verse? He’s saying
that as a human being it seems pointless, because I cannot change the past and
I cannot control the future. What’s
past is past. All the stuff that
I’ve done that’s wrong, I can’t undo it.
I can’t unscramble an egg. All
the stuff that was done wrong to me, I can’t undo that.
And I can’t control the
future. You cannot control the
things that are going to happen to you.
There’s a lot that’s going to happen in life that you have zero control over. In fact most of the important things in
your life you have no control over.
Like where you would be born, who you were born to, what your natural
gifts were, when you were born to live, when you die. You don’t know all that. Most things are out of your control. God’s saying you can control some things
but you can’t control most of the things in your life. The world cannot be fixed by human effort
Can we go out and do good in
the world? Yes. Should we? Yes. Should we
relieve pain? Of course. What we do is relieve hurt, to heal people,
to help them make it through. But
we’re not kidding ourselves. We’re
not going to bring the kingdom in on earth. This is not heaven.
Heaven is there and we are here.
Our ultimate job is to get people into
the perfect place, not try to make the world a perfect place. Relieve pain, yes. Make it better? Yes. Expect it to be perfect? No. Because he
says it can’t be done. It isn’t going
to happen. The damage is too deep
for repair.
Because that damage is so
deep you get stressed out. You get
stressed out because things don’t work right in your life. And you don’t have enough time to get
everything done you need to do. Things
get in your way and all of a sudden you have delays and difficulties and dead
ends and all these things. And not
only that, you have disappointments.
The fact is, human beings have
the amazing ability to overestimate how happy we’re going to be with a person,
with an event, or with a possession.
We always over estimate how happy it’s going to make us. If I could just get that car I’m going
to be happy the rest of my life. Then
you get it and you’re happy for a while but in a while you’re not happy any more. Why? Because it’s the same old car!
The truth is, if we’re
honest, we’re not just disappointed with events that happen in our lives, we’re
not just disappointed with people in our lives, we’re not just disappointed
with possessions in our lives. But
if the truth were known we’re disappointed with ourselves. We think, I thought by this time in
life I’d be better. I didn’t think
I’d still be struggling with these particular sins. I thought by this point in life I’d be a lot more financially
secure. I thought by this point in
life I’d have my career on track. I
thought by this point in life we’d have kids. I thought by this point in life I’d be married… You’re
actually disappointed in yourself.
Why? Because this is not heaven. Everything on the planet is broken. Nothing works perfectly.
The fourth damage is in relationships.
Sin results in relational distance and discord.
Relational distance and discord. In other words, you have conflict with
people. In a perfect environment
where there is no sin you’re not going to have any conflict. But in a marriage where you take one
person who’s imperfect and another person who’s imperfect, two imperfect people
cannot make a perfect relationship.
It is impossible. One sinner
marrying another sinner cannot create a perfect relationship. One sinner befriending another
sinner cannot create a perfect relationship. You’re going to have problems in any
Solomon mentions this too. In Ecclesiastes he says, “I saw all the people who were mistreated
here on earth. I saw their tears
and that they had no one to comfort them.” How did it get so messed up?
Again, you go back to the
first couple, to Adam and Eve. Adam
and Eve rebelled and when they said, we’re going to do the one thing that God said
not to do, it not only disconnected them from God; it disconnected them from each
other. It is interesting to me
that when Adam and Eve got disconnected from God by blowing it and sinning,
what’s the first thing they did? They
made clothes. They sewed fig
leaves together. Notice this
verse, Genesis 3 “… They suddenly felt
ashamed of their nakedness. So they strung fig leaves together to cover
themselves up.” Out of whack
with God, out of whack with other people.
Genesis 3:10 later God said, What are you doing? You’re wearing clothes. Adam said, “I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.”
How is it being disconnected
from God disconnects me from you and causes me to want to cover up? How is it that when I’m out of whack with
God all of a sudden I’m out of whack with you and I want to pretend and cover
up my faults? How is it that when
I’m out of whack with God I am ashamed of my sexuality? How is it that when I’m out of whack
with God I don’t really want you to see the real me? I don’t want to be exposed and I don’t want to be vulnerable. Because if I’m not right with God, then
I cannot be right with you. So we
cover up and we sew fig leaves.
Sin always makes you
defensive. Sin always makes you
distant. And sin always makes you
demanding in a relationship.
Sin results in Financial and vocational difficulties.
Sin has damaged this area too. It’s damaged the area of your finances
and the area of your career. Sin has
done that. How do economies get
broken? It’s real simple. By ignoring the biblical principles of
finance that God has said in his Word.
