Handling Toxic
People – Part 1
starting a new series today that I’m calling “Handling Toxic People.” The book of Proverbs in the Bible says there
are three kinds of people. There are
wise people. There are foolish
people. And there are evil people – bad
people, wicked people. This third group,
the Bible says in Psalm 54:8 “Their
poison is like the poison of serpents [snakes].” Some people are just flat
out poison. I call them toxic people.
If a
guy comes to you and every time he (or she) is with you she pokes you in the
eye, the Bible doesn’t say you have to just let them keep poking you in the
eye. There’s things that you can do
about that. When the Bible talks about
toxic people it uses words like “avoid,” “stay away from,” “shun,” “separate,” “keep away from.” It uses terms that basically say separate.
Bible talks about lots of different kinds of toxic people. One of them is in 2 Timothy 2. It says this “Stay clear of pious talk that’s only talk. [This is the religious toxic person. They talk a good talk. They talk about God. They may be regular church attenders. But they’re not really living it. It says…]
“Stay clear of pious talk that’s only talk.
If words are not backed by a godly life they accumulate as poison in the
soul.” It’s poisonous. It’s toxic, when people talk the talk of
religion but they’re not really committed to God.
he actually names names. He says “Hymenaeus and Philetus are example of this
kind of toxic person. They’re throwing
believers off stride and missing the truth by a mile.”
So. we’re going to do a series on “Handling Toxic
People.” But today I want to start off
by talking about toxic faith, “Toxic Religion.”
There are a lot of things out there that are done in the name of God
that are just bad for you. They’re
poisonous. They can mess you up.
had to deal with these kind of people in the Bible all the time. In fact there were two toxic religious groups
in His day. Two different parties. One was called the Sadducees, which were kind
of the left-leaning, liberal, we-don’t-believe-in-the-resurrection,
we-don’t-believe-in-heaven, we-don’t-believe-in-the-soul. That’s why they were sad, you see! They were kind of the theological liberals of
the day.
The other group was called the
Pharisees. They were the right wing
leaning, conservative, legalists who saw as their whole job to go around to
make rules and regulations for everybody else and they would be the policemen.
didn’t have a whole lot of use for either group. In fact if you ever want to know what makes
God mad go read Matthew 23. It’s a list
of seven condemnations of toxic religion.
If I were to preach a sermon on that passage I would call it “What Ticks
God Off.” He says I can’t stand this stuff that you guys are doing.
used terms for the Pharisees like they’re hypocrites. He said they’re blind guides. He said they’re vipers. He said they’re white washed tombs. In fact He said they’re poisonous
snakes. When Jesus tells somebody that,
you’ve got to figure they’re toxic. Not
only did He warn the Pharisees that they needed to change but He warned
everybody else, You need to stay away
from them.
12:1 “Be on your guard against the yeast
of the Pharisees.” What’s He talking
about there? He said just a little bit
of yeast can get in and leaven a whole batch of bread. Just a little bit of Phariseeism, a little
bit of toxic religion in your life can ruin the whole batch. It can mess up your life, your attitude, your
friendships, your marriage. He says you
need to be aware of the yeast of the Pharisees.
You need to know that they can mess you up.
hate to tell you this but 2000 years later Phariseeism is alive and well. There are still modern day Pharisees. In fact there’s a little Pharisee in all of
us. So what I want to do today is three
things. We’re going to look at ten toxic
traits. When you see these, this is the
religion you run from, you stay away from it.
Then we’re going to look at how people become toxic. Then we’re going to look at how to deal with
the toxic people in your life, whether it’s a boss, or a relative or somebody
you know that every time you get with them they tend to bring pain in your
the ten traits of toxic faith. These are
all illustrated in the lives of the Pharisees.
1. Legalism
call this list, How to Spot a Pharisee. Legalism is when people are more concerned about
rules than they are about people.
They’re more concerned about observing rituals than helping people’s
needs. Legalism says you’ve got to earn
your way to heaven, which you can’t.
Legalism says that God only smiles on you when you’re keeping certain
restrictions. Legalism says it’s not
about a relationship. It’s about
rules. Legalists always have a huge list
of rules and regulations and rituals and policies. They love policies. They love rules. If you don’t have one for a particular area
they’d be happy to make one for you.
it comes down in life to are you going to live by rules or are you going to
live by relationships? The greater the
relationship the fewer rules you need.
The greater the relationship, the greater trust. When you have trust you don’t have to go out
creating policies to keep people from getting out of line. You just trust people. Legalism is always about rules, not about
do you spot a legalistic Christian?
easy. You spot a legalistic Christian
because they’re the ones who are always getting offended. They get offended by everything. They’ve got all their rules out there and any
time you or I or anybody else doesn’t measure up they let us know that we’re
not measuring up. They’re easily
disappointed. They’re easily
shocked. They live in a state of being
11 talks about one Pharisee – verse 38. “The Pharisee was shocked and somewhat
offended when he saw that Jesus didn’t wash up for meals.” That is a big offense! He didn’t wash his hands. But they’re much more interested in the
legalism of did you keep certain rules.
always offended legalists. Because they
couldn’t control Him. They couldn’t
manage Him. They couldn’t handle Him
because He had a totally different perspective on life. Life is not about rules and regulations and
rituals and policies and performance.
It’s about love and it’s about relationships. He didn’t play by their rules and they didn’t
like it.
2. The second
characteristic toxic trait is hypocrisy.
see this in toxic faith all the time.
You know what hypocrisy is: you don’t do what you say you believe
in. You’ve got all these rules and you
push them on everybody else but you’re not keeping them yourself.
word “hypocrisy” actually comes from two Greek works that were literally used
in the old Greek plays, the tragedies.
When they would have a play, often actors held many different
parts. You have one guy playing many
different roles in the play. He comes
out on stage with one mask and says a certain monologue. Then he goes back and gets another mask and
comes out and does another monologue. He
goes back and gets another mask and does another monologue. That guy was called the play actor. He’s always pretending.
means you act different ways with different groups of people. It’s not, what you see is what you get. It’s like you act one way at church and you
act another way with guys on the golf course.
You act another way with your kids.
You act another way at work. You
act another way in your small group.
Your life is not integrated.
You’ve got your life segmented and you act different ways. That’s what hypocrites do.
Bible says in Matthew 23 that the Pharisees, the toxic people, were great at hypocrisy. He said, “They don’t practice what they
preach.” Did you know that that phrase –
“They don’t practice what they preach” –
that’s where it came from. It came from
that verse in the Bible.
3. A third
thing that toxic religious people are good at is guilt trips.
guilt trips on themselves, but guilt trips on everybody else. They love to make other people feel
guilty. It’s the favorite tool of toxic
faith. People who are toxic, toxic
people, love to use the word “should”, “must,” “have to,” “ought to.” They’re very good at shaming. They’re very good at blaming, condemning,
denouncing, and loading on guilt trips.
They’re pros at loading guilt on to other people’s lives.
23:4 says “They pile up back breaking
burdens and they lay them on other people’s shoulders. [Not on their own, notice – on other people’s
shoulders.] Yet they themselves will not raise a finger to
move them.”
you ever known toxic person who was good at laying on guilt trips? Have you seen Everybody Loves Raymond? Raymond’s
mother, Marie? She’s always making
people feel guilty. They’re always
saying, If you would just change then
things would be great for me.
you hear someone blaming their unhappiness on you, you know that person is toxic. Their happiness has nothing to do with
you. Everybody is as happy as they
choose to be. Don’t blame your husband
or your wife or anybody. Happiness is a
choice. Anytime somebody tries to make
their happiness dependent up on how you
act, they are both a victimizer and a toxic person. God says you don’t have to put up with that
kind of stuff. That’s toxic faith. You are as happy as you choose to be.
4. Nitpicking
know this one! Nitpicking. People who love to find fault are toxic. That’s called a toxic faith. Just always trying to get at you. Judgmental, critical of actions. Nothing good to say about you. Particularly
critical of your words. Toxic people
like to take words and twist them.
fact the Bible says the Pharisees did this.
You find this sentence multiple times in the gospels: “The
Pharisees went out and made plans to trap Him in His words.” They’re always looking for ways to catch
you. “You
said this!”
never put up with this kind of nitpicking.