God has given us the principles for money management in the Bible. They’ve very clear. The principle of accounting – keep good
records. The principle of spending
– budget your spending. The
principle of saving, the principle of giving and tithing. The principle of investing, the
principle of being satisfied with what you have. I could go on and on.
There are many principles of finance in Scripture.
Here’s what Solomon says in Ecclesiastes,
“Here is a terrible thing I’ve seen in
the world: people save up their
money for a time when they may need it, and then they lose it all in some bad
deal and end up with nothing left to
pass on to their children.” That’s
because the world is broken financially too.
Then in life work is not
meaningful, it’s not purposeful, it’s not satisfying because it’s broken. Ecclesiastes says, “I hated life, because the work I did under the sun was meaningless to
me… [It just felt I was
punching my time card. It was
meaningless to me.] So I turned in despair from hard work. It was not the answer to my search for
satisfaction in this life.” He
said, I thought if I just had a really good career and succeed in my career
then I’m really going to be satisfied.
Then he goes, that doesn’t satisfy me. It’s broken too.
Sin results in Spiritual discontent and darkness.
There are not only emotional,
relational, financial, vocational, physical consequences to ignoring what God
says. But there are spiritual consequences. There is discontent and darkness.
Job says it like this in Job
6, “I’m like a caravan, lost in the
desert searching for water.” I
haven’t the slightest idea where I’m headed, where I’m going. I’m in the middle of a dry desert. I don’t know which way I’m going and
I’m thirsty. And you start looking
for all kinds of things to quench that thirst. Looking for God in all the wrong places. What does that do? It leads to more darkness, and more
discontent, and more discouragement.
The next verse says this “They have refused for so long to deal with God that
they’ve lost touch not only with God, but with reality itself.”
And friends if you don’t
believe that, turn on the television.
A lot of television has lost total touch with reality. They’re not only out of touch with God;
they don’t even know what life’s all about. They haven’t the foggiest idea of what life’s all about. They’re spinning around in circles,
making little tiny things enormous issues. They’re majoring on the minors. They don’t know what life is all about. They are out of touch and they are in
the dark.
And friends, that is not a
pretty picture, what I just shared with you. That’s why you need a savior. Because there’s no way you can undo all this damage in the world,
in your family, or in your own personal life by yourself. You need a savior. If you didn’t need a savior for all of
these things, believe me, God wouldn’t have wasted the time sending Jesus as
your Savior. He sent him to save
you and begin the restoration process in these six areas.
We’re in the dark he says. We’re totally in the dark. So what do I do? There are two things you need to do:
· I must
accept Jesus as my Savior.
That’s the starting point. In the weeks ahead we’re going to talk
in detail about the answers to how to get along in a broken world. But the first thing I’ve got to do is
I’ve got to accept Jesus as my Savior, because he’s the only one who can help
me undo some of the damage on this side of heaven.
John 16:33 Jesus says this “In this world you will [circle “will.” Not might, not it could happen. You will, you can count on it. You will …] have trouble. But take heart!
I have overcome the world.”
In the next few weeks I’m going
to teach you how Jesus helps you overcome the world in all of these areas that
have been damaged in your life. But
first, you’ve got to accept Jesus as your Savior.
· The second
thing I have to do is this, I must follow his light.
I must follow his light! Because a lot of times I’m in the total
dark about what I should do with the damage that’s been done in my life.
The last verse, John 8:12, “Jesus said, ‘I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t be stumbling
through the darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.’” We will get into this more in
future messages, but note here that Jesus says that to avoid stumbling through
the darkness you have to follow him.
It is not enough to be a fan of Jesus. It is not enough to just believe that Jesus is the savior of
the world and the Son of God. You
have to follow him. You have to
let him lead you through life.
we look at the world and we are disappointed so much of the time. We’re disappointed in the events of life.
We’re disappointed that things don’t
go the way we want them to. We’re
disappointed with other people. And
we’re disappointed with ourselves.
Help us to realize that this is not your plan; this is not your goal, but
that you want to restore that which was broken.
you pray. In your heart say, dear
God, I admit that I have rebelled against you. I’ve done things that I wanted to do instead of what you
wanted me to do. I’ve gone my way. I’ve gone days without even talking to
you. I’ve been disconnected from
you so I’m disconnected from other people. I have sinned and transgressed and I’ve hurt other people. Nothing works perfectly in my life. I ask you to work on these areas in my
life. Jesus Christ, I affirm you once
again as my Savior. Just say that:
Jesus, I affirm you once again as my Savior. If you’ve never asked him to be your Savior say, Jesus
Christ, I ask you to become my Savior today. I pray this in your name. Amen.
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