He said this in Matthew 12. He
says to the Pharisees, these toxic people, “If
you had any idea what this scripture means ‘I prefer a flexible heart to an inflexible ritual,’ you wouldn’t be
nitpicking like this.”
happens is toxic people tend being black or white thinkers. It’s either all or nothing. There’s no gradation in between. You’re either all bad or you’re all good. There’s no in between. There’s certainly no room for grace.
why Jesus says this in Matthew 23:24 “You
strain out a gnat but you swallow a camel.”
Jesus was using Hebrew humor.
This is actually a sarcastic statement.
He was using humor to say, These
nitpickers, they’re toxic. They’re
legalistic, they’re hypocrites, they lay on false guilt trips, they’re
5. They malign
you get somebody talking about your motives, they’re toxic. The reason they’re toxic is they don’t have
the slightest idea what your motives are because you don’t know what your motives are. Half the time we can’t even figure out why we
do what we do. You are a mixture and a
combination of so many complex motivations.
Toxic people like to play junior psychologist. “Let me
tell you why you do what you do…” That’s a toxic person. They are maligning motives.
happened with Jesus all the time. You
couldn’t malign what He did. He was
perfect. So even when He did something
perfect they would malign His motivation and say, “He did it for a bad motive.”
fact one time Jesus did a bunch of miracles including casting out some demons
out of a guy. It says in Matthew 9:34 “The Pharisees said, ‘It is by the prince of
demons that Jesus drives out demons.’”
They’re attributing God’s work to Satan.
They’re saying He’s using occult tricks.
Satan is giving Him the power to do these things.
are they doing? They could not put down
what He had done. They couldn’t deny the
miracles. Everybody had seen them. They weren’t all deluded. Instead they maligned motives.
going to happen to you. When people
cannot deny your effectiveness they will attribute it to evil motivations. In other words, toxic people if they cannot
deny your actions, or attack your actions, then what they’re going to do is
malign your motivation. They do it all
the time. Jesus said you need to be
aware of this.
6. Guilt by
people love to do this. If you show
love, if you show kindness you’re just civil to someone who is on their bad
list, then you are by association bad. It could be anybody they don’t agree
with. Somebody from a different
political party, someone from a different religion, someone from a sinful
lifestyle. If you associate with them,
then you are bad by association.
in order to influence somebody you have to get close them. In order to reach someone you have to relate
to them.
at what happened to Jesus. The religious
establishment hated Jesus. One of the
reasons was He related to people they didn’t like. The Bible says this in Luke 15:2 “The Pharisees complained that Jesus was
associating with despicable people, even eating with them.” People loved Jesus because He reached out
to them.
some people, toxic people, hated Him for that very thing. Luke 7:34 they said about Jesus, “A drunken, a glutton, a friend of tax
collectors and sinners.” They
insulted Jesus, said things that weren’t even true about Him just because He
related to people they didn’t like.
that happened to you just because you reach out to someone that someone else
doesn’t like that is not a criticism.
Don’t take it that way. That is
one of the highest compliments you’re ever going to get. Guilt by association – that’s toxic.
7. Ridicule.
Jesus was ridiculed. He was put
down. He was slandered. He was made fun of in the crowds, even on the
cross. You can’t avoid it. So when you’re ridiculed, Proverbs 11:12 says
this “He who belittles and despises his
neighbor lacks sense.”
Little people belittle people. They want to
feel better about themselves. They want
to make themselves feel like they’re more important. So they belittle others. But great people make other people feel
great. They recognize the greatness of
God’s love and grace in their lives they’re able to share with others how great
God is and what a great life we can live in Him. That’s the difference.
is one of the signs of toxic faith, toxic people. Sort of the opposite of that is…
8. Flattery
a favorite tool of toxic people. They’ll
tell you wonderful things about yourself to get closer to you but you know why they
are doing it. Deep down you know that
it’s just because they want to get something from you. They don’t care about you. All they care about is getting close enough
to you to get what they want out of you.
They want to get their way.
That’s why they’re toxic.
Bible warns us again and again and again about flattery. Proverbs 26:28 “Flattery is a form of hatred and it wounds cruelly.” It may sound good at first but it wounds
cruelly. Flattery when it comes to
poison it is a poison that tastes good on the tongue but once you swallow it,
it can destroy your life.
16:18 “Such people are not serving Christ
our Lord. They’re serving their own
personal interest. By smooth talk and
flattery they deceive innocent people.” That’s
what’s so dangerous about flattery. It
deceives innocent people. People who are
trying to do the right thing. That’s why
it’s so toxic.
Bible says this in Proverbs 29:5 “Those
who give false praise to others are setting a trap for them.” Who’s trying to set a trap for you right now
by flattering you? Watch out.
9. Intimidation
and pressure.
who is always intimidating you, always pressuring you. That’s a toxic person. If you’re around someone and every time
you’re around them you feel defensive, like, “I have to be defending myself,” that is a sign that that is a
toxic person if you feel that way every time you are around them. Toxic people enjoy making you feel
defensive. It makes them feel better
about themselves.
Bible says this about Jesus and the Pharisees in Matthew 16:1 “The Pharisees were on Jesus again pressing
Him to prove Himself to them.” If
you’re around someone and you feel like every time I’m around this person I
have to prove myself to them again and again and again that’s a sign of a toxic
10. Gossiping
got to admit I can I go through the first nine and I think maybe none of these
are me. But when I get to gossiping
that’s all of us. You say, “I don’t gossip!” But you like to listen. It takes someone to talk and it takes someone
to listen to make gossip happen. We all
get involved in gossip and gossip is toxic.
Bible says in Proverbs 10:18 “Anyone who
spreads gossip is a fool.” Gossip is
toxic to faith. It’s toxic to
churches. Gossip has destroyed, ripped
apart, ruined more churches than all the false teaching ever taught put
together. It is toxic.
20:19 “Whoever goes about slandering
reveals secrets. Therefore do not
associate with anyone who gossips.”
So what turns people toxic? How does a healthy person become an unhealthy
person? How do you turn a person into a
1. The number
one cause of toxicity is envy.
and jealousy will rob your soul of joy.
Envy and jealousy is like taking cancer into your heart. When you see somebody – a friend or a family
member, a relative or somebody – and all of a sudden they’re succeeding and
you’re not and you get envious, you’re being set up to become toxic. You just need to be aware of it. The moment you allow envy into your heart,
toxicity has been planted.
you know what put Jesus Christ on the cross?
He was perfect. Jesus never hurt
anybody. So why did they kill the only
perfect person who ever lived?
Envy. The Bible says, “It was out of envy that they handed Jesus
over to Pilate.” The Pharisees, the
toxic religious people, could not stand the popularity of Jesus. The resented him. They got fearful of him.
Bible tells us in John 4 “When the
Pharisees heard that Jesus was gathering more converts than John the Baptist
and that He was baptizing more converts than John the Baptist they got
irritated by that.” Jesus never
baptized anybody but that’s the word that they heard. So they got indignant about it. The Bible tells us this, “When the Pharisees saw the wonderful things that Jesus did and they
heard the children shouting, ‘Hosanna!
Hosanna to the Son of David!’
They were indignant.” They
were envious. They got mad. They could not handle the success of others.
you handle the success of other people?
Can you rejoice with those who rejoice?
Or does it make you envious. If
you get envious you’re going to get toxic.
2. The second
thing that causes people to go toxic is money.
has made more people toxic than almost anything. I have seen money destroy relationships. I have seen money destroy marriages. How many people have won a lottery and then
three or four years later their life is a mess?
Because they could not handle what was given to them.
was a very generous person. “God so loved the world that He gave.” The Pharisees could not stand the fact that
Jesus had no interest in money. He said,
“A man’s life does not consist in the
abundance of things he possesses.” What did the Pharisees do with that? Luke 16:14 “When the Pharisees heard this they made fun of Jesus [They
ridiculed Him] because they loved money.”
You are to love people and you are to use money. Money is a
tool. If you love money, money becomes
toxic. Your value has nothing to do with your valuables. Your net worth has nothing to do with your
self-worth. The greatest things in life aren’t things. You make a living by what you get. But you make a life by what you give. It is only in giving your life away that you
learn to truly live.
said that the Pharisees were full of greed on the inside. The Bible says this in Ecclesiastes 7:7 “Even wise people are fools if they let
money change their thinking.”
3. The number
one thing that makes people toxic is bitterness.
Some people
carry hurts of their past for twenty, thirty, forty years. When you get bitter, when you don’t let the
grace of God into your life and you try to handle the problems all by yourself,
that makes you toxic.
Bible says this in Hebrews 12:15 “Be
careful that no one misses the grace of God
so that no root of bitterness
grows up among you.” It’s rooted in
your heart. And when it gets rooted in
your heart it makes trouble because it can poison a large number of
you ever seen bitterness poison a large number of people? It’s about the most contagious attitude there
is. You’ve all see where some aunt or
uncle in your family thirty years ago somebody did somebody wrong and they
never got over it. And they’re bitter
about it. Every time they come to the
family reunion they bring the bitterness with them.
Hurt people hurt people. When people
are hurting you, count on it. They’ve
been hurt. What they’re doing now is
they’re taking their hurt and transferring it over to you. I can’t tell you how many people have gotten
mad at me as a pastor not because I was the pastor but because they didn’t like
some other authority figure in their life and all of a sudden they just put it
all on me.
source is rejecting the grace of God.
And it’s contagious. The Bible
says this in the International Children’s Bible “Be careful that no one becomes like a bitter weed, growing up among
you. A person like that can ruin all of
are the FIRST STEPS you can take to
deal with the toxic people in your life?
What does Jesus do? You do what
Jesus did with the Pharisees, the toxic people of His day.
1. Realize it’s
not about you.
it’s not about you. When somebody is
toxic they’re going to try to blame it on you, they love to blame you for their
pain. But it’s not about you. It’s about them. As I said, you’re as happy as you choose to
be. Every time you blame somebody else
for your pain you spell blame b-lame. So every time you blame somebody else for
your unhappiness you’re being lame.
12:13 “If it is possible [If, not “it
is” but if] as far as it depends on you,
live at peace with everyone.” Circle
two phrases. Circle “if”. And circle “as far as it depends on
you.” Those are two amazing qualifiers. I don’t know if you’ve learned this yet but
it’s not always possible to live at peace.
There are some people no matter what you do they’re going to still poke
you in the eye. It doesn’t have anything
to do with you. It has to do with their
pain and their hurt.
want you to write down three statements.
This is going to be a great stress reliever for many of you. This is what God wants to say to you about
the toxic people in your life.
1. I didn’t create it.
other words I didn’t create their toxic behavior. It’s their choice. “I didn’t create it.”
2. I can’t control it.
can’t control anybody else’s behavior. You didn’t create their behavior and you
can’t control their behavior so don’t feel guilty and don’t worry about
3. I won’t change their behavior.
don’t have that ability. Don’t even try
to attempt it. When you’ve got a crazy
maker, when you’ve got a toxic person in your life, it’s a waste of time to try
to change them. Why? Because nobody changes until they decide to change. God can change them, you can’t. Pray for them, but don’t try to change them.
you didn’t create it, you can’t control it, and you’re not going to change
it. So realize it’s not about you.
2. A second step in dealing with toxic people is, If you
can, if it’s possible, disconnect and
let them go.
not talking about marriage in this message.
But I’m talking about people in your life who are causing you pain that
you don’t have to be around. You made no
commitment to them. You could
withdraw. This is a simple
solution. I’m going to give you a
solution from the only perfect person who ever lived, Jesus Christ. How did He handle toxic people in His life
who wanted to hurt Him?
“The Pharisees went out and they plotted [by the way have you noticed how bitter people like to
get together in groups? They all hang
out together and they support each other in their toxicity.] The Pharisees went out and they plotted how
they might kill Jesus. Aware of this
Jesus withdrew from that place.” Duh! They are plotting to kill Jesus there. Jesus said I don’t think I’ll go there.
not rocket science folks! You just don’t
have to show up where the toxic people are.
If you’ve got a toxic person in your life that keeps calling you, change
your number. If you’ve got somebody that
keeps emailing you, block that sender.
You’ve got somebody that shows up at Starbuck’s every time you’re there,
choose a new Starbuck’s. It’s real
simple. Jesus said “These are toxic people. They
mean to do Me wrong. I think I’ll just
withdraw from there.” He’s just
doing the right thing. You pull
back. You disconnect and you let them
go. Let them go!
you stop trying to live your life for the approval of other people. This is what Jesus said about people who get
offended unnecessarily, in a toxic way.
Jesus had been out speaking to a crowd and He said some very tough
things to the crowd. Jesus said this “The disciples came to Jesus and they asked,
‘Do You realize that You offended the Pharisees by what You just said?’ Jesus said ‘Ignore them. They’re blind guides leading the blind.’” He says some people are just
unpleasable. Some people He said “Ignore them. Get on with your life. They’re going to have another thing they are
upset about that’s next after that.”
3. The third
step: refuse to play their game.
of the Pharisees’ favorite games was to try to trick Jesus with questions. They used accusatory questions. They really don’t care about the answer. They’re just trying to get Jesus riled
up. You need to understand that Jesus
never let people manipulate Him with questions like that. He would not play their game.
an example: “Then the Pharisees met
together to think of a way to trap Jesus into saying something for which they
could accuse Him. But Jesus knew their
evil motives. ‘You hypocrites!’ He
said. ‘Who are you trying to fool with
your trick questions?’” I
understand these games that you’re playing.
I’m not going to fall for this trap.
they tried to get Jesus in a corner He refused to debate the Pharisees. He never would debate them. Usually when they asked Him a question, what
He would do is He’d ask them a question back and keep on walking. He just would not engage with toxic
people. He would not get hooked. He would not engage with them.
don’t have to either. The Pharisees come
to Jesus and say “Lord, why do Your
disciples break the traditions of the elders?” And Jesus said, “Why do you break the commands of God in order to fulfill your
traditions?” Next question? He did not go into any defense.
They came to Jesus one time and said, “Lord, the law says that anybody whose
caught in adultery should be stoned to death.
What do You say?” He could
have gotten into a real debate on that one.
He goes “Fine, whoever is without
sin gets to cast the first stone.”
Next question! He just wasn’t
going to let them hook Him. He just
would not play their game. He would
never back down.
Bible says these kind of toxic people love to argue. “Such a
person has an unhealthy desire to quibble over the meaning of words. This stirs up arguments ending in jealousy,
fighting, slander and evil suspicions.
These people always cause trouble.”
Don’t play their games.
the fourth key in dealing with the toxic people in your life…
4. Set
one can pressure you without your permission.
Nobody can pressure you without your permission! Nobody’s holding a gun to your head. You can listen to their expectations or you
cannot listen to them. The Bible says
that you need to learn to set boundaries.
let anybody enslave you to their expectations.
How many times in life have you done something you didn’t want to do,
when you didn’t have the time to do it, there wasn’t a good reason to do it, it
wasn’t really what you’re gifted to do.
But you did it because somebody had an expectation. You need to learn to say no to unrealistic
expectations. You need to set boundaries
in your life and don’t let people enslave you to their expectations.
5:1 “Freedom is what we have. Christ has set us free. Stand then as free
people and do not allow yourselves to become slaves again.” Don’t let any peer pressure put you back
into bondage. Christ set you free. You don’t have to live with the expectations
of others.
The last of these first
steps of dealing with toxic people is…
5. Live for an
audience of one.
Jesus said, “I’m not worried about what other people
think. I only do that which pleases My
Father which is in heaven.” If you
live for an audience of one and say “I’m
only going to worry about what God wants me to do,” then it will always be
the right thing. Instead of always
trying to please fifteen or twenty other people 1 Thessalonians 2 it says “We’re not trying to please men but God who
tests our hearts.” When you do that
you will find great relief from trying to please everybody else.
Here’s your choice. Do you want to live your life with toxic
religion? Or do you want to live your
life in a healthy relationship with God?
It’s your choice.
“Dear God, I don’t
want a toxic religion. But I want a
relationship with You. I want to know
Your truth and Your love and Your forgiveness and Your peace. Thank You for dying for me. Help me to understand it more. I want to learn to love You. I want to learn to trust You. Set me free from toxic religion and give me
the strength to deal with the toxic people in my life. I pray this in Your name. Amen.”
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